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Everything posted by Old_Nash_II

  1. Maybe if HG releasing here without ALL Macross character and have only Robotech franchise XD
  2. I still trying to but from Amazon.jp, but I dont get ter. I mean, my account from Brazil, and need to move location for JP for access the link to buy Standart version
  3. So, if I buy the Amazon version, and put in my english Switch, I can't play it in english? or get the download?
  4. https://www.indiewire.com/awards/results/japan-wins-first-best-visual-effects-oscar-godzilla-minus-one-1234960633/#:~:text=Oscars-,Japan Wins First Best Visual Effects Oscar for 'Godzilla Minus,nominated for an Oscar%2C period. Learn it Warner
  5. Thanks for all works
  6. https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/naked-gun-reboot-set-2025-liam-neeson-star-107651962 So, the arroz de festa is back XD
  7. First images of new Joker I mean, The Crow. https://www.cbr.com/the-crow-remake-first-look/
  8. Great work.
  9. https://bleedingcool.com/comics/comic-book-creator-ramona-fradon-has-died-aged-97/ Thank you very much for your invaluable contributions to our beloved hobby
  10. Beat'em up old style But I expected a retro game like that Nes
  11. Orbital Frame Megatron???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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