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Everything posted by Old_Nash_II

  1. Fogo no Parquinho (Fire in the Playground)
  2. All a scheme of HG for not release Macross on US 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. 1 Yes, it is something that has been explored since the beginning of the Month (except in Macross7 on GameBoy). Something they could have been inspired by was wind runners, in which the gameplay is an intense dogfight in a 2D environment 2 Weapons issue (I didn't play the game, just gameplays), weapons are not customizable/installable in VF. It comes pre-installed. Something they could have done in the game. In the best Axelay style from Snes, where each mission we would have to equip our ship
  4. Yes, I would really like the collector's edition, especially because of the material from the original series and DYRL that is not available in the western version, but the situation here is angry. The relief is that the dollar is falling, I believe I can finally buy it at a fair price, towards the end of the year. I just hope there are still some on Amazon or another online store. As for the style, I don't have a preference, although the last few games have made us very unaccustomed to the 3D style. I hope that in a future game we will have this style back (or some fan is willing to do it, since BW is not HG).
  5. And not tv or Movie version of Macross content I still want to buy my jap version
  6. Gamne listed on trailer Warhammer 40k, Unreal Tournament (tiraram do baú esse),New World Aeternun, Playstation, Dungeons & Dragons, The Outer Worlds 2, Pac-Man, Honor of Kings, Armored Core, Mega-Man, Exodus, Spelunker, Crossfire, Concord, Sifu
  7. For those who haven't seen the leaked series
  8. Well, I managed to read the first edition of this new trio series today. For a prequel, this edition was good. Narrating facts that preceded the drawing in a very firm way, already showing that the 3 were long-time friends. While the Plutarkian invasion takes place, the trio discuss what to do at that point in his life, between his personal life and his duty to the rest of the planet. Until the end of the issue, which gives gain to the call of duty for them 8/10 Well, Nacelle's initiative is good, taking several known and unknown franchises (seriously, around here I've never heard of Garloo or Robo Force, even in a 'single' way) and placing them in a shared universe for their revitalization in others other projects (in addition to toys, there is a forthcoming BMfM series by Ryan Reynalds) is a risky move, but in a way, it could work. Of course, it all depends on how it will be accepted by the public. As the first series (Robo Force) introduced us to the planet "Hub", and so far, it is not mentioned, perhaps they will do so in the future. wait for the rest of the numbers and wait for the other titles in this universe
  9. I don't know why, but I think this would fit into a vibe of Evercade
  10. Great evolution excellent works
  11. and I thought it was some teaser or trailer
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