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  1. By the time I noticed the game, it was out of service and it was difficult to get a full client pack I once got characters from reddit, some 3D models of character &VF fighters This character asset requires Unity Assets Bundle Extractor https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BXK_DzIOxqA_JLgPAwAUvbLZxytLkPnv/view?usp=sharing
  2. The location of the fortress is(Do_you_rember_love\fileset_do_out\data\arms\bdl)
  3. In the unpacked game files, you can often see some content that does not appear in the actual game. I think this may be an oversight in the development process. For example, there are several strange treasure chests in the PSV macros game files. In the resource package I released, some MDL will read and report errors. I tried using another tool How to use: 1. Place the MDL file that needs to be converted in the xentax folder 2. Select [PS3]Macross 30(Beta) in the top box 3. Click OK after specifying the output location. 4. --------------------------- Question --------------------------- Process DAT (archive) files? Click 'No' if you have already done so. --------------------------- (No) --------------------------- --------------------------- Question --------------------------- Process FST (archive) files? Click 'No' if you have already done so. --------------------------- (No) --------------------------- --------------------------- Question --------------------------- Process GFP (texture) files? Click 'No' if you have already done so. --------------------------- (No) --------------------------- --------------------------- Question --------------------------- Process MDL (model) files? Click 'No' if you have already done so. --------------------------- (Yes) --------------------------- 5. .obj .mtl .smc .txt will be generated in the folder 2018-02-23.7z
  4. I re-exported the MACROSS game on the PS3 platform There are still some MDL files that cannot be read. Trial_frontier https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zvN-c5tpQ8pz_xTdGHgAo9tO_0t5Gvlx/view?usp=sharing macross_30 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nkx7JdI_rIKSBvTfVQzwZsXEPCOy4A22/view?usp=sharing last_forntier https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qf_DjNj1GUT7a-v-r060WqCbx-y9DL4q/view?usp=sharing Do_you_rember_love https://drive.google.com/file/d/15wxr_6d6gKWMhO3yEB0EDQQmZqdrlEOT/view?usp=sharing Macross-30-Blender-Model-Importer https://github.com/GreenTrafficLight/Macross-30-Blender-Addon
  5. There have been recent advances in 3D model resource acquisition, which may be what you need. Although they are low-poly, they serve as a very good basis for further refinement. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F0dQy1OqJFqMb75bhxSmqQut2EAMeGrj/view?usp=sharing I'm also slowly building a large Macross ship. That the proportions of the structure they made were incorrect, so I tried it myself.
  6. I'm afraid you know that my focus is on macross battleships, and I have been quite negligent in VF, but I hope this will save a lot of ineffective and painful work. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ya_2mY8NfwkCur7hpqVrxSyhgoWytZHL/view?usp=sharing
  7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nqjfbBmtOJCCEXgpVVHlOVH25yHS3ILb/view?usp=sharing This resource pack has ripper most of the 3D models, but there are still errors in some large maps. please enjoy.
  8. It's shame that the export tool doesn't have this functionality, not perfect. .mdl file is the 3Dmodel. .tbl file cannot be read.
  9. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Chb0cnEqm6RDXNQgk_QyE4wJnr91cAFJ/view?usp=drive_link I only found this one.
  10. If you have screenshots of the characters that appear in the macross 30 game, I might be able to find the 3D files. I think it took time to search, but more time I spent building Battle Astraea.
  11. https://cults3d.com/en/search?q=MACROSS I'm not sure if these are what you need
  12. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j-6Jb-PT-a1vFuqX1iyZ9JfNNzl6-Amg/view?usp=drive_link 3D models still need many edit work to print, right?
  13. island ship https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TH-vLT6V3dOewvsW2CPCR2yYmX6fPqTO/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/15zX0goAvvfs20B5SuqYEuMmlzX-_N5-c/view?usp=sharing
  14. Deneb class https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uoYL1t07QMTiwE6WZyzAk942zOlyvHfa/view?usp=sharing
  15. My speculation is that some files use different encryption formats and will be skipped For example, NUNS_maizuru carrier that cannot be extracted from "macross trial frontier" And some maps cannot be extracted during "Macross Delta: Scramble" This is all game resource that can be extracted from the "macross 30". You can search for it. https://pan.baidu.com/s/1t52il63SDNmX3q3A49Z5jw DL PASS:ab7i
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