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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. Given that HG has the distro rights, if they want to release Blu-Rays of SDFM and DYRL, for which there is a demand, then they will have to go the source and pay BW for the source files. BW would of course charge them for that, so win for them there, and a win for HG as they would more then make their money back. As for Bandai VF-1s, HG would be foolish not allow their import. It would cost them nothing, but they would reap the rewards of applying the HG Tax to them, even if its say $10 per toy, that is potentially hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars they could reap from those who didn't want to import themselves, and it won't hurt BW in the least bit. Now, I would expect that a streaming platform will pick everything up first, and HG would be stupid to not port SDF and DYRL (remasters) over to the same platform. Again free and easy money for both sides. Now just to wait and see how things start to trickle in.
  2. So, If I am reading this correctly. We can get SDFM and DYRL BluRays and Merch, we will just have to pay the HG tax. Beyond that HG has no say. So we should be able to expect (not soon) any and all post DYRL books (translated), toys, series (Sub/dub), etc... For getting the DYRL/SDFM toys, I can see ways that Bandai/Arcadia could get around that. Mac+: VF-1J, Macross Refit, Nos-Ger, Monster Mac7 Millia VF-1J, and anything that showed up in their production of DYRL, all the civilian VFs and Destroids Macross F: VF-1A (from the school), VF-1A (Fire Valk scheme) Mac D: Training VF-1s I'm sure there are more that I am forgetting. It is a limited number, sure, and HG might cry foul, but they'll be taking in their HG tax on all other releases that go stateside.
  3. THis reminds me of the write up I did about how every Macross series is, as SK stated, a dramatization of the events and not the actual story.
  4. In the interim, are they any good other stands that are still available?
  5. Oops, it was ToyCom, not Sunwest. Maybe we can see a revival. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/ads/toycomad.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/ads/ToycomadbackcoverToyfare.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/ads/toycomad01.jpg
  6. The RLAM has me curious. And I wonder if something regarding that brought BW to the table. Maybe an actual, script, director and cast have been selected that BW can get behind. Plus, if the RLAM focuses just on the Macross portion of RT, then it wouldn't be that hard to redub the names and rewrite keys scenes for Japanese export. If done right, they could basically get two movies in one.
  7. This point actually has me wondering the most. SOme of us old timers remember when the Macross Plus toys were first about to hit, the OG 1:72s. HG had a sort of deal with Bandai and Yamato to allow the creation of a subsidiary company, Sunwest IIRC, to distribute the Valks stateside. HG would have their sticker on the boxes and get a cut. Things were going well then relatively last minute HG pulled the plug on the deal because they figured they could get more money by making and selling their own toys, which, of course, kicked off the bigger legal battle. I wonder if they might revisit that deal, allow distro of all Macross products, so long as they get their cut. It just remains to be seen if those HG stickers will only go on SDF and DYRL based merch or all.
  8. If this is a joke.... Let's have our resident legal experts wade in on this, but if I can get proper Stateside Blu-Ray and toy releases, woohoo!!!
  9. Not so much replace but supplement with a lower cost (procurement, operation, maintenance, etc...) aircraft. The new SeAF realizes that Stealth is pretty much a one trick pony. It is most usable for initial strikes and operations, but once war gets into the thick, the extensive maintenance and compromised aerodynamics and carriage capacity make stealth of lower utility. If the F-36 concept lives up to the plan, then you'll be able to buy 4-5 for the cost of a single F-35, and have each of them conduct two operations for every one the F-35 can conduct due to Mx downtime, all using the same core technology, but in a more robust, easier maintained airframe. It's also not unlike 1950s jets, just stretched out in terms of time frame. Here's the latest and greatest jet, but oh wait its a maintenance nightmare, and here's a new design that is just as advanced but maybe more traditional in design that can do the job better for a lower cost.
  10. It's basically speculation based on SecAFs comments on what they want to replace the F-35. An F-16XL based aircraft is not a bad guess really.
  11. Knight26

    V-BR-2 ...

    Great start, as for the gap between the engines, that could be anything, on the lineart one side looks like thrusters, and the other vents. I would go with reactor vents myself, or rear firing missile launchers since it is an intereceptor: Run in, fire, flip and burn away and fire more missiles.
  12. No it wouldn't. You'd be seeing 5Gen+ Tech in an actually useable airframe that harkens back to the 4Gen+. While the plane has stealthy features, they are not at the expense of actual performance. ANd while it might look like an F-16XL (which is a good thing) it would be a 5Gen+ airframe through and through from the materials, to the avionics, sensors, weapon, all of it. Even the new F-15EX is a far different aircraft then anything other F-15 out there, and will outperform the F-22 in every area other than stealth.
  13. Here's what I REALLY DON'T GET. Tatsunoko is a much bigger and more powerful company then HG, no matter how you look at it. Since Tatsunoko is the legal owner of the international merch and film rights, why do they put up with HGs BS? More than that, Bandai has a vested interest in seeing Macross getting more worldwide distribution, so with the license coming due any day now, why don't they work a deal with each other? I'm sure Bandai would cut Tatsunoko a much better deal then HG.
  14. We used to have quite a few fansubbers, but that has died down in recent years because of streaming services that offer near simulcast subs. Yes, for older more obscure anime it can be harder to find, so I am not sure where to look there, but I am sure the resources are out there.
  15. 1:28, that is a wierd freaking scale. 1:18 would make more sense, but eh...
  16. I'd bet that Hasbro told Funko, "let HG come, we'll stomp them."
  17. Late to the party on this one, I don't check this thread often, but that is not even close to 1:60 scale. The J-20 is a beast of an airplane at 20m in length. The VF-1 is roughly 14.25m. Since that is it next to a 1:72 VF-1, it should be almost 25% longer, which it is clearly not. I would hazard that if that VF-1 is 20cm long, then that toy is maybe 22-23cm long, which would make it about 1:90 scale, if it were the same length of the VF-1, it would work out to 1:100 scale. To be 1:72 scale the toy would have to be about 28cm long, and 1:60, 34cm, somewhere between the VF-0 and SV-51 in size.
  18. Looks like Zone of Enders LEV and a Macross YF-21/VF-22 had a drunken night together. What scale does it come out to be? With some refinement it could, almost, fit in the Macross-verse.
  19. Looks so much better now, too bad I never give any money to HG, wouldn't mind it otherwise.
  20. When this is completed I would be more than happy to buy the STLs and build my own to match the 1:18 fighters from my books that I am planning to print.
  21. Apparently the book offers even less clues about what happened to the Earth. Most of the reviews are glowing except for those looking for an actual Science Fiction novel as those reviews indicated that the science was virtually non-existent and was was there had the same, or worse, holes then the movie.
  22. Hmm, not sure why it won't post. Here is the image from MMM. http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/vf-1d-valkyrie/colorcode-vf1d.gif Compared to the VF-1A http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/vf-1a-valkyrie/colorcode-vf1a.gif
  23. How the heck did I miss that? That is awesome, love it.
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