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Everything posted by HannouHeiki

  1. Sorry if this has been mentioned elsewhere. I asked on another forum for a translation of the opening text intro. This is what I got: February, 2009 A.D. The day of the space launching ceremony for mankind's first large scale interstellar migration ship, the Macross, a mysterious space fleet suddenly arrives and the Earth suffers catastrophic damage in an attack. 50,000 evacuees aboard the Fortress Macross make an emergency escape to the orbit of Pluto using the ship’s space fold system [literally: escape to the orbit of Pluto using (space) fold navigation]. Several months have now passed. I just wanted to double check this with some of you here. I found the term "Fortress Macross" odd. I'm amateur with Japanese, but I didn't notice the term "Fortress" adjacent to the "Macross" characters, and I'm questioning the interpretation to make "Fortress" proper, so I'm hoping one of you guys can help confirm that part.
  2. I appreciate this guys! You're awesome, and keep up the good work!
  3. Do you know if it is in 480p or 1080p?
  4. Any thoughts on the FB2012 blue ray? I know most of us weren't going to expect much considering source limitations. The main thing I'm looking to find out is if it is actually 1080p video and I'd the experience is any different from letting my PS3 upscale the previous DVD release.
  5. I did get the sense she was saying something pretty important!
  6. I'm starting to poke at a download of the BD and found this little clip with voiceover. Any idea what is being said? Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  7. Just go to asiandvdclub.org. The movie is there With the subtitles already added ti the DVD Download some simple boxart. Let me know if you need help with boxart. You are then good to go.
  8. Ever notice how Air Force commercials don't show cool jets and pilots? Anyone remember the dumb commercial where people at computers reprogram a sattelite to dodge some incoming junk? Or seen footage of pilots flying drones from some military office? Have you noticed the lack of manned military flight, and how the next generation will grow up with this as "normal?" Anyone play PS3? Ever hear of the Ace Combat series? It is a military jet arcade sim. It has just about every major military jet from around the world since the 70s through today. I just noticed that almost all the "real life" jets are no longer in production, including the F-22 on the box. The F-22 is a thing of the past! That's when I think of Macross Plus.
  9. Check asiandvdclub.org
  10. Maybe it's nostalgia, but I prefer Robotech over ADV's version of Macross. I would be happy if the music track could be ported over to the Robotech version, then it would be a great pseudo "Macross" dub. Anyway, nothing beats subbed, regardless. I need my "Hannou Heiki Standby OK!" etc.
  11. Yep! Worst ID4 scene + most controversial Macross character = epic comedy. The best part is the "HA-HA-HA" when the SDF-1 breaks into the command center.
  12. This is old, but I don't know if it was ever tossed around here. I still crack up a little bit when I see it.
  13. I was just thinking to myself that someone with a Planet Dance ringtone would be considered a nerd even amongst Macross fans. A Ranka Nyan-Nyan ringtone, however, is cool^^
  14. The United Nations was replaced by the Unified Government in 2001. So the United Nations as we know it ceased before the start of SDF Macross episode 1. The Unified Government was replaced by NUN after Macross 7.
  15. The Unified Government is the government in charge since Episode 1 of SDF Macross. The space military arm of the Unified Government is the UN Spacy. I believe post SW1 episodes, SDF Macross 28 and onwards, they would say that there was a "new Unifed Government," but in Macross 7 and Macross Plus they used the original UN Spacy logo. In otherwords, it was "new" in the sense that it is a recreation of the same entity, the Unified Government and UN Spacy. It was not until Frontier that we see the NUNS (New UN Spacy) logo. I take this as the formation of a brand new entity that was formed sometime after Macross 7.
  16. The issue is the japanese wording/speech is not "United Nations." The word used is translated as unified, unity, integrated. Sketchley has been using "UN" to match up with logos that we've seen in the show. 国連 = United Nations (the real one) Macross uses: 統合政府 = Unifed/Integrated Government (but we see UN logos) So, in Japanese, it is not called "United Nations," even though they may have UN logos or have it romanized as "UN Forces." Also, 国連 (real UN) appears in Macross Zero. We can't call 国連 and 統合政府 both United Nations because the anime refers to pre and post war governments with different words. Anyway...I don't want this topic to get hijacked. Sketchley, thank you very much for creating that gateway. I've already taken advantage to it; those without the time or Japanese skills have another thing to help us keep connected to all things Macross.
  17. oh well, at least it keeps the topic top posted.
  18. PSP games do not have region coding. Are you sure that it applies to movie UMDs? edit: just read that they do have lockout...
  19. So your main concern with: Unified Government. Unified Forces. Unified Space Force is that some fans would think UN still means United Nations? I think any UN logo may have the same connotation on both sides of the Pacific... Anyway, I like Unified.
  20. That came out wrong. I was actually trying to picture the guy himself on stage or a big Exsedol head on the screen egging the crowd on...I'm sure it was the actor on stage, but I meant "wierd in a cool way" to see that guy in character and pacing around the stage chanting "Dekulcha!"
  21. I didn't realize until after I made this post that I mispelled Fortress. Dammit.
  22. Lol. nice. I've just been checking out bit and pieces of hit. Hearing Exsedol trying to get the crowd chant Yakk Dekulcha was kinda wierd. And what is up with Mari during those techno Watashiwa no kare wa Pairotto, etc remixes? I'm not too sure about those..... It's like Macross mated with Echo or something.
  23. I got drunk at a bar and had to go use the bathroom. And I hope some of you guys know what I mean when I say: when you're at that "peak" of max drunkeness without being sick, you just get in the mood to hear a particular song or something. Anyway, I went to the bathroom, and it had a chalkboard. So I wrote what was on my mind...and then took a picture. This was from a trip, and my wife did her famous eye roll when she reviewed our vacation pictures. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  24. October 18th, 2009 at 10:05 pm By the way, the composer of ‘Ai Oboeteimasu ka’, Kazuhiko Kato was found hung in his hotel room this weekend after committing suicide. Today Mari Ijima said that she was told by the manager(?) of his death after yesterday’s concert. Actually she had known before but had performed anyway. It seemed that she had last spoken to him only three days before his death. She spoke a little about how they hadn’t always seen eye to eye (perhaps due to Mari’s aversion to Macross and Minmei in the past). But she felt as if she hadn’t really shown him how grateful she was to him. There was stuff I didn’t understand here but it seemed like she was saying that when she spent all those years running away from Minmei she hadn’t shown her appreciation for ‘Ai oboeteimasu ka’ etc. She got a little tearful. I think she said that someone told her that they were sure he had already known that she was grateful even if she never made it clear. It seems like they were quite close? I may have misunderstood but I think they said something like ‘Hikaru died too but I’m still here, Minmei won’t die!’. She played Ai Oboeteimasu ka acoustic on the piano and everyone sang together. She said that when she had performed this song yesterday it felt as if he was here with everyone so we should all sing together to say ‘hello’. It was really moving. Mari stopped singing and the audience sang to her piano at the end. When she finished she teared up and then waved good bye as she bowed and left the stage. It was…incredible. I wasn’t too impressed with her voice on the other Minmei songs…they are 25 years old after all. But Ai Oboeteimasu ka? and Tenshi no e no gu were…amazing. Incredible. Later when she came back on with everyone for the encore she said that it had truly felt like he was here and that the tears had just flowed." Also got emotional at Light the Light!!! The seiyuu for Basara and Minmei joined Firebomber on stage to sing (I didn’t realise they could sing so well too!) and the audience joined in. Magic moments all round. Ever since I saw this comment on Gabriela Ronin's site, I wanted to see this concert. I was saddened to hear that it wasn't likely to see DVD release. By luck, however, I found these two links of the entire concert recorded in audio. It is a bootleg by an audience member, but I'm sure it is something many fans wished they could get a piece of. Hopefully those of you uwho can understand Japanese can enlighten the rest of us on any goodies you come across. Links: http: / / www.megaupload.com/?d=TRSUEKRO http: / / www.megaupload.com/?d=10KADRSL
  25. Anyone have an idea if they're going to release a Macross Crossover Live DVD? I've noticed May'N later concerts getting DVD releases already...
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