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Everything posted by HannouHeiki

  1. I was not that impressed at first, either. But what I have noticed is that the colors on the R2DVD seem to be corrected to a much greater degree (imo). And the bitrate is MUCH higher than the Animeigo's DVDs. On Animeigo's I remember some spots with pixelation during high spead scenes...I'm expecting that to be less of a problem on the R2DVD set.
  2. That's completely understandable. Someone can have a PhD in Japanese Grammar, but that doesn't mean they can interpret a Japanese medical journal. On the other hand, you'll have military or science geeks that do not know any japanese. Ideally a group of people who know each other really well could combine skillsets...but that could reach the territory have taking up a part time job, lol. Well, I am thankful we have someone in the fandom who even has the ability to look up kanji... The way I translate japanese for myself is transcribing by ear into romaji and plugging the words into online dictionaries....then I have to interpret the word jumble and wordsmith the thing. Takes forever... I don't even want to ask you how characters are sorted in a kanji dictionary, lol. I only know four katakana characters, and they spell: ma-ku-ro-su ^^
  3. I'm a video quality fanatic...so these episodes are a big deal for me, personally. As far as publications go...I do wish those had english releases too... I would buy all of those Macross Chronicle books if I knew I could enjoy the art and read through it at the same time... Maybe a speed manga translation group can form one day so we can buy the publications as they are released.... Or the japanese can start writing in romaji 100% of the time to make it easier for people to read.... Or we can clone Gubaba.... (i can dream...)
  4. It's like watching a first run series on network TV Truly the best SDFM experience yet!
  5. thanks for these tech themed threads redwolf. I may not have a lot to say but I love lurking the thread and looking at all the pretty pictures....
  6. Someone is already releasing the japanese remastered SDFM with updated scripts. The video is superior to the american film masters that ADV/Animeigo had to work with. The scripts feature the best blend of ADV and Animeigo's scripts with corrections made as needed. Just check out the Macross Translation Project at http://galaxynetwork.blogspot.com/ Episodes are released at a rate of about two weeks, @episode 4 now. asiandvdclub.org is also a good place to check out.
  7. adding subs to an existing DVD video is not an easy one click process, but Xeros's "long method sub patches" should give you the step by step instructions of getting everything done.
  8. If you're going to aruge how realistic gravity is, please let me know when you find out why the New Macross class transforms. At least SDFM had a semi-explanation for the transformation and why it happened to be the largest transformer ever.
  9. PM'd you regarding ranks.
  10. Everyone should also keep in mind that the "tiny" little real life aircraft carrier has a crew compliment of 5,000 people, aircraft, fuel, weapons, and provisions. Considering that the Macross has maybe ten times the volume with gravity going in different directions, the population doesn't seem as much of a stretch. If living spaces are being used on the attached carriers, with enlisted grades living in bunks or small quarters, you might even get enough room for the buildings.
  11. I had a similar experience a couple years ago. When I was 14-15 I didn't think about the possibility of VHS being replaced...I knew the average life span of tapes, how many times they can be viewed, etc. Some of the fansubs I had were on custom spooled Fuji tapes and some of the really good fansub "distros" would make custom labels. I remember waiting until it was my turn on the waiting list for my first few Macross 7 tapes. Anyway, my dad wanted to turn my old room into an office and had me clean out the closet. I had mountains of old VHS fansubs...like you said they were gems. I spent so much time keeping them in top notch condition so that they could last "forever," like keeping them reround and upright, etc. Except for a few nostalgic keepsakes...I threw must of them away...I had since gotten many of them on DVD anyway!
  12. I love Macross, and SDFM will always be the best; I don't know if there can ever be another. I agree, Macross Frontier didn't have the best plot. The depth of most characters barely went beyond the surface. Despite that, Macross Frontier was hot. The action, mecha, and in-jokes to Macross of the past was all pure sex. I loved every minute of it. When I reflect on the show, I never really find myself thinking deeply about it at all, but I do think of it fondly. The final episode was awesome; I loved every second of it. The final battle with all of its one liners, like "Ima! Macross Attack!," Ozma's Totsugeki Love Heart, and Alto and Brera's "Dakedo.....We love someone! RAAAARRRGH!!!!" were all delivered with perfect seriousness, lol. Never in my life did I love so much cheese; for me there was some magic in it. And what is better than the Minmay attack? Use two girls instead of one! And why is Nyan Nyan Service Medley so awesome when it is just a Macross Remix? And MacF finally explains why the New Macross class uses a transformation: so it can use the Hyper Macross Smash Fist to the Galaxy's face. I laughed, but it felt good. Macross Frontier tastes good but feels like it's bad for my health. Any show that piles on fan service usually start to feel lame early on, but somehow, for me at least, it worked. Would I have liked this show as much if it was not Macross? Maybe not...but Macross Frontier is just like that hot young girl that drives you nuts even though you think she's as dumb as a rock.
  13. Those were the old days...when fansubs were traded via VHS! I remember I was stoked b/c someone sent me his old VHS master, which was replaced by his new S-VHS master, lol.
  14. The japanese already do this similarly to how we have done it in the west, actually with the title "kanchou." We do the same here, the title of captain is given to anyone is commands a ship regardless of rank. In WW2 submarine commanders were given the title of "captain," but they typically had Lieutenant rank. So in Macross DYRL, "Global kanchou" is still Captain Global, and "Global junsho" is Brigadier General Global (or navalized to Admiral). In the dialogue he is referred to as both right after the Max/Millia battle. Anyway, I basically agree with you about navalizing only in instances of tradition, especially if it serves the translation for english audiences. sorry for taking this thread off topic! I tend to get nitpicky about ranks because I'm a former army brat. Anyway, I'm glad to see people taking on Macross and translations!
  15. Global was a Commander in the UN Navy on the submarine Marco Polo, not the UN Spacy...
  16. All of that is besides the point. The issue is that the japanese language uses the same rank titles for all branches. The highest senior ranking officer is a Taisa. US army equivalent = Colonel US navy equivalent = Captain In Japan, he is a Taisa no matter what branch he is in. So the issue is "how do we translate this to english?" Figuring out which branch is what won't solve the problem, because within the anime characters will all refer to each other as the same rank anway, even if they come from different branches. 1. This means the anime must have a consistent rank structure to reflect the language being translated, unless you want the army/navy issue to be decided upon by each individual translator. The Spacy is a unified service, IMO. And it's dang confusing. 2. With Mac+ choosing to put Colonel Millard inscribed on the door, that means they have chosen to translate their ranking system through US army terminology. 3. "All english army translation method" provides consistency that is needed in the anime, since rank titles are the same across all japanese language branches. 4. All army would allow us to use Sgt., Corporal, etc. instead of Petty Officer and Seaman. No Seaman on my space scifi show please.... 4. However, I advocate exceptions in favor of Admiral over general and Commander over Lt. Col, (only where appropriate for ship officers), because I beleive that would serve the translation of the work for an english audience.
  17. That actually makes a lot of sense, but the issue is that the Japanese use the same ranking titles for Army and Navy, unlike the USA. In the USA armies have Generals and navies have Admirals, but in Japan the rank is Taishou for both services. In Macross Plus, it is established that Millard is a Colonel. The rank of Colonel does not exist in the american navy rank system. The equivalent rank of Colonel in the Navy is "Captain." Major Fokker is Army style. Captain Fokker would be a navalized rank. This is why some DYRL subs will have Ensign Ichijo vs 2nd. Lt Ichijo. The Spacy is a unified service, so it should have a consistent rank structure. With the fact that we already have a Colonel Millard, for the sake of consistency this would mean that Army style ranks should be used, in my opinion. This is the approach used in Gundam translations as well. The Macross Compendium lists army style ranks for all cases. Last but not least, in SDFM I'd rather use army style Sgt. Max Jenius instead of calling him Petty Officer Jenius. I think the only exceptions should be to navalize General to Admiral and Lt. Col to Commander as appropriate, only because I think it is better for the sake of english translation.
  18. I've planned on scrubbing through all of these myself at some point, but I'm concentrating on SDFM tv dvd, DYRL, and AVCHDs for stuff available in HD. I haven't watched Macross 7 in a long time, but if I remember correctly they used naval english equivalents for ranks. Its my personal nitpick; one day I'll scrub through them and change them into their army equivalents.
  19. I don't see why that would be a problem, it is worth a try.
  20. I like the more literal approach as well, modified only to make sense to common english speakers. As far as it rhyming, etc., if you want to sing it, go with the romaji
  21. As a fan of ships in general (real or fictional), and the SDF-1 being one of my "true loves" of ships, this part totally ruined any suspension of disbelief I had left. The emitters from the legs and turning the ARMDs into cannons was a totally useless addition. And then blowing it up, the bridge detaching with minimal character reaction, and then singing right afterwards stopping all the fighting was pure cheese....I was so dissapointed. Macross 7 worked better for me; the show had a lighthearted tone and any cheese seemed to fit in.
  22. That's right, his title is "captain" of the Macross, but his actual rank is general. The "captains" of the ARMDs could be any rank who are subordinate to Global.
  23. Good guys quit smoking in the 90s. Not once did Ray smoke in Ghosbusters 2.
  24. I understand, when I was first watching shows fansubs were still being traded via VHS tapes! If you ever had to do that yourself you'd know how the quality quickly degrades from copy to copy...
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