I had tried chilling it and then warming it with no results before my first post, maybe because it wasn't extreme enough. At some point, I got the barrel out all the way after I decided to go ham and wrap my shirt over it for grip. Not the best idea since being unable to see or feel the piece warping under such violent motion is probably risky. Seems even half a second of direct skin contact is enough moisture that I lose the grip needed to extend and retract it.
Even though there's not really a fix, it's kind of a relief to know others have the issue and it seems it could be coexisted with as long as caution is taken lol
With that out of the way, my unit only has couple tiny issues that don't bug me too much.
One of my super pack missile doors don't seem to open all the way, but it's not too bad. Don't know if there's injection flash on the joint, or the piece is just warped. I've already accidentally popped out the missle array and the doors on another side, so I know how it assembles and might be able to fix it when I'm not lazy.
The other issue is that the fuselage doesn't seem to lock in to anything in battroid mode. I've got the cockpit pointed at the underside of the collar plate, but the two just wiggle from each other and I'm not sure if that is supposed to be normal. The whole upper torso feels vaguely held in its form simply by the fact that the nose cone is trapped behind the chest emblem piece. Maybe I'll have to come around and watch a video to make sure I've got it right
And also, the hand peg or the slit on the gun's grip is already coming loose... I have yet to find out if those two just never interfaced well, or mounting and removing the gun from various positions and holding the knife once each has already chewed up the parts.