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Everything posted by PointBlankSniper

  1. Nice, more Klan pics 😁
  2. Some of these look like it couldn't have happened without being yanked out of the injection die while they are still warm... Also, still no word from YYK as conversion rates become rapidly less favorable... It's just shipping, and import tax... but still 😭
  3. I know this convo came about from confusion, but YYK has stopped responding to me after they sent the photos. My response to the photos was basically that things looked fine, and asked them if they could check for the double same shoulder, and if not, to just move on to shipping. I've tried email, order details chat, website contact form, one of each, in that order. The latter being from yesterday, so may not have been adequate time, but it's been a total of 2 weeks with no confirmation of even recieving any messages. Not sure how I sure feel about it, seeing that they have a good reputation, and personally experiencing great communication up until this point... Me aside, the last few bendy photos above really suggest it's hard to blame the bubble for the bends...
  4. That's true horror right there. Outside of fiction, this is actually a nightmare scenario that I wish with all my might, to not befall on the franchise. Hopefully disney doesn't get any funny ideas just because BigWest went with them for streaming...
  5. So it was him, bending all the head lasers before delivery because he is jealous of his replacement getting a DX made.
  6. Nightmare and Monster are definitely on brand for UPS package handling 🙃 Those two just look right at home with the UPS badge. It's like they were meant for the job. These trade wars are starting to heat up lol
  7. The competitive cargo dumping scene is heating up!
  8. Can confirm my photos were different too. I didn't get one in that angle. The reflections and angle are all different.
  9. Mine looked fine in the photos, but they haven't replied me ever since my reply to their photos lol.
  10. 😮 This is actually so beautiful. I never would have imagined. This needs to be in the next macross. It is now my headcanon that there are rotor drones pre loaded with packages in the calf compartments. The mission pack is a shipping container only used when there are oversized shipments lol.
  11. If we're talking replacing whole sections of the toy, I was just thinking of how everything waist down is entirely removable. So theoretically, someone could come up with middle ground proportioned legs. That could solve all the issues like short belly plate, fat pengoid, ground clearance, partsforming, non canon transformation, etc. Maybe even hide some integrated mechanism that could stand in for the battroid brace that holds up the back pack at a more desirable height. I guess the same goes for the removable arms, especially since people don't like the roll pin bicep either. Basically, chuck out half the toy and replace it with homemade or aftermarket parts. lol 🤪
  12. Amazon delivery valks? Totally must make sense on a rural planet that deals with periodic raids from spacefaring kaiju lol
  13. The yellow one looking like an actual hornet. Really drives home that battroids have a bit of insectiod motitf. The red one coincidentally is reminiscent of Alto's Durandal. Sports livery does indeed go well with the Seigfried.
  14. YYK got back to me with multiple top down photos for each blister tray and are offering to take more photos if I want. Everything already looks fine though so I already feel like I've won the lottery lol. Should I ask for shoulder inspection? Anyone got a quck and easy on how the belly opens or an image of what to look for without going into further transformations? I'm not even sure how visible it is or which side the tab on the shoulder is supposed to be facing with the arm turned tbh. Or is this whole opening the blister to handle and mess around with articulated parts thing too much to ask for from a retailer already having done so much voluntary work for who knows how many units? Should I just get on with shipping?
  15. That is surprising. I don't know much about Yukikaze, but I always assumed one of the mods in this clip was it. Turns out it was just a similar looking plane from an older AC. Wouldn't be surprised if one was a reference to the other though, which ever came first.
  16. Wow, all of those 31A's look delicious. A crazy thought has just occured to me. Somene needs to mod the the VF-31 intocombat 7 with these models, like how there are already VF-1 and YF-29 mods for it. And maybe even place this whole map in a stage, complete with Elysion take off and landing segments lol. I don't even have the game, but videos of those existing macross mods look like heckin overpowered fun already. The 31A would probably blend right in to the base game without even look out of place compared to the other mods.
  17. The "fast" in fast pack refers to how much time bandai takes to rip them out the molds and rip out the sprues and then slam them into the blister 🤡 On a serious note, I think a couple rubs from a nano glass file should clean those massive nub mark up good enough to look better than those hinges beside them. Still disappointing that this quality of finish is made like its proper for the price point though.
  18. Think I finally managed to "fix" the fighter cradle. This thing's socket was quite sloppily designed and manufactured way out of spec compared to other addapters IMO I opened into its halves and put a lot of layers of Mr. Cement Deluxe on them. I put a thick line of cement over many passes on the two long edges at the mouth of the socket, so it could have proper supports to stand up on the rim of the stand's tab. By default, it roll sideways off its front and rear edges as they were bulged in the center from the factory. The roll was uneven on both sides, so I had to eyeball both sides and give them a different number of layers lol. I also added a a few thin layers on the upper half of the socket walls, so that the stand's tab would no longer have hollow space to wiggle and lean into. Somehow they didn't clamp on the tab properly either. It was an unsightly and uneven job, but I can barely see the gap between the stand and cradle even when I look for it, so it's good enough for me. There was a third defect in which the ribs at the top of the socket could not rest on the top of the tab. I didn't bother fixing that, since it didn't seem necessary. Not to mention massively lengthening two opposing set of ribs, individually, to all reach the same length to touch the tab, with just liquid cement from a brush seems like a dumb idea. Any one of them flowing around the corner would result in a lot of clean up work before the halves could close again lol.
  19. I saw two replies to the original tweet that claimed to have the same issue, so it's not a one off even if not very common. That's 2 out of 3 replies, plus the OP, for a tweet with 5 retweets, and 21 likes. Judging by the sample size, amount of engagement and visibility that post actually got, and the nature of that defect, I think it's a reasonable possibility the issue could be under the radar for now. Hopefully that's just confirmation bias while it's actually a rare occurence.
  20. I actually mentioned broken stabilizer and double left shoulders to them, and they did say there were "issues", plural despite ambiguous, reported to them. So when they say they will "inspect everything", I take it that it will be more than just a sloppy glance for crooked yellow. I'm not sure how feasible it is for them to actually look for the wrong shoulder on every unit, or if they even know how to open up the toy to look for it, but my understanding is that they will at least meticulously look up and down the whole thing. If the shoulders are as simple as flipping open the belly plates to see, maybe someone can instruct them on it. But I don't have another copy, so I don't even know which way the correct part on each side is supposed to face in fighter mode lol 🙃
  21. I asked YYK for inspection as suggested. They said they shipped out a handful that turned out to have issues, so they will now inspect everything and send photo after. If something is wrong, they will heckle bandai for replacements before shipping them out. Seems like inspections are expected to be done by monday. The wording almost sounds like they will inspect every unit on hand, but it would be weird to recieve a photo and an open box without opting in. Don't know how they are actually going about it, but it can't hurt to ask them for inspection if you haven't already.
  22. Now we need a Frontier sequel to see these in action. 😁
  23. While googling to double check the release date for Ozma's revival, I discovered Canada Computers of all places are selling those, and the YF-21. Both seem to still be available. One of the head scratchers of all time.
  24. Wow, I never realized their size difference was so huge. I've yet to get a 25, so I can't directly compare them. I have a 29 displayed in full super pack gerwalk clutter and it kind of takes up the same space as my 31AX, so I assumed they were similar sized. Never put them in battroid together so I never noticed the battroid height differences. I actually like wings on mechs, as long as they look functional. But yeah, just folding up in an unusable position is kind of frustrating. They could have at least been used as weapon racks with all those pilon mounts, rather than usually being dumped clean for transformation. Kind of a wasted opportunity.
  25. I get that impression too. I think for the 25, its design just looks like any random real world fighter. In battroid form, it's basically a lanky space trooper with a minigun. IMO the 31 has a lot of aspects working against its image as a warplane. The livery looks like literal racing boats for one. Then the top surface is also very flat and spacious, also like a boat. The forward swept wings, and its inward canted stabilizerss give it fancy show car vibes. For weapons, it's got drones deployed from engine top o calf, which is all sorts of weird for an aircraft or humanoid robot. Then theres a drone charger in the pod, which isn't really a weapon. As for battroid, it's got some clutter on its back, making it kind of like a fairy lol. Overall, it's just very poised to not exert aggression lol.
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