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Everything posted by Knight26

  1. Other than the one shot, what is not kid friendly in your opinion?
  2. Is it just an add on or will it be a whole new kit? I won't even ask about the cost.
  3. Eh, yes and no. We discussed something along these lines when I was at Edwards. Some theories regarding IR stealth, laser reflection, and other possible options.
  4. While I am not a fan of the VF-25, I will get this one if I can convince one of my local shops to stock and sell it to me.
  5. So they finally did it.
  6. I really want a domestic US release of the Japanese Blu-Ray, with English subs of course. I have a super hard time justifying $400+ (lowest price I have seen) for the set right now. These latest examples just prove how little work Funimation and HG are willing to put into this.
  7. The sensor packages of the HMM-01 and even the RMS-01 (nukes) was always a curiosity to me. I always assumed that the larger missiles were active radar but that the micros were either IR or laser guided, possibly passive radar. Packing multiple sensors into a single weapon is, problematic, at best. Modern missiles use one primary sensor and then a proximity fuse, anything more than that and you invite additional sources of failure. Onto the warheads, space based missiles would likely carry additional ablative material in order to facilitate a shockwave in vacuum, without filling space with additional high speed shrapnel. A plasma based warhead, fueled by onboard oxidizer, could prove effective in a short range, without creating additional space debris. That's not to say that there wouldn't be something akin to modern blast fragmentation bands in the warhead, but and additional umph always helps.
  8. We had a discussion similar to this at one of the earliest MWCons (2002, or 2003 IIRC). I pointed out that Macross missiles, especially the Micro-Missiles, are chonky boys when compared to real world missiles, shorter for sure, but seriously wide. For a space use missile that makes sense, Aerodynamics are not a real concern, but the need for additional fuel and a far larger warhead mandate a larger missile. A modern Sidwinder is 12.7 cm in diameter 3.02m in length and an AMRAAM 17.7cm 3.6m in length. That makes the "Micro-missile" 2-3x the diameter of modern A-A missiles, but at a 1/3 of the length. The dimensions are closer to those of a dumb bomb with none of the aerodynamics.
  9. YEs, but do those masters still exist? Yes, that sequence is amazing and I wish they had left it in the movie. I think there was a fan edit back in the day that cut it and other scenes back into the movie, and or cut the movie bits back into the OVA.
  10. While the Macross Plus dub is one of the better dubs out there, the subs are still better. Also the dub is pretty much lost at this point. Manga Entertainment has long since perished, and therefore the dub would have to be ripped from old VHS or DVD copies, which would be sub par at best, and would be terrible in a theatre. Plus they would have to resynced to whatever master these are being played from, which, hopefully, is the Blu-Ray or a remaster of the original film reels.
  11. I purchased the tickets for the boys and I. Wait, you won't see it because it is the sub?
  12. Based on those screens, I would say that the main hangar is under the rear fantail, much like on Space BattleShip Yamato.
  13. Someone get this man the Plamax 1/20 VF-1. Let him work his magic there.
  14. How have I missed this thread? THis is awesome and coming along great.
  15. I found it to be a pretty faithful adaptation to the first half of the book. I had no major issues with it. It blows the Lynch travesty out of the water. To be fair, Lynch did get one thing right, the inner monologues that are throughout the book. IMs are a pain to put on screen.
  16. And that's your opinion, but it seems like a pretty respectful adaptation at this point, keeping the varying tone of the show and filling in gaps between the established stories, maybe retelling some of the existing. Is it a full remake/reimagining? Maybe, we will see. It looks great to me, but I am reserving final judgement until it releases and I can watch actual episodes.
  17. Pseudo-intellectual clap trap that will let you win pop-psychology buzzword bingo in the first paragraph.
  18. Overpriced for sure, with giant ugly seems, but I like that all the removable bits are held on with magnets instead of clips that would eventually break.
  19. Quite likely, that was my other guess, especially after looking at the Battroid mode. Those weird RGB neon lines and color saturation though make it harder to make out the details.
  20. What I am finding interesting is that the video shows it with a quad-wing layout, but the mag scan is a twin wing. Makes me wonder if what we see in the video is a variant, if the second set of wings/engines are FAST Packs, or if the magazine scan is an early concept. I am definitely getting a Variable Glaug crossed with VF-14 vibe out of it.
  21. I must have missed something in the trailer, the pilot of the Blue YF-29 is most certainly a Jenius, but are we sure it is Max? Could it be, maybe, his grandson? As others have pointed out, he would be well into his 70s at this point, and I have yet to see anything in Macross about anti-aging treatments. Plus, he doesn't look all that old, and had BLONDE hair. Max has always been depicted with blueish/black hair.
  22. I have been using these clear acrylic book stands. https://smile.amazon.com/Boloyo-Displaying-Pictures-Notebooks-Artworks/dp/B08T7ZNJW3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=18YPELDPQEGE3&dchild=1&keywords=book+holder+clear+acrylic&qid=1631304137&sprefix=book+holder+clear+a%2Caps%2C251&sr=8-1
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