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Everything posted by Soundwave.ca

  1. I prefer the 1/48's myself, always thought the 1/60's were kinda small for the VF-1's. I have a 1/48 Roy and Max and they have no issues at all.
  2. Yeah I'm currently on the hunt for a VF-0S myself. My brother has a couple of VF-0's on display and they do look pretty impressive, though the 0A is a little too plain for my tastes. And yes I have to pimp out the VF-0D as well, one can hope that they will one day release that bad boy as well.
  3. Looks pretty cool, was thinking about this toy for a wile but I think I will pass for now. Cool but the $250 or so needed to buy it is too rich for my blood right now. Good enough sale comes along I might pick it up eventually though. Love the figures you can put on the deck of the ship thats too awesome
  4. VF-11B for sure.
  5. Should have a selection of Macross related goods as well, picked up a 1/48 Max last year http://www.80stoyexpo.com/ http://www.tfcon.ca/ The 2010 Canadian 80s Toy Expo will join day 2 of the TFcon dealer room July 18th, 2010 at the Doubletree International Plaza Hotel Toronto Airport - 655 Dixon Road, Toronto, Ontario. Feature attractions: - Canada's Largest Dealer Room for 80s Toy related Merchandise (the TFcon dealer room will be expanded on the Sunday to make way for A HUGE SELECTION OF VINTAGE 80s TOYS AND ALL THE LATEST RELEASES FROM TODAY) - Guest Question and Answer Panels and Autograph Sessions - Costume Contest and Discussion Panels
  6. Already ordered a YF-21 with the free shipping, just wish they had this price with the Christmas clearance sale
  7. Yeah I have to say it's probably a blessing in disguise as I've just spent a crapload of money as it is and need a bit of a break. Plus I can add this to my VF-27 order.
  8. I can believe it, I lived in Alberta for 10 years and had all sorts of crazy Canada Post experiences lol
  9. Well I got this package from Overdrive finally, despite taking 2 weeks to ship I'm still pretty happy. Big thing I'm impressed with is they had the wherewithal to mark it at a low value ($40) and breezed through Canada customs. Will definitely try these guys again, hopefully the long delay in shipping was an isolated incident.
  10. Gotcha, thanks for the info.
  11. Yamato: - 1/60 YF-19 - 1/60 VF-19 Doublenuts - 1/60 VF-11B - 1/60 YF-21 - 1/60 VF-22S - 1/48 VF-1J Max Super Valkyrie - 1/48 VF-1S Roy Fokker (DYRL) - 1/60 SV-51r Nora - 1/60 SV-51r Ivanov - 1/100 Konig Monster - 1/60 Tomahawk Destroid Bandai: - 1/60 VF-25G Messiah Mikhail Custom - 1/60 VF-25F Messiah Alto Custom
  12. Yeah I sent them a message about it, sent payment through instant Paypal so there should be no problems there on my end.
  13. Spoke too soon I guess, been almost a week and my order from Overdrive still says "pending" even though I already paid.
  14. After picking up the Tenjin Hidetaka art works book in Japan I would have to say the VF-0D for sure. I'm not a huge fan of the VF-0's but that is one sexy bird!
  15. I can respect the shipping thing as being in Canada I know how expensive it can get, at the same time cutting deals on shipping with Macross toys is definitely a big incentive. One thing that will hold me back from making online Macross buys is finding out I have to pay $50+ in shipping. As far as Overdrive VS HLJ goes I currently have a SV-51 Nora on the way from them so we'll see, I love fast shipping but I'm hoping I dont get hit up with customs charges (again Canada and all). HLJ wile reliable can get expensive with shipping, and I get slightly annoyed with them as it takes a week to process and ship most orders so it's almost 2 weeks for delivery from them. And again I've been hit up pretty bad with them with customs charges so the overall cost of dealing with HLJ gets pretty crazy.
  16. Toronto Ontario Canada
  17. Got mine earlier in the week and no issues here, but hot damn I do love this toy, definitely my favorite Macross toy out of the few I do own. The VF-11b was always my favorite and I'm finally glad to have a toy to replace the 1/72 version. Having played around with it for a few days now I really cant think of a single complaint to log against it as it's pretty much perfect in every way. Here's hoping the VF-25 is just as good as I have one of those bad boys on the way now
  18. Man I cant wait to get mine from HLJ, just pure win right there!
  19. Wow just Wow! These are some amazing collections people have here just awesome stuff.
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