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Everything posted by Spark-O-Matic

  1. Sometimes I will pay more at one website over another just becouse they ship through UPS. when it comes to China/Japan for me, the faster the better. its much less likely my package will be stuck weeks or months under thousands of pounds of other packages and more prone to damage. but sometimes the cost of shipping you really have no choice but snailmail.
  2. Another Rare 1/55 came & went on Ebay again. " Matsushiro Space Fighter " almost as rare as the Takatoku Jetfire Variant. I know some of you probably have entire rooms filled with these, but for the 99% of the rest of us this was a rare sighting out in the wild.
  3. I would buy a Sonic Video game with Arcee as the star. that's what that video made me imagine I think the video really highlighted her true personality and timeless G1 styling. What's funny I just watched another video shorty before with Arcee & a Beachball, but it was just a cameo of her and not well done .
  4. I heard they tried to also buy them back when they first launched the Xbone, when they went to Japan to talk to them, it was just over an hour long meeting of Nintendo VP's laughing at them, constantly the whole time. basically laughed them right out of the room.
  5. I just put a deposit on this Vermilion Bird over at ShowZ I really like these 3rd party Gundam Toys after finding them. it would not surprise me if in China or Korea these toys did not have cartoon shows based on them. This toy looks like a true work of art! really amazing, I just love the whole Dark Phoenix's feel it has.
  6. Completely understandable position! I've always held similar views about free choice about near everything in life and a good or bad hobby is no exception I can see were many might want them bare as they resemble much better real life avionics external outlines. many fans of fast fighter jets can appraise the sleek aerodynamic stylings. would not surprise me if half the macross collectors were into non robotic model planes & remote controlled planes.
  7. I think ThreeZero might not even consider them as competition. both companies are on way different levels of production scales, quality control and patented technology . I think Threezero is so big they will drop the ball by leaving fans wanting more but never releasing anything else as pointed out by Raikkonen
  8. That was kinda in the back of my mind but didn't want to spoil the high hopes. Maybe the aftermarket now with advanced printers and engravers someone could make a nice little side job making addon kits to fill the void? I got a guy in mind who makes Hasbro toy conversion kits who sells really well put together kits that looks factory. I am going to email him and just point out the possibility on this. seems like something right up this guys alley.
  9. I thought these turned out to be 1/60 scale ?
  10. The new Toys are looking very accurate!
  11. Same here would love to see one too but somehow I suspect one after a few years after this one maybe sequels to both being released in the same year? I very excited for this Minus One movie and it will be my first movie theater ticket bought by me in over a decade! but I think with Shin the Ending scene leaves this part of the franchise in its own bubble as the mini humanoid zillas could just be taking in so many directions outside the norm and if carefully done could be the start of some new related franchise like Aliens Franchise on Earth War like in the comics? instead of acid blood and fangs the min G's would use atomic breath like a gun? Shin just has so much more to It this Minus One is more like a dark horror movie like the first one was. That one scared me good as a kid
  12. These versions look amazing but sadly I've had to cancel my preorder. my reasoning is I want them with strike kits/armor kits so I'll wait until they have a deluxe bundle or offer them as add-on kits. I might also just buy a few Example Bandai 1/48's at some point and call in a day!
  13. If you need one right away you can always use Playdough to build one temporary and it will not damage your toy.
  14. To save Star Trek you must destroy it! The only thing to fix the franchise is time. lots of it letting many years go by while the big monopolies in media & tech dismantled so the constant push to keep shoving it down peoples throats is greatly reduced as the drive for more and more profits are given a back seat. As for WS he seems to be very healthy for his age compared to others, likely out living them. He is his own self made man that's very respectable. Regarding the Borg much of what people are missing is the lore & facts the shows failed to show the expanded ST Universe. the Borg were not just a villain but existed in countless parallels universes and realities with most being aware of each other and many of these were ruled by queens and several Borg kings so by them always bringing them up in television were the budgets were tight and always neglecting to not never show there true power while as others pointed putting them into decay. If you wanted to really save ST you have to kill it! ....and by that I mean the same old tired plot of jumping into a space ship and boldly going were no man has gone before. the problem is man (humans) to save ST you have to reboot it as not ST. people need to see the expanded universe with countless races. they can spin off a half dozen shows over a decade based on Alien worlds located in the ST universe with varied tie in's. example would be a show based sometime in Klingon history on its homeworld or colonies with whole new unexplored people, histories and plots. you could even do one about the who and how the Borg became to be on some distant world maybe at war with another race and over 5 to 7 seasons creating a true background for the Borg. all this would be done in completely different filming format closer to game of thrones with dramatic characters and vast immersive visuals on worlds unknown. you can add hundreds or thousands of potential races of present, past and future in the known star trek universe. they can always add little easter eggs here/there and hints about how the shows will eventually tie into the ST universe and federation but never like past shows would the the directors hands be tied or storyteller silenced as these would be foundation shows . the big studios could still make money while giving the main franchise a much needed rest at least a decade while really exploring the races in the ST universe so many have wanted to see. so much could be done without the federation in the ST Universe. As for Picard Show what should have been done was Sisco! he was the better one as DS9 was way more centered around him. Avery Brooks has always been a great actor and the cast of DS9 more interesting Imo. Hollywood's always ignoring Brooks reminds me of what they really think of him, not what they virtue signal. Sisco also was in the Battle of Wolf 359 were is wife Jennifer was Killed so he would have had all the requirement's to go after the Borg. I think a show based on a young Sisco would be great or a spinoff years in the future based on his son Jake and co stared by Wesley crusher . The trouble with ST is the inability to truly explore it outside the federation and beyond certain actors and shows to explore it outside a narrow perspective built up over decades and let these new shows based in the universe but not always connected be the foundation for rebuilding the franchise.
  15. When companies do bad things to it's own customers for self righteous reasons I am obligated not to spend money, time or effort to support them in any way. Star Trek is like almost all entertainment in this day and age is disgenuine and untrustworthy. Not enough space here to type it all out and it goes to far in to many directions outside the scope of this forum. No I don't watch Discovery because by doing so it supports those who have too much power and the money given becomes lube for the machine cogs of oberbloted elitest corporate behemoth's who despise everything good and everyone who helped make them a success. I like Patrick Stewart and always a big fan even more so in the X-Men franchise. that was the few things that could keep my eyes on the screen as an exception, watching mostly to see how they destroyed my beloved Borg and ruined them. These developers they cannot create anything, they can only pervert and distort what is there.
  16. That would be awesome if someone made a high quality conversion kit for the Bandai 1/48
  17. Sorry to see this show end but at the same time it could have been so much better. So much lost potential. The Borg Queen and collective were just so awkward more like bad knock offs of themselves. the Borg were my favorite heros of the show and they ruined them. I would like to see a fresh start set 1000 yrs in the future for ST going forward, also would like to see a fan focused version and only production teams who are fans themselves involved. No politics or virtue signaling In the future they could do a soft reboot were Picard series never was in the timeline, after Janeway infected the Borg queen, the queen in her dying moments sent a distress call to a parallel universe collective ruled by a Borg king who is immune to the disease and now who invaded this universe, reactivating the queen and resurrecting the billions of dead borg. The menace returns. I think Picard was just too late it should have been done in the early 2000's when they would have given the show the same kinda positive vibes that STNG had. I still miss Enterprise it had so much potential too and was getting better but it's mismanagement was a sign of things to come and I knew once Picard was greenlighted it would suffer a worst date as nothing in the background has ever gotten better.
  18. They got a preorder over at BBTS for a Mega Size Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode) 1/48 for just $109!! looks like a good price considering the markups after its sold out. I really like this design over most others myself.
  19. I took a picture of my two displayed Voltron's incase anyone wanted to know the size difference between TZ Voltron & the Bodybuilder Voltron.
  20. Got these cuties in for my Fembot Collection. the ones on left and right came in last week, while the center one came in today. With the Bandai one it's going on 15yrs old and surprisingly it's got a much better build quality, comparable paint detail while just feeling more premium in hand with strong articulation throughout the body at the bending and flexing areas. I got her for $45 and that was a very good deal. the only drawback if you consider it to be is the paperwork/Instructions and everything was in Japanese only but as expected the instructions had well done step by step pictures.
  21. I seen they had both M&M with Strike Kits as a combo for $129 that blew my mind and of course they are sold out.
  22. Thanks yeah I must of got them confused. It looks amazing, outside DYRL valks the only others I've really liked have been the Macross 2 valks but I might just buy this one to display when the time comes.
  23. It's been on preorder on eBay for about 6 months. I just thought everyone already knew. It's amazing I would love to see a three stage valk under that beautiful paint job but we all know the big valk companies are too lame for that. awhile back when I mentioned KC should do something more then remix paint jobs I mentioned a LM version this was the Valk I had been thinking of when I wrote that because this is something original and would sell like hotcakes.
  24. I would like to know why people keep saying they are using Yamato molds this implies they are somehow legit. it's very unlikely they are using the molds the past reviews prove the differences are too many to be so. It was a toy made from scan toys. Unofficial, unlicenced and not a 3rd party. The toy is a knockoff and the casting molds are knockoffs too. It's at best " Arcadia Scale"
  25. I don't know a whole lot about this plane or pilot but I'm guessing this is a Bandai SOC 1/48 version of the one Yamato made is that correct? and another MWW festival one to boot I'm guessing. Anyone know what the pricing is going to be? Thx
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