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Everything posted by Spark-O-Matic

  1. Those are nice! the stealth & unpainted were ones I've long wanted, the only others is the DTRL versions & both 35th Anniversary ones. wanting to focus on other Macross stuff like trying model kits. I had several opportunities this year to buy some very rare Japan only magazine redemption versions, a few weathered versions but I passed its one of those things were my dreams are bigger then my wallet, sure everyone here has ran into that one.
  2. If this turns out to be all plastic it will be a big disappointment to me considering they are famouse for 80% metal deluxe transforming transformers. they are known for the highest quality for a licensed Habro brand. I've been crossing fingers hoping they would surprise the world with an IDW Unicron DLX out of the blue that no one has ever done. I have the Arcee DLX on preorder with BBTS. Macross at 4:03
  3. Really interesting thread, especially that some of the original posters were toy designers. thinking about collecting a complete collection this series, they make nice display pieces while not taking a ton of shelf space.
  4. Stuff bought in the last 60 days, most were really good deals to me the takatoku ones I bought got less then $300 each(wanted mint but realisticly just nice examples will do) got a hard to find puppy brite in the box for $35 while with the stealth valk it was with tax/shipping $350.
  5. Going to dump all my KC toys here soon with the exception of one copy each of God of Flame (red & purple versions) this company is not the right toy maker for me!. I went out of my way to create an 1/55 Evil Jetfire with expectations of displaying it with the purple GOF box . picture says it all! I know many of you love this company & I'm not crapping on them, no. I'm just pointing out a total lack of awareness on KC marketing dept. now I'm just moving on to other makers of valks.
  6. Thanks, I didn't know that. one has to wonder what else is still hidden out there .
  7. I see Crunchyroll in the tag, are they going to make a cartoon series based on these?
  8. It looks nice imo and I might buy them if they use diecast parts like the old 1/55 ones. tbh I was somewhat disappointed with my Threezero Voltron, to be fair it looks great! but its too light and has very little weight compared to my Bandai SOC Voltron. TZ makes almost fully high metal versions of all kinds of transformers! but they really skimped out on Voltron. I've noticed others online have complained about KC valks being to light and feeling fragile, well that's how I feel Threezero. when the Bandai Voltron of the same scale and hight weighs twice the weight as much because Voltron is suppose to be a high metal toy as a VF-1 toy should be too imo.
  9. I bought this Panosh Place Voltron for $275 +25 S&H. Seller contacted me after mailing that shipping was much higher then he thought so I sent him 100 bucks on a cash app to help him out. when I was little my father worked really long hours doing hard jobs to keep the bills paid, one job was clearing out a burned house were he found a large lot of toys including the loose version of this Voltron, as a kid it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen and I thought the world of it while playing with it on my plastic army men collection he was the super weapon the light green ones would use to fight the dark green versions in epic large battles on my bedroom floor.
  10. I think I've come to that same balanced conclusion as you have and I just want to protect my toys with protectors or poly bags.
  11. That's a high grade and nice! I hope mine comes back that good, I sent a factory case of them to CAS a few months ago and waiting I'm on them to come back , so far I've had mixed thoughts in dealing with grading companies in this hobby & others. I personally think for me going forward I'll only have things graded in the future if the value is four figures or its really rare. I've found companies that make custom protectors really inexpensive. I've also come to the understanding I only need to have one copy of something and I should pass buying duplicates so others can have an opportunities for the having same toy as me. those getting graded I've sent in once back I'm going to just sell them at cost and move on.
  12. First time I've seen a Spanish version VF-1S made in the UK by Bandai, seller thinks its new, but its used. auction what I like is the combined foam insert, its nice to me. it would have been cool if all the old ones were like this imo. I've heard many do not like this version, but to me it looks better then the later toynami 1/55.
  13. Are you building a diorama? I've been thinking about building one too with a giant oversized devastator in the corner of a room, scotched earth, ruined building, his foot resting a crushed car. add a dark background picture with ruined buildings and a burning Smokey sky that has parts coming out so it looks 3D. Ebay has been a good place for reference specs in listing often with pictures with scale specs. you might look into 1/24 scale too to see if your not going too small with 1/48 and some 1/12. train model scales do not use the same size references.
  14. Are you sure about that? they have a license from Big West & Harmony Gold It would buy one to go with my original ones. maybe a 2nd to display? That!...If they just went with the special edition stuff. No Painting Version, Clear Skin Version, Stealth Version, Weathered Versions, Relic Versions, Lynn Minmay Version, Angelbird Version, Metallic Chrome Versions, Maybe a heavy diecast version(Hi Metal) and as your pointing out Hot Paint Versions. the Jetfire Versions have not been well liked in the TF Community . I would say 2 out of 3 regret buying it. they say its too thin with no weight, hate the red paint . If they would just focus back on Macross and maybe do something like non cannon like Next Gen Versions with a more modern sleeker version of the same plane kinda like how the Zero Looks. If they are going to do custom stuff it should be for the market they have a license for, not becoming some KO Transformer brand. I've always thought why not a giant transport plane for troop deployments that turns into a sky destroid to provide support to Valkyrie fighters. reinventing the same wheel like they do will only leave them were they are.
  15. That's a great suggestion! I've got both versions + Stealth. Swoosh could really add these models next to to give it some flair!
  16. I just noticed someone else already posted about it.
  17. Macross VF-1S Valkyrie (God of Flame Purple Ver.) with Fast Pack Armor 1/72 Scale Limited Edition Figure Another Unofficial Transformer version - Evil Jetfire- An Unofficial version of an Unofficial Version at this point it would not surprise me it they get a Takara/Hasbro License and just start making official crossovers. If they did they could make the 40th anniversary Jetfire giftset for Hasbro production run of 800 Yes, I bought two on BBTS a few minutes ago. majority of these are going to get displayed out of box with the red version . I'll buy now, instead of through the nose 5 years from now for sealed versions. Looking forward to kitzconcepts focusing back on Macross/Robotech with maybe a Stealth Valkyrie or Urban Camouflage or something along that line. maybe something new like a Lynn Minmay Version( I would buy serveral) after this to really please the macross/robotech fans who helped them get to this point.
  18. That's possible since no official numbers were given, but also if you happen to live in Asia your more likely to have access to regional exclusives in volume even more rarer production items. I only know as much as the sources I mentioned. but I'm confident mostly on the 1st version on production numbers. From my understanding the Weathering Versions were taken from piles of early production parts( appearance defects) were they were smoothing out the plastic molds in test runs while the No Painting were from later preproduction parts ran for QC runs before mass production began between model & parts revisions. very efficient way of controlling costs while providing unique product offerings. well practiced example of Kaizen ways of efficiency. Hopefully some Big Macross Guru will see and fill in any gaps for us in the future regarding NP Versions.
  19. Yeah all the info I've managed to find out was they made under 300 for artist to make custom versions, from what I can tell from reading Here, Anymoon, TF Forums and sponsored Yamato modeling competitions at that time in japan that maybe less then 50 probably still exist unmolested. considering many in the west wanted to make ultiment 'Fokker or Jetfire' and that might be optimistic. later they did release other versions but they were not as universal as this one has sticker sheets to be any VF-1. the later ones were sold as a 'Real modeling kit" you had to glue your robot together from several hundred pieces then paint it. I believe it was four different versions they only made 75 of each and was a japan release only through the Yamato Store.. Personally I'm grateful I found this one and not the later ones. Thanks to no3Ljm for the photos I could not touch it as its perfect superwhite & I'm fearful of any kind of staining oil/fluid getting on it.
  20. That's great advice and right on point. going to keep it and buy another. it could be rare the sticker was missing or they made more then 999? we may never know but hopefully that would not be the case. I would not say its so much an investment just more of preservation & display reasons. considering often what a premade case costs for popular toys often its only 20 to 30% to have someone give a professional opinion on it then seal it up to prevent further damage.
  21. Glad I reread this thread last night, I sent my Takatoku Variant Strike Valkyrie to CAS to be graded while putting 1985 as the date, but it should have been 1984? late year? they are getting it from Fedex this afternoon. I got mine from a guy who thought it was used from all the bad overspray, runny paint & poor quality control on plastic parts(factory dirt/dust). it has never been removed from foam I used my cameras I use to check inside engines for damage to look underneath it. never removed so I cleaned it with gentle OLED TV Screen cleaning wipes then it looked a lot better, I sent the grader a note about its condition and reasons(hopefully they are as knowledgable as they folks in this thread). its possible they just archive it with no grade.
  22. That's the hard part I can't open them up, they were only bought to be graded then displayed preserved(sealed). my thinking was to just buy used ones off eBay to display & maybe play with a bit. I have a feeling with as many people opening them up, the sealed ones are going to be really scarce in a few years. Hopefully no one else has such a bad experience like this.
  23. Yamato No Painting Ver. I've always wanted this one, only paid $230 online for it including shipping from Japan. One of the best deals I've found lately.
  24. I often read this forum at least once a week but it seems some of the wisdom ,education & experiences from other members just did not rub off on me enough, was several warnings on this tread, but I didn't listen.! I should have took the advice to buy from BBTS were at least I could have returned it, but most likely they would have spotted it beforehand. Got mine from KC and tried contacting them, 5 Emails, 2 phone calls were I was put on permanent hold, two return tickets I put in on the website were cancelled without reason or contact. no customer support and treated like it was a bad deal gone down on craigslist or something. I bought it it to have graded, but it has no serial number. now I'm stuck with it.
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