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Everything posted by Spark-O-Matic

  1. Dairy Queen Milk Shake Editions. ( Hot Eats & Cool Treats!)😁
  2. I would like to see a red version replacing the orange.
  3. Nice! cute anime with cat ears always a winner!🙂
  4. Japan needs to return to being an independent country without the west. As the Elites in the west are upset with them I think many Japanese brands will bring them back home to japan in the next 10 years. What's the difference between DYRL and TV?
  5. I want the Banana Milkshake Version.
  6. I completely understand your position myself and it seems very logical. Nothing wrong with passing toys on to the next guy and trying to get what you want out of them.
  7. CDL might look look ok imo but it's not the same quality as Nicee, Nicee has quality joints and a really nice paint job.
  8. Indeed, and hopefully they can all retire now.
  9. You all complain, but secretly love it you all crave it when good old bandai comes by to feed you all your next meal.
  10. Check this big boy out! Looking forward to seeing someone customizing it. lots of potential with this one?. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wPWqAG2hcNQ
  11. Some really nice ones this time. Liking how they did a better job dealing with chromias wheels, hopefully a 3rd party comes to the rescue to plug the swiss cheese holes.
  12. Good catch, I didn't even see a matchbox logo.
  13. HG has a new CEO, the founder died last year. I thought that might bring changes lol foolish me. The more things change the more they stay the same.
  14. I'm not an expert and certainly one will pop in to help but I can say from the clues to help narrow something's down. Sticker sheet says Robotech so it's unlikely made in Japan. No trademarks or promotional branding likely means it's unlikely legit. SDF does not have the names Macross or Robotech Uses, that is another clue it is unauthorized. If I had to guess it was made in Taiwan or Korea in the late 1980's early 1990's It's still possible it's legit somehow if the seller just licensed it for a different market or repackaged it from legit stock. Whatever it is it looks nice, has some nice quality aspects. Worth keeping and maybe displaying.
  15. I've been waiting forever for updates for her and one just dropped on the butterfly a Gundam Inspired Fembot, She is looking incredible, she looks fancy and delicate but very deadly at the same time. I'm just really loving the whole color package on this one. She is 1/72 so she will look great next to my Red Gundam Goddess that's also made by CangDao.
  16. Really digging that one! liking the gold accents too
  17. If it does come out I hope someone can make some stickers to help it look more G1 accurate. it looks good, but not as good as some of the custom ones done I've seen using genuine arcadia valks
  18. As real as hens teeth
  19. Well that might be as at that time CNC machines were cutting edge and mostly used for military use so everything was tooled by hand. that would explain why the Jetfire mold received some minor added details but no revisions or reductions in the mold. was all hand made molds. but who knows right, but what you said makes the most sense. surprised over the years no one who worked in that era, at Bandai wrote a book, it would have been an interesting read .
  20. Well I'm not expecting anyone to agree it's subjective to my own experience, I opened 9 brand new boxes of them at one time and the only ones out of them I had issues was the Red GOF, both of them, one was serial 1xx then the other was serial 24xx so beginning and end of production. one broke while the other the pins in arms and legs were jammed in at an angle, barely usable. GOF has a horrible reputation on the transformers forums, for a good reason they rushed production, cut corners and I speculate used cheaper plastic's . this is my just experience but I'm far from being the only one Purple GOF and Angel Birds were much more pleasant experience.
  21. Was there ever an official or best reason given by Bandai why it never released a 1/55 VF-1J Armored Valkyrie. I know from what I could piece together they offered it to Hasbro for an updated Jetfire for 87. was something going on or reason after they got the molds from Takatoku they just ignored it for the 1985 release? I noticed the 1990, 2002 and 2008 it was still absent from re-releases lineup too.
  22. Ultra Rare one of none 1/55 Robotech Valk . I kinda like the stickers on the tailfins. now this seller has sold at last count around 50 old knockoffs in the last year but none where the same . I suspect someone kit the jackpot on an old storage locker. I love how the instructions show the arm boosters but none are in the package, always a sign of the highest quality
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