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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. Wake me when Funimation releases a Blu-Ray of SDF based on the Bandai release.
  2. Gerwalk being an unintentional, "hey look at this feature that we get mid transformation" would really mean that omitting it wouldn't save much, if any cost. The biggest savings there would be in control programming. However, as I said, the most complicated parts of the valkyrie (and therefore some of the most expensive) would be the arms, hands and hips, so getting rid of battroid mode would be the more economical route for a "low cost" VF. If the only think that moves are the legs, and maybe the gunpod on a flex mount, then the costs would be far lower.
  3. Looks great. Can barely see the Gundam in it anymore.
  4. Yes, but the SDFM streaming release be based on the RT BD or the Bandai BD?
  5. Who cares about a RoboCrap BD release? Let's get a stateside Macross BD/streaming release based on the Bandai masters.
  6. How accurate are the physics in this sim? i.e. If one could build these to scale and slap in the requisite hardware, would they actually fly? Or is this one of those sims that you feed in the stats and it follows them instead of the sim analyzing the design to real time simulate the performance (like X-Plane)?
  7. What book?
  8. I wonder what the chances are that we'll ever see the "lost valkyries" in some form of fashion. Things like the VF-5/6/7 etc... I'm not even saying as hero valks, but more like background craft, kind of like what we got in Macross Plus with the VF/A-14 and VF-17 (D/T) in the background. I remember years ago we even discussed whether one the line of VF-11 back ends in one shot were actually one of the single engine valkyies. I'd love to see some of those show up as characters were doing something like walking through an air museum or airpark at a base. On that note, what do we think of the idea that some of the "low cast" variable fighters might not be able to transform into battroid mode and be akin to the Mac-II Gerwalkroid, or the Orguss Bronco-II. It seems like the most complex features of any valkyrie would be the Hands/arms, hips, and heads. So if the VFs were limited to Fighter and Gerwalk mode only that would cut the development and maintenance costs significantly for the "poorer, and lower risk" colony worlds. Anyway, just a thought.
  9. Ugh, Brofessor. So, the idea that Zentraedi ships are based on sea creatures, whales especially, isn't that crazy an idea. Even the Croc example could be where the inspiration for the ship's overall shapes came from. Where it goes off the rails is with the Power Armors. Sure, they have some decidedly "masculine" and "feminine" features, but that is likely more due to their need to quickly differentiate them on a small screen. This theory also does not account for the Meltrandi Ships seen in DYRL and onwards, which had a decidedly more burtalist, hard lines and edges, appearance to them. Brofessor likes to look at things from a particular angle, a particularly modern angle, that doesn't necessarily represent the reality of the time in which the series was created. It is a failing of many young academics, in that they cannot remove themselves from the modern way of thinking to look at a subject from the time period in which was created. So much societal change has occurred between the inception of Macross and today, that adjusting ones thinking to fit the time and understanding the thinking of the time is almost akin to looking back 100 years or more. I say that, and I grew up in that time.,
  10. Oh boy did I open a can of worms here. Someone posted an early version of this on the Macross Fan Central FB Page, and I posted a later one, now everyone is asking me for the source file, despite saying that I pulled it from here. Ugh.
  11. This is the seller, lucked out that he was local. He still has one. https://www.facebook.com/groups/macrossbuysell/permalink/3880705122024709/?sale_post_id=3880705122024709
  12. Especially when you consider it was a Limited Edition, I mean, how many were even produced? @Graham was there ever an official number given?
  13. Nice, is he offering those for sale?
  14. Except I know I didn't sell it to him, don't remember who it did go to, but I know it wasn't him. Still stoked.
  15. Not only a unicorn, but a prodigal son returning. I was in the OG Low Vis Owner's Club back in the day. Unfortunately I had to sell it when my ex destroyed our finances. I found a local dealer who had two of them, worked with him before at a couple of toyshows and cons. Imagine my surprise when I opened it and found my mark on the inner tab. My baby is home.
  16. Would have to look it up, but as Biomaster stated, to get it into syndication, was that they needed minimum episode count and each show individually did not meet that. Thing is, had HG properly sold the idea of it being more of an anthology series (harder to do at the time) then their original plan of using "Robotech" as a platform to regionalize and syndicate mecha anime in the US then we likely never would have had the animosity towards HG and Robotech in general. People would just see HG/Robotech in the same light that we see Manga or Funimation, as the US distributor of the various properties, taking a bit off the top of every imported piece of merch as well.
  17. If Robotech had followed the format it was supposed to we would have gotten a lot of mecha shows brought over to US shore much sooner. BTW the original plan for Robotech was much like the old Shogun Warriors on Showtime. Robotech would have been the banner that all the shows were released under. All totally unconnected beyond featuring different Mecha Anime. So, if HG had followed that plan we could have potentially seen the following: Robotech Annual Releases 1984: SDFM, SDCSC, GCM 1985: Votoms, MS Gundam, Macross DYRL (theatrical release) 1986: God Mars, Go Shogun 1987: SPT Laznyr, L-Gaim, Dunbine And so on. Basically they would have become Manga Entertainment before Manga became a thing. At that point, I'm sure the various anime houses, and even BW itself would take notice and start pushing for more, possibly even more Macross earlier.
  18. They're transparent acrylic book stands. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FQXLCD5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  19. Weird, showing up fine on my end, even from my phone.
  20. I want one of these, but know that my building and finishing skills are not up to the task,
  21. I really like that flight suit on Misa, the extra bits and pieces make it feel much more real.
  22. Is it just me, or are the wrists connected really wierd?
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