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Everything posted by Soundwave.ca

  1. I lol'd pretty hard at that one
  2. Wile I have no plans on selling anything from my Macross collection anytime soon and is a lineup that should remain reletivly consistent for the distant future, if I had to narrow it down to a select few I would say: - Bandai DX Chogokin 1/60 Koeing Monster - Yamato 1/60 VF-0S w/Ghost Booster - Yamato 1/60 VF-11B
  3. Finally finished putting together the SDF-1 (which BTW is not all that bad just time consuming) and I'm pretty happy with this piece. IMO it's Yamato's most solid Macross release to date, which unlike some of Yamato's other releases, as far as I can tell the SDF-1 is pretty much flawless. Only other Yamato Macross toy I own that's this solid and perfect is the VF-11. For something that could have ended up being a real disaster Yamato really pulled out all the stops on this one. What I like about this toy is it really feels like something you can manhandle without the worry of anything breaking or flopping around. Detailing and articulation are excellent as well, legs in attacker mode could have a little more range of motion for my tastes but all things considered this is a minor quibble. My only real complaint is the price as for $350-400 you feel like your overpaying for a toy that in all honestly kinda feels like a brick. Now I know people will argue over the whole "brick" thing and in many ways calling it a brick is not doing this toy justice as it's not a brick in the same way, as let's say Star Convoy's a brick, but compared to other toys the SDF-1 is more of a display piece then other Macross toys. This is not by any means a bad thing as the SDF-1 itself was intended to be a lumbering ship in space that transformed into a robot. But it's something people have to be aware of considering the price point of this figure and is really only intended for the super-hardcore Macross fans, especially the fans of DYRL. For the price the only thing I would have really liked to have seen included with this release was similar to what Bandai did with the Quarter and include miniature versions of various other craft from Macross such as a few VF-1's, Destroid's, and or course the Konig Monster. This IMO is the only thing that I really feel is missing as I would have loved to have some mini Destroid's and some Monsters to put on the hull in cruiser mode. While I am not the biggest fan of the Macross Quarter the one aspect of that release I really appreciated was the inclusion of those mini VF-25's and the Monster which was pretty awesome. If Yamato ever does the TV version of the SDF-1 I really hope this is something they would include, or even as a separate add-on pack. Anyway just my 2 cents. At the end of the day I would say if your a fan of DYRL and have been waiting for a high quality SDF-1 this toy is a must, though if you meet this criteria you probably own this toy already. For those still on the fence I still think it's worth picking up, though if you haven't pulled the trigger already my advice is to probably wait for a sale of some sort. By the looks of it shops like HLJ have been getting consistent restocks of this toy so it does not look like the supply is going to dry up anytime soon despite shops having a hard time keeping it in stock initially due to the high demand. So hopefully all the fans currently on the fence can eventually get this guy for less as wile I feel it's over-priced at $350-400 I would say this toy is a no-doubter if it ever dips down to the $250-300 mark (or less).
  4. Just hope HLJ ships it out quick and doesn't take a week to ship like most of what I've ordered from them has. Cant wait though, saw a few pages online and this book looks amazing.
  5. That is amazing work dude!
  6. AmiAmi finally shipped out my order While I agree with many that it's overpriced and I also would have preferred the TV version, I'm still happy I ordered this, especially looking at it next to the Quarter. My only complaints are it's a little smaller then I anticipated and the "some assembly required" aspect kinda sucks as I really have issues with assembly, particularly if there's gluing pieces together. Still, all in all I'm very excited. Also awesome review Graham! It's going to come in handy when it arrives as I will need a guide to help me assemble this bad boy.
  7. I've never understood the big deal over packaging, the only reason I keep some of the packaging is for storage purposes, I'm interested in the toy not the box it came in.
  8. Meh as far as I'm concerned all a box is good for is decorating the inside of a recycling bin. Otherwise I cant wait for this
  9. Good to know, was getting worried about it for a wile as that's going to be a huge hit to the wallet.
  10. I have to agree, I have the current one on order regardless as I want an SDF-1, but I would definitely prefer to own a 100% TV accurate version if they did one.
  11. Soundwave.ca


    I'm not surprised Zero is not that popular as that OVA is pretty rough, heck a lot of Macross fans I know wish it never existed. What really sucks though is even though that OVA is pretty bad (IMO) Zero has probably my favorite mech design's out of any Macross show, and there's not a single one I don't like. The VF-0A/S and the SV-51 are probably my favorite Macross toys sitting on my shelve (aside from the 11B which is my hands down favorite) and I own multiples of each. It sucks the VF-0D wont make it as it's by far and away my favorite Valk design of all time On that sidenote does anybody have the Hasegawa model of the 0D? Any good? As much as I hate building models it looks like I'll have to resort to it
  12. The Double Nuts is my favorite of the YF-19's. I got the first YF-19 when it first came out and was kinda disappointed, had lots of QC issues and just felt kinda "meh" overall. I picked up the Double Nuts last year when I was in Japan last year and was really impressed. Solid quality, and I much prefer the clean white look to it and the blue accents. Bird of Pray is good too but I prefer the blue over the orange but that's just me, between those it really comes down to personal preference and cant go wrong with either.
  13. 1. 1/60 VF-11B 2. DX Chogokin Macross Frontier VB-6 Koenig Monster 3. 1/60 VF-0S 4. 1/60 SV-51r Nora 5. 1/48 VF-1S DYRL Roy Fokker w/Strike Parts
  14. Collection has changed a bit so my updated list would be as follows: Yamato: - 1/60 VF-11B - 1/60 VF-11C - 1/60 VF-19 Doublenuts - 1/60 YF-21 - 1/60 VF-22S - 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru Ichijo (DYRL) - 1/48 VF-1S Roy Fokker (DYRL) - 1/60 VE-1 Elint Seeker (Ver 2) - 1/60 VF-0S - 1/60 VF-0A - 1/60 QF-2200D-B Ghost Booster - 1/60 SV-51r Nora - 1/60 SV-51r Ivanov - 1/100 Konig Monster Bandai: - 1/60 VF-25G Messiah Mikhail Custom - 1/60 VF-27r Lucifer Brera Sterne Custom - DX Chogokin VB-6 König Monster - DX Chogokin Macross Quarter Also have the Toynami 1/60 Regult.
  15. Was going to post pretty much the same thing, I don't hate a lot of Macross toys but I hated these. It was because the 1/72 YF-21 that I hated that design for so many years, now because of the newer Yamato VF-22's etc... I love it. I don't care for the 1/60 VF-1's much either, I don't hate them but I go for the 1/48's when I buy a VF-1. Only 1/60 VF-1 I do own is the Elint Seeker for obvious reasons.
  16. Yeah I just came back from Japan and it had just come out, not very Macross heavy but lots of amazing art nonetheless, especially if your into Gundam and Votoms. Guy does amazing work, I would highly recommend that Valkyries book if your looking into picking up a Macross artbook.
  17. Wont know until the Bandai Monster comes out but right now it's the VF-11B for sure which has always my favorite Macross Valk design. Close runner up though has to be the SV-51r Nora, despite it's flaws it's still a jaw dropping piece in my eye's.
  18. Picked up one of these from a local comic shop for $30 the other day and I have to say despite my general hatred for Toynami products this is pretty darn awesome. It's a great representation of the Regult especially for the price and its the perfect size too and fits in nicely on the shelves with the rest of my Macross stuff. Would definitely recommend this for those on the fence or thinking about picking it up, for $30-ish it's a good buy IMO. Now all we need is a Glaug to go along with it
  19. I acutally like Mylene's character design, I would like to pick this up but would not want to spend more then $30 on it which is typically my golden rule on any anime girl figure.
  20. Really like the new colors on the movie edition Quarter, will be a long wile before I pick this up though if I decide to actually take the plunge. Not that I dont want to but considering the price and all the other Valks coming out this year it's low on the list right now. But yeah looks pretty awesome in black no question.
  21. I would be interested to know as well, I know the VF-22S Gamlin was limited but that's about it.
  22. Mine is on the way so I'm pretty happy I'm glad were getting the clean white on this one, will fit in perfectly beside my VF-22S and YF-19 Double Nuts.
  23. Yeah I paid MSRP for an opened 0S so he commands a huge secondary market price. Glad I got the ghost booster though, was originally going to pass on it. Still glad there doing a reissue though even though I bought an opened one, I might spring for a second one to display in robot mode and I want to pick up a 0A as well so it's all good. I just hope the QC on these is solid though considering the history of this figure.
  24. Will be interesting to see what the new molds are, probably a good thing though as I'm looking to slow down a bit. Guess it's too much to hope for a VF-0D.
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