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Everything posted by PointBlankSniper

  1. Now that I've thought about it, the way this looks, regular retailers like hlj, hobby search, and amiami can't even sell this. This isn't a retail release at all, let alone WWM. This is definitely the usual tamashii web/P-bandai release. Anyone that is able to sell this already regularly deals in P-bandai stuff. Bandai probably chickened out on production volume because the size of the toy or something. I'd say don't count on it being different overseas. I'm guessing it will open orders on bandai's overseas sites 2 months late or something. The few times pb gunpla broke this rule and went retail overseas had highly publicized bluefin invovlement in distribution long before release. This isn't going down the same path at all. It's just looking like the good old scalper release, with the difference of everyone being conditioned to think it would be WWM.
  2. Gray valk too pretty. I finally gave in. Time to get a loan to pay for it. I think I have taken the literal last one from YYK, unless someone is hogging it in their cart and will let go of it later.
  3. The funny thing is, Bandai used to regulary post reprint schedules to vendors that eventually get leaked to public. So it would have been less conspicuous for vendors to pretend to know things just a few months ahead of time. Since the pandemic drove demand, scalpers increased and bought up all the stock (as if p-bandai didn't birth so many of them to begin with 🙃). One of the things they did to combat this was that they stopped posting those reprint schedules, thereby increasing FOMO, and giving more power to scalpers ðŸĪĄ. That's why we no longer know when things are re-releasing, and vendors shouldn't know too far ahead either. Of course Bandai didn't stop there, to further curb scalpers and ease supplies, they then banned JP retailers from selling abroad, except HLJ. The result is export supplies becoming more limited and unobtainable for more people in the world where there isn't official distribution, giving even more power to domestic JP scalpers ðŸĪŠ. As for the new factory, it was supposed to be somewhere close to the old one, and according to their old timeline, should have been operating since january, focusing on making more environmentally friendly and affordable limex kits. But no news has come of it since. Maybe shutting down the yokohama moving 1/1 gundam beside the factory is part of the move, but that would imply shutting down the old factory for no reason lol.
  4. These look great. The CF pixie could totally pass for something in a more realistic setting and nobody would know lol. I'll patiently wait and see what you cook up next.
  5. NGL, I think they put you in queue even if they don't know when or if there is a reprint. You can tell by their (and some other vendors') multi years long backorder of some gunpla, waiting for schrodinger's rerelease.
  6. It's becoming an alternate universe where everyone has a VF-25 lol If you want more suggestions, you can steal more colors from the rest of the franchise. Delta squadron VF-25 for example. Or do something weird like steal nintendo color schemes. Mario and Luigi? Pikachu? lol. I think a Samus themed one would actually go well.
  7. Can those mashups transform? I've been thinking the super pack's shoulder missile pod might be the one thing that fits on tornado pack without losing function. But I can't test is since I don't own any of those.
  8. I feel kind of monkey pawed wishing for this, lol. Stories of loose joints, abundant surplus 25G's on the market, and the move to releasing 31J made me not expect this to happen. Went on a spending spree getting other stuff instead of that. Now Imma have to think very carefully before pulling the trigger on this, and I'm sure the price tag will be very inflated from the renewal. 😭 Also, ever since beginning my collection of these, display space has become another concern. Still hyped to seem more of this release though.
  9. Scale is a factor though. I think most people can't just pretend 1/72 from any brand are just the same size as a 1/100 lined up beside it. Bandai's old 1/72 were also hard to get into for less hardcore modellers because of transformation complexity, durability, size, and price, while still requiring small amounts of parts forming. As strange as it may sound, I think a lot of people would prefer not dealing with fiddly transformation on delicate parts, and tons of potential weak joints in a model kit. Just having everything in one consistent and much more accessible lineup should do wonders for demand too, and there is no competition for the later valks at the 1/100 scale either. Let's not forget they already did the YF-29 as well. I imagine Bandai will continue to at least test the waters for the other series, and throw out an Alto messaiah and Hayate seigfried. If those go well, it will be easy for them to palette swap and work those molds to death.
  10. As a broken record, all I wanted was for longer landing gears or thinner fast pack and gunpods so that it isn't a parts former. I'm not even asking for accurate proportions to any depiction, is that such a high bar? 🙃 It's not like they went for any sort of accuracy anyway, so it's puzzling and looks like they went out of their way to sacrifice this one aspect to inflate the accessory count. ðŸĪŠ
  11. I'm no expert on anything, but my guess is the pin alternating thing is probably a product of shutter speed and recording frame rate. It probably looks more like the still photo with all pins firing multiple arcs when seen in person. Voltage does nothing to people. You can run hundreds of million volts through a person like those science videos and a few hairs stand up at worst. Only amps fry things and stop hearts. There is no issue of electromagnetic radiation in this. Electromagnetic radiation is all light, but generally used to refer to the stronger cancer beams. Other than the fact that the arcs are harmlessly blue, this is purely about electricity. Sensitive electronics like transistors might get damaged from it, if it was actually exposed to the arcs, but there are also components on an electronic device made for filtering out signal jitters, so you have to hit the right component to kill it. Human and vacuum cleaner nozzle static just as easily kill those parts, which is why professionals advise you to not vacuum inside your pc, or touch the components without grounding yourself. That said, modern electronics are so resillient it seems nobody cares and nothing immediately bad happens even if you do get a few static shocks on most components. There could be longevity and stability issues that nobody can directly prove the shocks are the cause of. This is kind of moot in this topic though, because all electronic devices come in housings that protect them from static. If not, you could just as easily winter static shock your device to death. Spot welders have tiny voltage but massive amps. The amp combined with bad contact is how it gets the resistance needed to heat and melt steel. In the couple seconds the current channels through the weld, it generates enough electromagnetism to pull in a steel hammer from two feet away. I worked on them before, and was warned to keep electronics like watches and phones away, but it honestly still wasn't enough to harm a phone in my pocket. Unless you run high amp current directly through something, it won't melt or burn. Magnetism is also kind of moot without magnetic components like a hard disk drive. Nowadays, phones even have magnetic mounts for wireless chargers to satisfy all your electromagnetic fears lol.
  12. The hand covers aren't yellow like this on the live sample. Stickers it is... And a total of one gunpod lol
  13. I guess the inconsistent eye color happens in all mecha. Some gundam are like that too. One color for animation, and another in the kits. ðŸĪŠ Between all the inconsistent shades of Klan, theres enough for hand me downs for the other two pixies lol. If you've got something original in mind, looking forward to seeing what you cook up. I don't even remember if those two had any distinct color schemes tbh lol
  14. Good work! Definitely gotta stop somewhere if you aren't looking to go down a rabbit hole I think Klan should have yellow eyes, but that's a minor nitpick. I'll just take w/e cool pics I can get, even if she's there to photobomb lol
  15. I think I figured out what the Gu head is. It's just an F head split down the middle with the center removed, through the visor and all, with a G head sandwiched back inside. Then the bottom front filled back in with the lower jaw piece. IDK about 3D modelling, but I imagine it might actually be simpler than the S head to make since you already have the F and G done. Speaking of which, I forgot to include this from my digging yesterday. More for you to play with. Full gang's heads, including prophecy, and then some unused alternate ones. From what I can tell, C head is just G, with top fins on each side, and the cheek nozzles replaced also with full fins. C-II Seems to go back and remove the top fins but keeps the cheeck fins. E looks like what the Gu tried to accomplish, but with an inverted approach. It looks like the top of the C head with the fins, and the lower front lense, slapped on top of the F. Hope it helps. Have fun 😃
  16. Here's Klan's vf-25Gu. Made for a magazine. It seems to be the most distinct iteration of multiple similar variations. This seems to have the 25G head, modified to have an ear antenna laser on each side in addition to the default top one. Ignoring the armor pack, its in the colors of Klan's bodysuit, with the Pixie Squad emblem. There is a very similar livery seen in the previously mentioned Trial frontier game. But it's slapped on to a 25S unit along with her red unit. Michael's unit here just for color and nose pattern contrast. I don't think the emblem is pixie squad here. It might be her own picture from the Deculture edition of Michaels unit. Here's the Deculture Edition. You can see its 25G, with Klan's picture. It's in Michael's blue, but it's got the pink. As you can see, she has a confusing mess of similar looking schemes. imo, the very purple Gu looks the best. Not sure you can do the head with just these images for reference though. I found a couple murkier photos, but I don't wan to spam more images here. You could do any iteration of this thing though. Bonus: Here's the first teased depiction of the VF-25, which was the 25S in white and blue. Doodle has single ear lasers on each side, but screencap seems to have them in pairs like the final version. Have fun 😀
  17. Wow, I wasn't expecting something cooked up so fast. Not sure what's bugging you, but I'm guessing it's because the white pattern looks very moth antenna like, and is too intricate for that small area. W/e you end up with though, will probably look good since the colors just work. Did some digging on Klan's unit. Apparently it cameoed in two games and images are scarce. battroid image from Triangle Frontier, and depicted in the Master File book or something fighter from Trial Frontier It was apparently in the blind box 1/250 figure set, Macross Fighter Collection 4, as a secret item. Michael's unit there might help with color correction. It seems the toy is more purple and the shade changes based on lighting lol. There aren't a lot of clear images, and some are custom kits built on the 1/72 VF-25G, which isn't quite right. Speaking of which, it seems Klan's VF-25G in a different scheme is semi canon as well lol. I'll just seperate it to another post.
  18. Nice! Are you able to use the other heads? The VF-25A is the canonical CF and I think it shares its head design with the 25G. It would be as CF as can be if you can get that one there. If you could work with the 25S head, then you can create the mythical Klan's red unit too. Even without the head, Klan's livery is so mythical, it deserves a depiction lol.
  19. Since these are partformers, I didn't think to consider the parts on one form as representative of what's on another form. I guess those battroid plates could be the same ones in fighter mode since it doesn't accomodate gunpod fitmnet.
  20. I just want to know what he belly plates look like. They did a magnificent job hiding it here 🙃
  21. All we know is that the new one comes with super pack and no missiles, making the missiles originally from the seperately sold super pack all the more unlikely to be made available again lol I'm gonna predict the canopy will turn out to be a slightly different shade for absolutely no reason though lol.
  22. They should drop the drone charger from the 31As and retcon it with the dual triangular cannon pod thing from the master file. I bet that would really move sales.
  23. It's pretty sad how true that is. They can't just sell a good toy that everyone wants. I just happened to notice this going on with Tekken 8 yesterday, and boy were the reviews bad. The funny part is that bandai forgot the FOMO part to their plan, so it's just a post launch surprise nickel and diming scheme on a product with no scarcity, and a lack of polish that people demand the most. It feels like bandai is repeating the same thing here with the 31J being so abundant, yet missing bits and pieces that people want the most.
  24. I think they've been that way for decades... We'll know how they handle equipment packs once the YF-21 releases. It comes with fold booster struts, while the 19 lacks that as well as weapons and fast packs. Bandai is literally setting themselves up with the need to demonstrate how they will handle these things under WWM releases. I wouldn't be surprised if they just prove they will only continue to release incomplete collections for decades to come though lol.
  25. You have it backwards. The AI model is well trained on bandai's long standing history of releases. At which point you would think they don't need to use said AI because they can do it themselves. But they still use it, because bandai.
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