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Just Gundam

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Everything posted by Just Gundam

  1. I haven't been here for ages, so who is selling them and for how much? Original or recast?
  2. This has to be the best toy ever made!
  3. Since i started out with gundam models almost 2 years before macross toys obsession kicked in, up till now models expenditure far exceeds toys. Although 1/48's are a lot more expensive than MG's, the PG's can match them one for one in both cost and numbers in time to come, depending on how fast bandai keeps up with PG's production. Meanwhile i'm trying (very hard) to keep up with both toys and models .
  4. Yeah loose joints, but you gotta forgive earlier and older kits .
  5. Make that 1/60 please!
  6. General Ballistics Pack?
  7. So far we know 1/48 Roy's VF-1S will be reissued for the 3rd time coming December. I wonder when will they also reissue Hikaru's VF-1S?
  8. The dark side of me: And good side happens to be Neo, weird huh?
  9. Actually i intend to use a room exclusively for my anime madness, when i can buy my own flat. I kept all boxes nicely (esp MGs) so that in future i can display them on shelves in the room, together with cabinets full of mechas. A room i can walk in to relax and dream...
  10. I don't think i will be ditching any of my collection unless i am in desperate need of money. My collection will stay and continue to flourish, for now...
  11. Yes 1/48, found it on their website about a week ago, same price as the non-fp version, unfortunately i think the fp-version just sold out. I'm not sure if the sale is exclusive on-line, which is why you never saw it in stores.
  12. War against aliens attracted me the most, followed by the complement of impressive mechanics, and then the rest.
  13. TRU Japan has Hikaru's Super VF-1J for sale at 9,999yen.
  14. The chest plate will slide easily if you slightly push the inner metal piece into the body and at the same slide it down, works for me every time.
  15. Maybe Yamato wanted the SDF-1 to be the grand finale in the Macross series toys production .
  16. Maybe i should post more often instead, hopefully it gets bigger . Yah, the vf-1's need to do some battle, lest they shrank too, i mean rust ... rot ... whatever ...
  17. I love both the story as well as the high-tech weaponry ... ok more love for the weaponry. Just like what i love about gundams.
  18. I want regults, all varients. I promised to buy an army of them, really . Edit: OT, but haven't posted in a while, just noticed my avatar shrank, hmm ...
  19. A toy it is ... NOT for kids definitely!! Only for people who take extreme care while transforming and flying it around, any rough play is ruled out.
  20. Here's hoping things work out fine for you, take care!
  21. CF x 2 1S x 3 1S Super x3 Someday when I'm free, I'll convert one each of the 1S and 1S Super into Max Custom.
  22. If you login to your HLJ account, you should see something like they will resume processing orders on 14th because of the holidays, and I'm sure HLJ will honor your orders, so just sit back and relax. B)
  23. Just Gundam

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Now we have a truely complete 1/60 line! A dream has come true!
  24. It's 179mm according to Hobby Search. Click on the Albion.
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