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Giant Robo

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I just stumbled across the GTC legacy project page and I can not tell you the happy memories this story has brought back! I remember ordering model kits GTC around 83-85 and calling Ron through out that time and asking a just about every question under Gods green earth about the kits that I was interested in. I remember first finding the GTC ad in the back of a StarLog magazine and ordering my first catalog and just pouring over all the cool Japanese model kits. I also remember waiting and waiting for my orders and when they show up it was like Christmas, I also remember my friends always asking where was I getting these cool model kits from?? Thank you for for this and a big thanks to the guys from Wise Guys Hobbies for providing these kits to the public again. Also its sad to hear that Ron Downing has fallen ill, but I'm sure that it must bring a smile to his face knowing the joy that his business brought to so many of us here in the US. Thank you Mr. Ron Downing!!
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