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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. This looks exactly like the ep where Wakure covered Gangam Style
  2. That is undoubtedly one of the Amazon stories of all time lol
  3. The only cope we can grasp at is that they could still do the ghost, and chuck in all the outstanding accessories, including an extra fold booster also for the 21 in the package to jack up the price and complete the set. This still conveniently leaves room for my pipe dream of the Advance to get a revival and come barebones in the same way, and then have it's super parts release separately too. I just want to slap everything on one unit lol. Not that I have any hopes of it realistically happening...
  4. Them schordinger's chest cannon flap things... IDR for sure, but I have mine up flat. I think only one orientation truly gets out of the way for everything in proper transformation, but those bits are so floppy and bendy that they can flop to the opposite position while you're transforming some other part, and then squeeze their way in as is, for every mode lol. For fighter, you want the inner thigh's lip to not be interfered with while inside the rim of the lower chest. No. We just pretend Bandai might release all the missilse, fast pack, arm canmon, and fold booster someday, even though they never will, because the 21 comes with fold booster mounts and no fold booster etiher.
  5. Yay, it seems that the images really were a lie and the clear parts are still green. 😁 Unless they just matte coated a renewal for this show... They didn't spin this unit around to show the new screws so I'm not sure if this confirms anything... And I think the dude broke the canard on his old v1 unit. He looks like he was trying very hard to hide it lol.
  6. I actually suspect the paint solvent they used might be making the clear plastic soft or brittle and then caused to crumble during another process, but if a piece survives, the solvent evaporates and it goes back to it's intended strength. It could even be that strange film of release agent or w/e it is some of us notices are on the blue parts. Maybe that's the stuff that causes the antenna to bend too. All the images of cracked units so far show no sign of impact or crushing, and nobody has impacted boxes and blisters. The canopy piece is actually really tough as far as I can tell. Other than utter malice from factory workers, I have a hard time believing those things would break like that from the mold, and reach final assemble like that.
  7. Yeah, those screws keep the thigh/intakes sandwiched over the actual joint housing. I took it apart while in battroid. It's the mode you want to make it function for and test the tightness in anyway, and the stand will hold on to the toy for you like that if you don't want to set the thing down unevently on all the thin bits. Alternatively, you could probably just through the legs out by the swingbar swivel. You really only just want the swing bar to reach the end of that spring loaded ramp its on, so it catches in the battroid position. Then you have resistance to test the ball joint against. As for the wing not tabbing in. Great that you solved it. IDK if you had the same problem, but one of the causes for that could be the thing I mentioned about the thigh and the rib area. The inner wall of the hollow backside of the thigh needs to slide up inside the lower rib area of the torso. Basically it has to jam up the space where the sliding chest cannons store. If the thigh is on the outside of the chest, it will push the leg out and can cause the wing tab to not line up with the outer calf similar to what you have.
  8. You unclasp the plastic intake halves and remove the whole leg from the joint with the screws on the other side. And then you use both screws shown on the joint do a little bit of something, you just don't know what, until its simultaneously too loose and too tight at different points of rotation. And then you never figure out what does what or how to revert it to factory tightness without stripping the screws. I'm not sure where to go from your image though... 😱
  9. Well... at least the canards are definitely also there on the nose.
  10. I think the hardest part of going back into fighter for me was just understanding the inner thigh and rib cage somehow needs to be inside each other. Two parts that shouldn't be paper thin on a mecha but somehow are required to overlap. And then those integral chest cannons in the same area that won't stop sliding in and out as they please, or stop flopping up and down seperately with their inner lining piece that moves independent of it... Everything else can kind of just be winged and be close enough that it shouldn't cause too much suffering elsewhere. I kind of regret messing with the thighs on mine. I ended up making them loose where they need to hold when standing, and stiff where I need them to move to the fighter angle, and the screws started stripping after so many adjustments. None of that really compensated for the original problem which was the spring ramp of the swing bar not catching very well to allow the thigh ball to move without the swing back swinging back. Despite the hangups, it's probably still the most intuitive to transform among the DXs IMO. Most of he engineering gimmicks are iconic in their own way, so they remind you that they are there and guide you through the process just by knowing they exist.
  11. But the thing is, the robot isn't backwards from the plane like that. You can see the intakes his collar in the new image, meaning his head is at the front of the plane. The nosecone will probably flip up from being his tail to over his head, that's why called it a party hat.
  12. Wait, why aren't we blaming Takara Tomy for ths one? Anyway, judging by how Rathalos Prime, the first of the crossover line up, looks so far, I don't expect it too look much more than some dude lying face down, with a tall nose cone party hat, plus gaps wide enough to swipe your credit card...
  13. Honestly just hope it's not only a cutscene compilation with some transition and yapping heads for the vn parts padded in... And that they'll use the opportunity to finish the rest of the kits line up for at leasat the known units, if not continue with the plethora of undesigned ones hinted in lore.
  14. Looking lively at Al Shahal
  15. Yay mine is headed for slow boat for 3700 yen. At least that costs exactly as expected from YYK.
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