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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Agreed- I'll hold out for a possible PF with ghost as well- that'd look lovely with my PF VF-0S & VF-0D.
  2. What's the chances we'll see a VF-0S & VF-0D in the DX Chogokin treatment? I'm really wanting both, and the prices for the Arcadia Premiums are a pretty penny... at this time (i.e. 2024), how do those two Arcadias compare to the modern Chogokin offerings (style/design/quality/etc)? I've never owned an Arcadia, and I've got some slight trepidation regarding dropping that kind of money on something that... I mean, has it aged well? Thanks
  3. Love the display! Wondering where I could purchase those stands, as well as an extra Fold Booster? Thanks in advance!
  4. (man, I hope this is the right place for this...) Seeing people's collections on display is magnificent! Mine is still growing, and I can't justify (or have the space) for anything like a Moduspace (some day!) I currently have a 2x8 Kallax I am using for displaying my Macross collection. I have it lit with some small puck lights that I thought were a great idea at the time, but there's a lot of shadows and just inconsistency with them. I'd LOVE to replace the pucks with a RGB (or RGBIC?) lighting solution, bonus points if it's Apple HomeKit compatible. If it doesn't work with HomeKit, I definitely want a remote for it. Kallax units have 13" openings (again, I feel that's likely common knowledge around these parts). Thank you all so much!
  5. Tamashii Web Shop only, correct? No worldwide release?
  6. What's the chances this will be available on Amazon's Tamashii storefront? I've got a bunch of Amazon GC's I'd love to use...
  7. From your mouth to Bandai's ears!
  8. +1 for DYRL Max, and a Miria too please & thanks. I'd also love to see a VF-0S as a 1/48 DX Chogokin, but I doubt that'll ever happen; I feel like the Hi-Metal R is the closest we'll get
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