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Everything posted by PointBlankSniper

  1. Those are the ones I was refering to as the official design with as all glass, no frame, and no colored tint. Think they were in the 1/72 bandai kits too.
  2. Actually surprised! The canopy even has a frame! Ignoring the sensor dots that have always looked weird to me, that brownish smoked glass with gold trim looks amazing on the royal shuttle. Now I wish this canopy was properly depicted in the show.
  3. While I doubt there's a clear canopy in the files, it would be interesting to see you try to paint a glass canopy on if you are going for the full realistic paint job look lol. The official clear canopy looks kind of odd to me tbh. It's all glass and no frame, and lacks a color tint that makes it stand out with the rest of the fancy colors on the plane.
  4. Mirage is much easier on the eyes now 😁 IMO the Roidlings actually look better than Roid's actual unit. The squid head and simpler stripes look more knight-like. The cleaner pattern with those much more realistic Ba wings make the fighter mode look kind of like a regal space shuttle too. It's the Royal NASA shuttle lol.
  5. Not gonna lie, I think the purple you used for the Lil Draken are closer to Mirage's color. The Draken III is actually a little too flourescent. But I'm not complaining. The contrast with both shades nicely follows the rule of "super parts are more drab". Recoloring the Lil Drakens really does make the whole thing look more correct. The official colors should honestly just be retconned like this lol. Apparently, there is a version of Roid colored (hijacked?) Ba units that oddly don't share the same livery patterns with a the other Windermere units. Didn't even realize that was a thing until I saw MAHQ. Not gonna ask you to make that lol, just curious whether it's in the game files, since I barely remember those from the show. I'm guessing those were the grunts Roid hacked, that I thought were the same as his actual unit all this time.
  6. Lil Drakens have never color matched their host valk. It's a shame because they always look odd like that. Knowing that the colors for Mirage's unit are just makeshift programmed for IFF reasons on the Draken III makes even less sense why her Lil Drakens can't do the same.
  7. 😮 More goodies! Kind of curious to know if the shins actually have a hatch and carry the sword inside. I assume they didn't bother with those, but it would be nice to know. Same for missiles in the pods. 🙂 A livery request if you get around to Lil Drakens, is to slap some Mirage colors on her pair. I wish they made them match her colors in the movie lol
  8. The YF-25 Prophecy has a Paladin pack that mounts a lance on top like a fold booster. Not sure how canon it is since it's from a magazine, but it's a proper jousting lance in battroid mode. The rest of it is just armor pack parts on the torso, with super pack wing boosters. It's got a custom knee part, but only on one side, because screw symmetry in fighter mode I. lol. Wish there was a toy of it.
  9. Mostly commenting to keep track of this post, but I just had an idea. Since these are intended to match the Bandai 1/48 VF-1 in size, the pilot would be out of scale with the vast majority of other valks in 1/60, despite the toy actually being at a similar size. If you added a swappable pilot (and seat if necessary) in 1/60 scale, you could fulfill proper scaling with both lineups. It could be in both scales until you put the pilot in, making it a proper schrodinger's cat lol
  10. I almost replied something similar too, but that's not what he's actually talking about. He's asking about the emblem that is repeated on their opaque cockpit and left thigh. I'd say it's probably their rank or medal insignia.
  11. That's not exactly true. Ignoring the hyperbole that clearly ignores non plamo items which are clearly still there, there are in fact still plamo items still there. Hobbysearch has been able to circumvent bandai's restrictions with part of the 30 minutes missions line. I don't know how or why, but I'm sure there are other a small amout of other bandai restricted items on there. That is just the english side. The japanese pages still have full listings of the latest plamo and gunpla releases, so if you wan't to go the roundabout route of using a proxy like buyee to buy from the jp side of hobbysearch, you should still be able to get your bandai plamo from them. For w/e reason, the jp pages can have different prices from the items available on the english side, even before jp tax though
  12. One of the pics show gunpod can mount on the new belly plates, at least in gerwalk.
  13. I guess a Lil Draken + missile pack is on the cards then. It kind of annoys me that Lil Drakens can't change colors or ever get repainted to match lol
  14. Too lazy to check footage, but most images suggest he never wore the missile packs, so there's probably no canon livery in these colors even if Bandai wanted to slap them on...
  15. Just watch the two Delta movies. It's much better focused on specific plot lines and even reworks some of the main characters. The TV version is basically rendered non canon by it. Kind of how Frontier was retconned, but even more wildly divergent, to the point that it's not even remotely the same story anymore.
  16. I think the shield is their national coat of arms, and has nothing to do with their custom livery. Even the Ba's have those colors. Only the white royal guard units of both Ba and Hs variety replace the dark green stripes with white ones. Keith just happens to use more patriotic colors for his custom scheme lol.
  17. Wow, it's basically the same price as Keith's Unit combined with the Lil Draken and missle pods pack. It's the YF-19 price inflation debacle all over again lol. I know it was too much to ask for, but still no shin hatch with a transformable sword. Of course, this package should't even include a sword at all. I'll add to the pile of calls for the Mirage Ba instead, but I'm not sure I would be able to stomach even that at this price point and no add on parts. The greatest part of this news is probably that the movie releases haven't been completely halted and reset by WWM releases. My copium says there is still a chance for Mirage's AX to get super parts. 😁
  18. If that's how they did it in the show, I'm expecting a lot more frankenmechs in the next series. Maybe even frankenvalks lol
  19. IIRC, Gamlin also comes with dup runners for color accuracy, and effect parts, making it a bigger kit than the YF-21. Anything not bandai's IP also gets IP tax. In this case, it's bigwest tax. I think there's also some sort of economy of scale tax. You can see the same price hike with other bandai kits for 3rd party IP.
  20. There are two replies under that tweet that claim the same issue. Considering how little visibility the tweet itself got, and how easy it is to not realize it is a defect, I'd say it's at least a tiny bit more common than random one offs.
  21. Very cool to see all those gargantuan objects together for scale. And looking forward to the G Drive filling up with goodies, even though I will probably do nothing with them lol
  22. I assume the model is animated in game, so do the missile tubes and the chest armor pod actually depict anything inside? Or are they just duds like the DX? lol
  23. Just gonna comment to keep track of this in my notifications 😁
  24. That's similar to my idea a few pages back, except to flip it out from the other end of that flap hinge block, and let it slide in under the block to double as the lock pin as well. That without replacing any outer shell parts. That's more and idea for replacing that whole lock pin block from the factory though. Don't actually know if thats feasable as a mod, since YYK still hasn't shipped mine so I can look at it in person. At least I know they went ham and checked for the double shoulders after I requested it. But it's been radio silence for a few days again after I replied to ship it. 😭
  25. The goodies keep on coming!
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