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Everything posted by HannouHeiki

  1. I can extract the SUP file from the subtitled DVD that I have. You can then use whatever DVD authoring program you like to apply them. If you want to keep the menus intact you can use Blinx01's Ultimate DVD Subbing Guide. I'll ask boinger if he'll host them on his iMacross4 site. If you look around you can find a torrent with the subs already applied, but I recommend supporting and purchasing the R2 release.
  2. OVA Disc 1 of the remaster set is now available. http://www.mininova.org/tor/2038033
  3. There is a torrent on mininova already with the subs already muxed in.
  4. just wanted to throw out there, I got patch 1 to apply with no problems when it was first released....
  5. Has anyone noticed that there are 1080p BD raws out there, but THORA is releasing these as 720p? I haven't tried any of these out on my plasma yet, but I'm wondering if it would be good to repackage the subs and movie files with the 1080p video out there for those who own 1080p TVs.
  6. Xeros, thank you for all your work!
  7. Awesome Xeros, thanks for churning these out!
  8. Your hard work is appreciated, thanks!
  9. Thor Anime is now releasing HDTV versions of Macross Frontier...I'm not sure about the subs they're using. Anyone seen them and can comment on them?
  10. On mininova there is a torrent called [DVDISO] MACROSS 7 REMASTER BOX. This has 16 ISOs of Dual Layer DVDs for Macross 7. Xeros released a patch that updates the ISO for DVD#1 to have subtitles. I am currently downloading DVD#4 and will see if I can make a patch myself. Last I heard, Xeros is making a patch for DVD#2. Boinger has the first patch available on his imacross website, follow the link in his sig!
  11. I just wanted to note that Xeros' patch worked like a charm for the DVD #1 ISO. It is really awesome to have such a good copy of M7 with sensible subs on DVD. An advantage to this over the mkvs is compatibility and better upscaling on home player devices. The subs for dialogue were white and the "top titles" for music were yellow...I used DVDSubEdit.exe to change the dialogue to yellow and the music to light green (just my personal preference). All I had to do was change the CLUT, so changing that was a snap as well. Anyway, the patch was awesome and showed how this will make an invaluable part of my collection.
  12. Boinger's More Macross Loving edit includes these scenes as part of the movie, along with a prologue using the track from Episode 1 of SDFM.
  13. I've already completed the job, take a look around on mininova. It's marked as [OPX] as part of the torrent title.
  14. I nice feature of the batch torrent for VIP 1-20 if you haven't noticed, is that you can just download a rar file for all the subs that they've used. You don't have to extract them from the mkvs.
  15. Xeros, I was wondering, how does your patch work? I've just downloaded it and I have a question before I run it. I started this project where I'm trying to reauthor the R2 DVDs to have native English subs. For me, it is a process of sub creation with MaestroSBT, demuxing, muxing, VOB Blanker, etc. This involves a lot of HDD space... I guess this is what you're doing at home, and this patch just directly alters the ISO? If that's the case, that's awesome...I'm wondering if there is something you can direct me to to learn about this method....
  16. I haven't watched Macross F, but will when the show is completely finished. I was stockpiling Shinsen's b/c I got the consensus that they had the best translation, but switched to lunar when they went on hiatus. Did Shinsen change translators? If so, how are the translations now vs lunar?
  17. I've already completed the project. I made one version with all one color, but I decided that the margins were not enough, particularly for SDTV owners. I'm redoing it with improved margins, this time with 2 colors and no AA. I'll release everything thru bittorrent when I'm finished.
  18. I just checked out the torrent, and I wanted to add that many of the episodes have been updated, so it may pay to download them again. Many of them are noted as "Version 2" or even "Version 3."
  19. This guide provided the solutions that I needed. Thank you so much for the link! The snag that I did run into was because I wanted to have two subtitles of different colors, one for speech and one for music. The guide doesn't address this option...it turns out you can't have antialiasing if you want two colors, and the preset options for MaestroSBT in the guide was set up for AA. Anyway, if I have the time I might make a torrent of this, so people can have perfect subs with this release. I know this DVD has been criticized for various quality issues, but I think releasing it as a torrent will make a nice quality DVD available for stand-alone DVD player use. If you're interested look for it on mininova or demonoid in the next week or so.
  20. This is great news, thanks for the update! I'm always worried that they are dropping the project...since I don't know where they release any "news."
  21. Thanks for the replies. I've manged to create very nice subs using maestroSBT, with different timings and overlapping subs look great in the generated preview. I'm having problems finding software that supports them though....DVD Lab Pro seems to only accept the .son timings and wants me to manually apply each BMP to the timing, which I won't do for 1000+ lines. I'm still not sure that it will accept overlaps either. I never thought sub work would be such a chore! I'll check out this guide and hopefully I can learn something...
  22. Hey guys...I've recently acquired the ISO for the HD Remastered version of DYRL. I've extracted the srt subs that come with GP's mkv release of the film. Now I'm trying to integrate those subs into the DVD. My basic question, is it possible to make overlapping subs at home? I know in commercial DVDs I'll see overlapping subs, one for dialog, another for background dialog, and even for labeling signs in the background...all going on at the same time with their own timings. When I try to use the SRT file (which has overlapping subs for songs and dialouge), DVD-Lab Pro is not able to handle them. I've thought about making two subtitle tracks, one for dialogue and one for songs. Is it possible to display both at the same time if they are positioned differently? I'm sorry if this is too technical of a topic for this forum, but any advice would be appreciated!
  23. I'm look forward to seeing how everyone's efforts are going. Has anyone found out if VIP has a website? They haven't released in over a month...which I know is normal for summer, but it would be cool to be able to hear news of them.
  24. If you search torrents with the tag [VIP], you will find subbed versions of the Macross 7 remastered episodes. They are through episode 15 I think. I hope they will complete the project, the quality looks great!
  25. they are being subtitled by a group call "VIP." Try to google it or check out the imacross server to find them.
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