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Everything posted by PointBlankSniper

  1. The AX super parts booster can definitely fit on underwing hardpoints. There are images and videos of people that have been throwing them on super siegfrieds to make double booster wing sandwiches. To be clear, I have also tested the super ghosts on both under wing hardpoints as well. With some amount of wing folding gymnastics from the super ghosts, the whole valk remains on the default stand just fine. Mounting on he outer wing will inevitably cause droop though. In both cases, it doesn't seem to me that there is enough room to even partially fold the wings far enough reveal the hidden hardpoint, so even the ability to droop is limited lol. Maybe I somehow haven't contorted those joints to their maximum potential, but I don't think that is the case. That last point you said is mainly what I'm asking about. Despite boosters being large, from what I can see from images, it is still significantly narrower the body of the super ghosts, so im hoping maybe theres a tiny chance it would leave enough wiggle room to half open the wings just enough to deploy the hidden hardpoints at an off angle. Mulling on it some more, I realize there are also the super pack arm shields to consider, but thats a matter for after finding out if the big booster can fit lol.
  2. Random question: Is there any configuration that the super pack can fit together with the super ghosts mounted, most importantly in fighter mode, through any arrangement with the hardpoints or wing folding contortions? I'm unrealistically hoping the main boosters could somehow squeeze under the half folded wings. I don't have any super packss, but have the super ghosts. With them mounted under the wings, it does't seem like the wings can fold open to reveal the mid wing hard points to make that an option. At some point, I'm gonna realize bandai won't make mirage's super pack, and then maybe grab a hayate's set to slap on her AX, so i can at least have a tri-colored franken plane like a few of the ultramans did lol
  3. Despite a similar shape, the outer wings on the AX are significantly larger than the 31A's, giving it a massive dogtooth profile that far more resembles the the 262Hs than the 31A. Now that I think about it, even the thermometer might be partly an effort to carry over that long tail silhouette from the single engine + vertical stabilizer design. They did shove Bogue into Delta flight to give him an AX after all.
  4. Ignoring the exact details of story for a moment, it seems like even the wings come from the Hs Draken. As are the super ghosts from the Lil Draken. Like how tornado pack combines the elements of 27 onto the 25, it feels like AX does the same for the 31s and Drakens. Combining designs seems like how these elements come to be, regardless of lore. Following that train of thought, the thermometer might be a throwback to the tornado pack's 3rd leg tail stand thing lmao Speaking of which, we have the 303 with its high maneuver quad engine mode, which is an integrated version of the X-wing silhouette from the AX equipped with super ghosts... making it the equivalent of how the 29 is to the tornado pack lol
  5. imo the long sniper rifle fits the theme of all the long cannons and pods the pack comes with as well, and makes it extra non standard from other 25s as well. btw, anyone know how the new paint job/matte coat for this stacks up beside Max's Durandal? Just curious to see how close or different they actually are when beside each other.
  6. I see arm looking things in the big yellow "exchanging parts" box of the point 1 image. the ones for fighter and high maneuver mode look significantly flattened, thinned, and shrunken compared to the ones for gerwalk and battroid. It's pretty obvious how squashed it is in fighter mode out of all the completed formms in the point 2 image too...
  7. only older kits and their very regular reprints, or candy toy kits that aren't made at their japan plant, still use ABS. in terms of new designs, they started phasing that stuff out like 10 years ago, iirc starting with the MG Nu Ver Ka as the flagship to kickstart that project since then, they've been honing their rubbery PS mix for use as inner frames throughout the IBO line. starting with the WfM line, they've also managed to do away with polycaps, so they don't even have PE in their latest kits anymore. they are just pure PS kits now next on their schedule i believe is to replace PS with Limex for everything produced in their new factory being built beside the current one, and is coming online next year. iirc, Limex is some sort of PS, or something similar, with about 30% limestone mixed in. part of the reason is obviously to reduce plastic to get that good environmentalism karma. the other part is supposedly for resource sustainability and cost. the explanation is that the oils that the plastic is made from is finite, but limestone is extremmely abundant. it's basically padding plastic volume with chalk the recently released gunpla-kun model kit is a test run using that material. the general consensus from reviewers seems to be that Limex has slightly different material properties and quirks from PS, but all the usual modelling tools and techniques still work on it. in terms of yellowing, i guess you replace 30% of the averge kit's yellowing properties with that of chalk lol
  8. I always wanted a 171, but not like this... bandai is just intentionally messing with people again Where is the teal, and why you skip Ozma's 25??? 😭
  9. seeing as they removed the pack from the 19's rerelease... and haven't even bothered with all the delta super packs... I'm more worried they won't even release them as separate add-ons...
  10. If they don't announce an accessory pack with everything they took out, I'm not sure I can pull the trigger on this, despite having looked forward to this re-release. Gonna be rough to wait and see while hoping it does stay in stock like other wwm releases. The dream is this could lead to the same treatmenet with the advance, so the parts could be mix and matched, even if colors and markings are wrong. But I'm aware that hoping for a separate missile and arm cannon set and then an even more hypothetical 19 advance and its pack as more separate sets, is like asking Bandai for a lot of schodinger's monkey's paw.
  11. I got sick of waiting for bandai 1/72. realizing it's a dead line is why i started collecting dx. i've been burned by bandai whle trying to complete collections of no grade 1/100, MG, SD, gachapon figures, and some converge figure lines, to trust them with ever completing anything. one of each unique valk design in premium toy form seems like a better deal than a large collection of incomplete ktis to me. it probably costs less overall too. in a world where even the entirety of the master grade line is finally speculated to be getting slowly killed off, asking for bandai to restart an obscure 1/72 line sounds wild. the new macross hg line pretty much seals the possibility of bandai doing 1/72 again. the only thing that is everlasting with bandai is the hg line itself, and the absolute incompleteness of all the series within it, as well as killing off other product lines. if you live long enough, maybe they will throw you a bone by releasing one of many missing units through p-bandai in a decade or two... with bandai namco also sticking their hand in the armored core pie now, it looks like they are just hoarding mecha IP. i imagine their product lines will get even more diluted if the start releasing AC stuff, whlie also gating anyone else from trying to make kits of anything without hefty licensing fees lol
  12. my bad. haven't heard from them since the fire. thought they've been severly incapacitated and hadn't put anything together all this time
  13. ngl, everytime I touch my AX, I am mildly worried I might somehow poke an eye, or slip and get an artery stabbed in my thigh... if not the family jewels... probably doesnt help that the one I have is Mirage's, with that somewhat hatchet shaped head antenna. but it's one of the pretties mech heads ever, so i have to suck up those intrusive worries lol
  14. A new Aquarion was announced in the past couple months. it could be that satellite is busy with that. perhaps kawamori is divided for that project, or possibly even totally devoted over there and is hands off with this Macross. honestly killed my hope for a new Macross when I heard about that Aquarion, so this Sunrise project is even more out of left field to me than those out of the loop lol G Reco can probably be fully blamed on Tomino, the OG gundam director. Sunrise probably just let him do w/e he wanted out of respect, so it ended up being that retro style of trippy and deranged story writing. The other gundams since then are not like that. Most of them are mediocre to bad, but in a modern uninspired, low effort sort of way. Since we lost KyoAni, your preference may get monkey pawed lol. The sequel to second raid, invisible victory, was picked up by xebec. which was pretty decent imo, although not their best work. allegedly, when production I.G., their original overlords, folded them for being unprofitable, Sunrise scooped them up. They should now be the studio under the name of Sunrise Beyond. After doing the Gundam Build Diver series, their latest work was Kyoukai Senki. The rock bottom that I have been alluding to, that Sunrise had the gall to put their stamp of approval on as mentioned in my previous posts. Here's to hoping they don't have a hand in this Macross, or seriously get their act together and return to form
  15. i always thought that was the canon universal "gray" they used for the series based on the gunpod. i think the superpacks were supposed to look like that despite previous dx releases. and i thought that nobody cared how ugly and out of place it was for it to be slapped on all the totally unrelated color schemes lol
  16. besides massive up-armor, and overloaded for missile spam being the hallmark of macross, which gundam doesn't even hold a candle to, yall aware kawamori designed the premier hulking and nuke launching gundam that is gp02 right? it was actually macross that was put into gundam, and the man did it himself
  17. ngl, been thinking beam drones deployed from hardpoints seemed like a long overdue idea. other than the beam part, we already have things like x-61A gremlins and sparrowhawk irl. guiding them by idol dance seems like the most logical way to keep themes cohesive lol
  18. from my experience, i'd say that is a testament to the work of japan post, and then your local customs and national post. the other couriers on the other hand, often seem to treat packages with absolute spite. i generally feel safer doing months long surface shipping for cheaper, than go with those express courier guys lol as for the packaging though, it does look like hobby-genki cheaped out on stuffing material. some people collect even mint condition p-bandai brown boxes, or plan to resell items in that condition themselves. so japanese sellers will even enlarge the box by a couple sizes just put in stuffing material to protect those brown boxes. they don't care that you are charged an arm and a leg for the massive size increase that serves no one but couriers' bank accoutns. you should know this from how amiami and mandarake packaging and surprise shipping cost works lol. hobby-genki seem to be foreigners operating in japan though, so i guess it's not in their operating culture to care about box damage but rather save money and effort for everyone from minimal package size
  19. basically just the first season, as it was designed to be. the rest of them lost the premise and went on to invent strange things and pad themselves out with low effort filler writing. so rare to find someone reasonable about it though. usually its just blind rage on all build series for not being big bois and genocide, even if it means throwing the concept of homage into the fire. or the polar opposite, which are the folks that lap up everything with gundam in the title lol
  20. now that i've done my pooping on the sunrise parade, i'd like to get in on the wishful posting too with the show seemingly coming rather soon, I hope bandai does not forget the ongoing unfinished DX lineup in favor of the next shiny new collection that they would also eventually not complete... hopefully there aren't so many color variants of the same valk for unimportant team members to drag out release schedules into overlapping with the next new thing... like fate of the vivasat. kind of hoping they will bring it back for this series, to make sense of it not being merchandized yet. also, more nightmares would be nice, so maybe i could finally get one. admittedly though, nightmares as main grunts again is kind of boring as for plot, hopefully they follow up with all the lady M, epsilon, heimdall and even Alto teasing. all this open endedness about entities kind of cheapens the investment in the franchise continuity. some eerie deep space first encounter vibes and space monsters like 7 and frontier would be nice too. the recton movies needs to be dropped too. if there's any, they should be sequels i don't care much for the idol schtick, but presumbly music will come of it. vtuber themed or not, if they play this aspect right, i forsee that it will ironically be vtubers that blow the series up in the mainstream. karaoke streams are the bread and butter a lot of them. the show having a whole setlist of its own will be like weaponizing music to endlessly brainwash the masses with free marketing while the show is still airing and relevant, just like in the show lmao
  21. admittedly, i havent watched plus outside of tons of clips and digests, so she wasn't on my mind, nor do i have a grasp of how alike the modern profession she was depicted to be. but from the look of things, i guess that the gimmick has already been done. ngl, zettai live also gave a pretty accurate analogy of how AI neural networks/machine learning and prompt engineering worked and behaved, before stable diffusion and the like was let loose on the public to blow all our minds. i'm fairly certain sunrise is actually more guilty of scissoring and the like than satellite... purposefully thought out action scenes are also not the norm as i've pointed towards kyoukai senki just above. while that may be the rock bottom of recent years, the progression in that direction was there since after the original build fighters. from the subsequent build fighter season, the rest of the build series, and even IBO, all the fights, as well as the story, were unimpactful or made of absolutely incoherent nonsense. aside from the random flagship OVAs, they didn't seem to put effort in anything, it's only the current WfM that has gone back to putting some effort in animation. and even that was marred by opening the first ep of both seasons with heinous CG as i've pointed out as for subbing in mechs to reuse scenes, that was like the entirety of gundam seed destiny. anyone that remembers it probably has ptsd my point is, this isn't at all better than asking for these improvements from sattelite instead lol until there is visual confirmation that they are burning trainloads of budget on this project like it's jet fuel, we should probably keep our expectations in check lol
  22. majority of the time for sunrise shows, the mechs are split between low detail and barely shaded 3D with stiff animation, or malformed 2D napkin doodles. fight scenes often have no coherent sense of direction, motion, positioning, or much of an logic either. they certainly can animate detailed physics like gundam unicorn, but they won't do it... even the current gundam witch from mercury opens with some garishly CG shots with no antialiasing and strange lighting, despite it overall looking already much higher effort than usual. imo they generally are no better than satellite at best, but is worse on average. i would look at kyoukai senki as the baseline of modern quality they find acceptable to produce 🤢, even if that wasn't theot the main studio proper the hope is that im dead wrong, but gotta be cautiously cautious on this one, rather than optimistic in any way. if that is the iron rule, the next logical progression would probably be a vtuber/vsinger. expect lots of minecraft 🤪 episodes i guess...
  23. i tried reading it earlier, with my limited understandinig of japanese grammar and prepositions, combined with machine translating short bits of vocabulary individually, that tweet still read the same. the two lines still cryptically talking past each other and seemed semi contradictory now that i've had a sleep and enough brain power to have another look at it, it seems to me that the bracketed sentence is a borderline run-on sentence, and there might be some machine mistranslation from "my" to "I" so how i think this tweet should read: "seems bandai isn't gonna make yf-21, so there is none other than the yamato. i gotta treasure it. (now that person K from company B has directly heard MY understanding of the matter, perhaps they would get around to releasing it?)" so if i'm correct, the whole tweet reads like a doomer speculation that leads into wishful coersion
  24. i've been on the fence about the draken, but would really like 262Ba in Mirage's colors, with a redesigned fully foldable sword and storage compartment for it in the shins, even if it needs to look a little ugly anyway, here's a random guy's perfect transformation lego rendition of the 303 while we impatiently huff that hopium go to the tweet and see his self replies for more images in each of the 4 modes
  25. all those stores you just mentioned are outright massive corporations, i'd add hobby search among them as the best known ones. hobby-genki on the other hand, give the impression that they are a couple dudes operating out of a garage as a side gig. not that they are actually that small, considering they probably have the most generous warehouse and shipping arrangement policies lol. basically, they don't seem to be able to keep up with their volume of business, and need checking in on if you notice releases have come and gone without updates on your orders for a long while. the upside is, they seem to have the most pleasant customer service. one time, they were even kind enough to voluntarily bring up waiving my shipping fee because my order had fallen between the cracks and gone untended to for very long. i've only used them a couple times, but i consider them my first choice for limited release items now, whenever there is something the larger stores don't deal in or have limited allotment.
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