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Everything posted by HannouHeiki

  1. Sketchley, I have a lot of appreciation for the way you translate things. Although it isn't what I would call a "localized" translation, your simple and straightforward method gives me a sense of connection with the original Japanese. Like you said, it avoids a lot of headaches...and questions and opinions on how names and terms should be "localized" becomes a discussion that is outside and separate from your translations. For someone like myself who doesn't know effective Japanese, it gives me a sense of direct connection to the original material that I otherwise couldn't have. It especially helps with Zentradi and alien katakana words, because it helps me learn how things are said the way the Japanese pronounce them. For example, If a listener doesn't have an "ear" for Japanese, there is no way for them to know that "Gnerl" is being pronounced "Jinaro" (or whatever) instead of "nerl."
  2. I'll just go out and say the front page is awesome. It is the hub of English Macross. It literally makes Macross feel "alive" and active. I feel I learn things as they happen. I remember when the Re:Fire album came out. I Only knew about it because I did my quarterly MacrossWorld browse and read it in the SCOOPUDA thread. I could have just as easily missed it. If that album came out now, I would find out about it from my daily check in at the front page. Anyway...just wanted to about that its a big...and important thing.... You won't know I dig it unless I say something...
  3. lol. what were you looking for when you found this stuff? Edit: Nvm. This crap is fun. I want to get drunk and sing this: http://joysound.com/ex/utasuki/movie/video/_mid_1929630903_index.htm http://joysound.com/ex/utasuki/movie/video/_mid_1945773836_index.htm
  4. Lol, I didn't mean it to come off that way. The way I framed it follows my line of reasoning when I usually talk about people's rights... I guess the less cynical way would be for me to say "the efforts and work of every Macross production should be treated as important and unique contributions to the franchise."
  5. There was a reason why I specified "dialogue." (Someone asked me to help clean up some Frontier scripts) Official romanizations, I think, work against translating dialogue. For example, we have terrible things like Vrlitwhai, which is just the Japanese trying to make things look weird, alien, and hard to say. Translate the kana, you get bu-ri-tai -> Britai. I think we should get the benefit of attempting to say the names in way that would at least resonate with the spoken Japanese.... Even though I know very little Japanese, I'll invoke "Hannou Heiki's Britai Rule" : Official romanization is discarded in favor for the romanization of the kana. From there a "resonate" english equivalent is produced. My feeble minded diagnosis is: a) I see a pair of the same katakana words. b) So it "must" be Kran Kran, Klan Klan, or Klang Klang. c) I vote Klan Klan! Anyway, you guys are awesome. I can't believe all this expertise is free....If you guys were nearby I'd at least want to hand out $5 Burger King gift cards or something...or pizza...everyone likes pizza...
  6. This makes sense if you think about it. He's old enough now to have business sense. His business relationships would not appreciate if he put Macross II in a different league with other Macross productions. Treating them all the "same" means that officially, there is no discrimination with Macross when the customer reaches for their money! No one can blame him for saying something that hurts sales of one production over another.
  7. Thanks Seto! In the script I'm putting together I actually used the romanization list you gave to boinger awhile ago. However, although I mostly lurk around here I've been around long enough to know about the kana not being spelled like the Babylonian god. Anyways, I would vote that it is a new language, but similar, (think French vs spanish). They use "deculture" in pretty much the same way as in DYRL. "Sas" is used for "yes," which corresponds to "sa" from Zentradi. And "yassak" is pretty much parrallel in use with "yakk." Anyway, thanks for taking the time to answer!
  8. Thanks Seto! I've got another one: did they ever come up with a Mardook dictionary anywhere? I'd like to make phonetic subtitles for the raw, untranslated Mardook speech for an updated Macross II script I'm doing. If I'm such a Macross fan where I can understand raw Zentradi, why not dial it up a notch and understand Mardook?
  9. It's nice to finally have a title, can't wait for more! 2067...about 8 years, this may be far enough out to perhaps introduce a new space fortress design. Unlike most, I've always loved the SDF-1 over any Valkyrie. (I <3 my 1/3000 Yamato SDF!) The Battle 7/Frontier type didn't have the detail or majesty of the SDF-1, so I look forward to a possibly all new design.
  10. Here is a link so you don't have to pull out your discs. I liked paying attention to these details on my latest SDFM watch thru. If you try to look at things from the eyes of a 20 something crafting this show, there is a lot of care put into certain visuals or dialog. In this instance, the lyrics seem tailored specifically for the characters in this final scene.
  11. Fortunately I found a spanish script with the romaji for the wedding "Runner" version ^.^ And kudos to Animeigo for the English. Regarding Farewell's piano version, I took a video of that bit in SDFM so I could post it in case someone didn't have time to dig out discs...I'll go upload.
  12. Okay, I took a stab at this and it took me about an hour for this, but this is what I got: Atarimae mita no ne, anata no yasashisa ni Kagaya ite ni nari, itsuno hita Dakara shirabuku sayonara Hopefully someone can grammar check this for me?
  13. So here I am, plugging romaji into my personal SDFM subtitle scripts, and I notice in the last episode Minmay sings lines that are slightly different from the OST version of Farewell to Tenderness and the widely distributed lyrics. Can anyone give me a hand at figuring out the romaji for the three lines that she sings at the end of the show!? I don't know enough japanese to make out unfamiliar words...all I was able to get on my own was "dakara shibaraku sayonara." It took me over 20 minutes to learn "shibaraku," just by typing it out phonetically and punching it into google. In my subtitle update I even went through the trouble of getting romaji for "Kiyoshi kono yoru," so it would totally bug me if I couldn't get these last 3 lines!
  14. Thank you Sketchley!
  15. Thank God. I was about to PM you and ask if you needed money. Thanks for breaking my bookmarks!
  16. Agreed on supporting the Japanese release. It's pretty poor to upscale DVD to BD like that...it makes it a cash grab. I was not curious about getting the Italian release, but more curious about licensing. I guess using their DVD masters simply makes use of their existing license. Anyway, no more licensing talk here. This isn't the thread.
  17. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00FL7OH2E?pc_redir=1410499326&robot_redir=1 Italian Macross Plus BD released 3/2013? News to me. I wonder if it uses the same remaster as Bandai, or if they are just doing a cheap transfer of their DVD master to BD. Not exactly a SCOOP, I guess, if this was already known; but this was news to me.
  18. I still think they are blocked from making any "movie" due to WB's rights. They said as much when the deal was first made. I think LLA was acceptable because it is something they already had distribution rights to. Even though it was sold as a "new" movie, it is simply a dub of old footage they already had. It is not that much different than them cleaning up and releasing another DVD boxset of the original series. There is so little new footage I think it was allowed and interpreted by WB as them putting out something they already had video rights to.
  19. Oh...and another thing...what broke Robotech is the LAM deal. Shadow Rising was probably put on hold because it would be a "movie." Remember, WB has exclusive movie rights. HG couldn't possibly release a movie of their own, even a direct to video one, when WB has the exclusive rights. By marketing RA as a TV pilot that would only be distributed as a digital download, they were probably hoping to produce something without violating WB's exclusive movie rights. Maybe video distribution would've occurred when WB's movie rights expire. By giving WB the movie rights, they tied their own hands at creating their own content. They probably bet on WB making a movie where they could ride on it's success.
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