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Everything posted by HannouHeiki

  1. Lol, don't feel like you had a "duh" moment, you were actually the one to figure it out! A lot of people were not sure why it was called disc 3...this explains everything.
  2. doh http://stason.org/TULARC/education-books/s...d-FTL-Trav.html
  3. Here is some interesting reading if you have the spare time. I don't have it digested anymore (real life prevents me from pondering relativity all day, lol) it mentions how the paradoxes can occur, regardless of the method of FTL travel. Meaning the paradoxes happen no matter what. FTL in of itself violates causality. Only made up special rules get out of the problem.
  4. I use to understand the physics of everything of special relativity, but I mainly remember the results. With FTL travel, you get crazy things like time travel, where you arrive at a time before you left. With FTL communication, you can also send messages to a time before you actually sent it. Maybe Fold Tech in Macross circumvents these paradoxes somehow. But when they were talking about the "Super Dimension" communications network, I was under the impression Birler wanted to use such a paradox to send messages back in time. Anyone get a different in universe explanation?
  5. nyaatorrents is also a good one, but i recently noticed I could only find certain [QYQ] BDRIPs on Tokyo Toshokan.
  6. This is the "extras" disc from the remaster box. It is the 4th disc to be shared, but I don't know what number the disc actually is. Ask Boinger, he owns the thing
  7. Awesome! I was thinking of doing something like this to remux with the DVD release, but I have never gotten to it. ASS subs with romaji, that's a big contribution, thank you^^
  8. You're right, he kinda was^^ Shousa is his military rank of major, tai-cho is "Team Leader," which is kind of an honorific. In feudal times tai-cho was the leader of a military platoon. Like Kanchou, taicho is often translated as captain or commander, but isn't a rank in the imperial or modern japanese military.
  9. We don't know. The subs seem old because they are using the old subs generated from Central Anime, which still do the job. Someone has snagged the subs for the rest of the series and has been making patches, but everything is a work in progress. So for the rest, keep an eye out and I hope this thread is bumped again with news of a release in the near future^^
  10. I have never seen kanchou as a specific military rank, neither in imperial japanese or modern japanese. Kanchou is an honorific. Another good example is the anime "Irresponsible Captain Tyler" (Musekinin Kanchou Tyler). In that show his rank was lieutenant, then later lieutenant commander. But throughout the show he was referred to as the kanchou of Soyokaze. I don't remember Ozma being called kanchou, but I could've missed it. He has been called two titles, shousa (rank) and tai-cho (honorific). Shousa usually translates to major, where tai-cho literally translates to "Team Senior." Tai-sho is general or admiral. I can't remember if tai-cho turns out to be a rank in the imperial or modern system, but I don't think it is.
  11. there are mkvs out there for episodes 1-25 with ass subs attached, try a search for them and let us know how it turns out.
  12. Kanchou is not a rank in Japanese. Actually, it is a japanese specifc word for "Master of the ship." In English, the term "captain" is both a rank and a term for the "master of the ship." Kanchou refers to only the latter. It's like how a Lieutenant (rank) can be the captain (kanchou) of a ship, and why Global could is an Admiral and a Kanchou.
  13. Thanks Boinger! A lot of people have been asking for this over there!
  14. Have you registered on the website? If so, read their faq... And whereabouts in Georgia are you? I'm in Columbus myself...
  15. I recently rewatched last last episode of Macross, and that episode showed me that the bitrates used for the animeigo DVDs were not high enough. When the Macross was being rammed, you could see pixelation from the high movement (where they zoom in on Kamjin's ship and you see a closeup of the barrage). Blue ray codecs would avoid pixelation all together...
  16. Boinger is right, I don't have the 4th disc. Boinger provided the sources for discs 1-3, and I never asked him for the final disc. It seems like the only new material is the Kawamori interview, which he already has available....
  17. No, just the movie. I think the dyrl video game scenes are extras on another macross disc.
  18. Thank you, I'm aware of the subtitle errors. I was a little too quick reauthoring that DVD. OVA discs 1 and 2 are up at asiandvdclub.org now and I am not aware of any problems with them so far. I plan on redoing the subs for the Movie at a later point to correct the errors and include music/romaji subs (from KAA's great work) I used for the OVAs.
  19. Here is how I get my Macross Frontier onto my TV: 1. Get THORA 720p or QYQ's 1080p source (raw). 2a If using THORA, use XVID4PSP to hardcode subs to mkv w/ AC3 audio. This may take awhile. 2b If using QYQ, extract subs from the THORA version and remux them into the QYQ video (use mkvtoolnix), then use XVID4PSP. 3. Then use mkv2vob and select m2ts as output. The problem you are having is probably with the audio standard. For best compatibility, you MUST use AC3 audio. XVID4PSP will hardcode the subs and fix the audio for you. MKV2VOB will recpackage the mkv into a fully compatible m2t file. I don't know the exact audio settings, so I let mkv2vob do the final recpacking. The convenience of all this will depend on your computer. My old compy took 15-20 hours to hardcode one episode, but my new build can do it in 2-3 hours. The quality difference isn't huge but I go through the trouble just because i'm obsessive.
  20. Xeros, This is awesome! This news is the best early X-Mas present ever!!!
  21. The holidays have been keeping me busy, among other things. I plan to have everything ready next week for 3 and 4.
  22. It is the R2 release with subs added in, so there is no dub.
  23. Thanks for all the input. The way I was thinking about it the Boldoza glitch didn't show up until around the time of the Perfect Edition, but if it is on the original theatrical release as well, then the error may have existed much longer than I previously thought. I just find it odd that certain film prints have the error and others do not. They can clean the grain digitally without losing quality, but that process is very expensive and I'm not sure if we'll ever see that happen, but hopefully they'll listen to all the criticism regarding the remaster DVD and take it further before BD.
  24. I say download the fansubs and buy at least one dvd of the official releases to support the Macross franchise if you're out to spend money. Better than sending it to bootleggers.
  25. I just want to blog a little bit about my experiences with the quality of DYRL over the years and hopefully elicit some comments about the future of DYRL releases. When I was a kid in the 90s I picked up a copy of the dubbed "Super Spacefortress Macross" on VHS. Although the quality of the VHS recording itself was okay for a sci-fi convention bootleg, the colors seemed very pale. Misa was as white as she could be. I eventually got a hold of a VHS fansub of a late generation and it had the faded color problem too. Even though it was a late generation copy, I felt that the faded colors went all the way back to the original source. One day at the video rental store I found a copy of Clash of the Bionoids in the kid section. The the colors seemed more vibrant (Misa and Minmay were not white/pale), and it didn't have those strange black bars on the top and bottom (I was a kid, what letterbox was) Being a kid with multiple household VCRs and too much time, I spliced together my own copy of the dubbed Macross. I used the COTB video and spliced in the deleted scenes (almost down to the exact frame). I was pleased with the end result: I had no wierd black bars and higher color quality. It wasn't until later that I noticed that the COTB Bodolza explosion scene had an out of sequence frame...just like in the current HD Remastered release. When I started college we had DVD. I ordered an HK bootleg that was seemed to be a VCD conversion. Again, it wasn't bad for what it was, but it had that faded color thing going on. It had pretty good subs though... Later, I got the awesome fx release of DYRL Perfect Edition. Not only did it have the new animated ending, but the colors were restored and vibrant this time. A lot like the COTB tape I had. My conclusion at the time was that the original release had poor colors for masters, but they fixed it for the Perfect Edition. As of now we have the "HD Remastered" version, which claims to use a new master taken from "HD film telecine source." This version also has the Bodolza explosion scene error. Now here is what I'm wondering: 1. Have others experienced the "faded color" vs "vibrant color" for original vs Perfect Edition releases? How do the colors of the "original theatrical version" on Disc 2 of the HD Remastered Memorial Box compare with Disc 1? 2. The Boldoza Explosion error on HD Remastered is on the COTB vhs. This error is not new. My dubbed Super Spacefortress Macross vhs does *not* have this error. Now here is what I'm thinking; I'm no film expert though: 1. A master print of DYRL is created. Intermediate prints are made for duplication purposes, which are then used to release DYRL on home video. 2. A new print is created and called the Perfect Edition. It has a new ending (and better colors?). Intermediate prints are again sent out for duplication purposes. -One intermediate print is the precursor to the fx/Bandai Perfect Edition -Another intermediate with the Boldoza explosion error leads to the creation of COTB. Now here is what I'm wondering. Many of complained about the HD Remastered quality, particularly grain. I personally find it pretty good, although I didn't expect a Stars Wars Special Edition level of remastering/cleaning up. The thing is grain is caused by degrading film. When you make intermediate prints all of the grain from the original are transferred, so cleaning the intermediate can only take you so far. It looks like to me that the HD Remaster was made from an intermediate...if that's the case I'm curious as to the state of any other prints, and if this means that the current HD Remaster is as far was we're going to get, eventually going to Blue Ray.
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