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Everything posted by Spark-O-Matic

  1. Well in any business with existing products you make subtle changes, look at any reception then make more from there IMO. I can't answer or even guess on your question.
  2. When some shady guy in a trenchcoat is trying to sell you a Rolex in an alleyway at 3am it's impolite to ask about the extended warranty.
  3. It's looking promising! Glad to see they are trying to improve things this is what separates good companies from bad. I'm looking forward to seeing more in the coming months.
  4. As others have suggested just get some reproduction kits and call in a day! I've got a lot of 1/55 sets and I have never played or displayed any of them not that it's wrong to do so it's the toys were not planned scarcity and they tried to put out as many as they could when bandai bought them they brought in there own distributer of plastic polymers and fire retardants. The change in materials quality and chemistry created unequal distributed flow rates in the plastic mold injection chambers due to the heated fluid viscosity that required retooling of the mold cavities, pre-injection chambers, while alternating pre and post temperatures of the polymer exstrusion that also then required the molds be further tapped to hold more water for cooling the molds themselves then overhauling the whole induction system for leaks in the excursion process were you have extreme static high and low pressure in the system. Basically bandai bought them, they were using outdated manufacturing processes so bandaid updated what they could for making what was then just childrens toys expected to be worn out and thrown away. This is why jetfires and white balls made by bandai have all uneven yellowing due to parts having an unequal mixture of polymers and added fire retarders and with age there reactions to oxygen and moisture vs Taka where often you will old ones yellowed uniform across the whole toy not just spotted in different areas. The fire retardant was also a stiffing agent and as it was never mixed as well as required your armour pieces that once were designed to be malobly stiff are now brittle.
  5. I wish everyone luck on this and look forward to the reviews.
  6. That's a shame but understandable as others have wanted a lower cost version. Thanks for helping clear that up, seems to be alot of confusion on this release. guess I'll stick with the first edition as retroblasting made a great video that really made a lot of good points on this toy. like others I think the price is kind of inflated and why I've not bought it by now.
  7. That's wild I had watched some prior reviews and now can't find them that claimed it was TZ sized and now looking it back up your right! I was also under the impression it was without stand and lion weapons. I will likely just buy the original as the lions weapons are important to as a stand as well. I'm still confused about the details so I'm glad you replied . in a reddit thread they wrote "Only difference that I can see is that it doesn't come with the Lion weapons and stand" now in this video review comments someone wrote "The Figure & the Stand with option parts are sold separately"
  8. Didn't they stop making the SD line because of a lack of sales? they still offer the SD super strike parts on there store though.
  9. I'm not sure why the new blitzway Voltron that's coming that's much smaller in size and does not include at stand why it would cost more then more then the big blitzway Voltron? Seems to me if the new one is same size scale as the ThreeZero one who would anyone buy the new BW one? I've seen some TZ ones sell as low as $180 vs paying $799 for something you would be better off buying the big scale version of? just asking maybe something I'm missing, I do plan on buying the big one myself before the end of year. I want to put it next to my Toynami EX on steroids version.
  10. Thank you I'm going to cancel my preorder as it really sounds like a bad knockoff, big difference between a 3rd party with there own design vs. This it must be a poorly scanned knockoff with no attempt to have the quality its pretending to be. Sounds like no one got Yamatos molds just a hack with some scan tools and no desire to perfect it. I would be better off just making a custom Bandai 1/48 version or sticking with KC at least they are original. $150 for a toy you described is at double what it's worth. $75 dollar toy to me. Maybe the stand is were the value is?
  11. It looks like a Macross to me at least all the Macross logos imply that plus a pilot that transformers don't have.
  12. Agree they also always seem to cost way more. that nemesis prime in video was $4500 but Kids Logic statue is $700 but then its just a static pose. price point would defiantly turn off many collectors.
  13. Your right the only downside would be not getting a vehicle mode to display. would probably help promote the Macross universe and we would get figures with much more detail then now if the designer only has to focus on Robot mode and not have to compromise on three modes but one.
  14. Found another unopened Joons wierd"o" Valk this time a crazy looking angelbird? I really like the 1/55 scale it would be great if a new licensed brand would try and make a modern remastered 1/55 with all the detail the new 1/48 gets
  15. Likely they would have to since all the new players who came in the door since. TZ is going to do Robotech while I've heard Yolopark is looking at getting a Macross license for next year possibly on a 1/35 scale. in the meantime KC might go into marketing rehab, sobering up and getting themselves together!? I think is they did a retool that should just bring back the Yamato brand as a premium label.
  16. I've been thinking what if Hasbro never talked to Takatoku/ Matsushiro about using their unreleased toy called Jetfire, what if the toy later integrated in the Macross universe instead ? while flown by a girl named Melissa Jettofaia or shortened as Missy Jetfire? (maybe a distant cousin to Hikaru Ichijyo?) who was the newest character and she operated her Valk based on this design/paint and in this alternate universe, everyone into Macross just refers to her as Ms. Jetfire. in this timeline Hasbro in 1986 introduced Skyfire based on his design while releasing a toy based on it in early 1987 and there was never that "bridge" between these universes and transformers Jetfire never existed. I think Missy Jetfire is the missing link.
  17. Thanks! placed a preorder through BBTS. Price is OK to me, Looking at it carefully it really does look like a clean sheet version, one that's not really trying to copy other companies releases but just following original designs. I hope they offer a strike kit to go with it at some point. also it seems dumb they are not selling this in japan I thought BW & HG worked out differences to make both of them world wide?
  18. Its possible they might still make the paint job look more like Jetfire as it looked like many things posted on that site in the beginning looked one way then changed looks alot on final release. I bet they do a purple version as well, calling it now
  19. I'm wanting to get into Macross model kits, after trying out a few easy snap & go modern kits was kinda fun. what are the Pro's & Con's of buying and building between kits made over the last 40yrs? I love the old ones box art but have the models inside become outdated? or is the new kits missing the quality of the old kits? I wanted to ask to try to start on the right foot avoiding costly mistakes. I looked back several years on this sub forum and seen no one else had asked a similar questions. I want get into making models, getting my skills worked up, plus to display them at home( Hopefully the whole DYRL series models) while working my way up to custom designs. my first original idea is for a custom made VF-1Z Demon Birds (Zentradi Valkyrie) would be the arch rival of Angel Birds. maybe in 6 months or a year from now I'll have the skills to make it happen with professional looking results. Thank you
  20. Thanks Again! would have never known! ...It's already sold out!
  21. That is an amazing piece! I've never found one low enough in price yet(crossing fingers). did you buy the kits and put together or a finished one?
  22. I've never used Yahoo yet but I've checked out the thread its pretty good, I've been doing Facebook MP, Directly contacting/buying directly from Auctioneers & Major Toy Resellers/Flippers, Buying from Ebay Sellers directly outside Ebay, Mercari basically I try to bypass the middleman and most sellers are happy to go along with that.
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