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  1. Here's the glamour shot.
  2. Found this in my feed this morning. I am pretty hyped if they do release it: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2022-11-17/bandai-teases-giant-tv-macross-fortress-toy/.192005
  3. I think the original was used as cover art for the 3rd LD as well as for the OST Vol 1. I asked an artist that does replica work to repro it for me, here's how it came out:
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  4. I made that video. It feels like a lifetime ago. Its too bad everyone who uploads it uses the low res VCD version I uploaded to Anime Music Videos.org ages ago instead a rip from my DVD. Here's what that preview frame from the YouTube video would look like if it had come from the DVD:
  5. Back in 1997 a famous anime shop in Japan called "Anime World Star" licensed the rights to make collector edition cels for the Macross 15th anniversary. They made two cells. One was of Ichijyo Hikaru and the other was of Minmei Ryn. The following link is from the anime store's website on their limited edition cels, and if you scroll down to the bottom you can see low quality gifs of the cels images: https://www.anime-world-star.com/docs/002.html They made only 100 of each. I purchased a matched number set of no. 22/100. They are still in the original boxes with the certificates of authenticity and original frame and glass. At anime Expo either 2001 or 2002 in Long Beach, I met Ishiguro Noboru (Director) and he signed both of the cels on the glass of the frame. He was aware of these rare cell products but had never seen one himself before that day. He spent a lot of time looking them over and discussing them with Mikimoto Haruhiko before handing them back to me and seemed interested in how I acquired them. They have received maybe 1.5 hours of sunlight since I purchased them. I have no idea how much they are worth or how to have them appraised. Any ideas?
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