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About Quetzali

  • Birthday March 1

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    Games, anime, comics...

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  1. The first and the second is the Samus Super suit color, the second is the Dread color :3
  2. Some months ago I adopts these two guys... BUT I no know how to piant them xD, I buy some wather decals to made my ow symbols, I made some painting references for the Legioss What is the best one!!!??? ToT I still getting that Acrylic paint seal to continue xD
  3. Looks nice.
  4. That is a massive update about my project!. That is how I painting the Valkyrie. I decide to give that color to the Missiles and the gun. Now how it looks with paint, now the las phase is apply some acrylic seal and adding more details!!!, I changed some painting details on legs and arms, I consider looks better :3 THERE IS MY SUPER TOOLS xD That is the NEW kids I adopt!!!... and yes, I go to give some paint!!!
  5. Hehe, the next update will be a MASS UPDATE!!!, I barely finished the most complicated step, the last one I think is the details, but I need to paint the cabin first xD And I must to say that... It is my FIRST painting protect.
  6. I started to building it... I got some help to get these building manual =P I have that glue from another kit I bought =P I made some investigation about the acrylic paint, and Tamiya could be fine, BUT mostly of the price go to the flask than the paint, I try that one to starting. I buy that set 0f 6 tubes of 70ml for that proyect. I made some tries on how to paint the material, you can see some difference, (the black paint was from another brand of paint called "Pintart", I'm from México and you can get them from some stores, that paint is extremely great!, with a single hand is... Well, you can see the result, the problem that I don't like is too mate tone and when you try to rasp is like plastic or something. The first part (left) I put a little layer of white, the second (right) is directly on the plastic, BUT need like 2 or 3 hands of paint, the other is like 2, I think I must to apply some varnish if it is that I want a little reflection, but not much but not matte either. I go to complete the protect with that Paint, If I like the result I continue use it, or not, find another brand. See ya 😏
  7. OH YEAH!!!, you saved my kit!, Now... I gonna post when I started to painting it!, ens ambling is the easy part. :3
  8. Hello there!, I looking for the manual that I whited on the tittle of the post. can try but I can't go further for evident reasons =P, I no know if some one else have that manual, I really appreciate that. (I think some variation of the same brand can help, I think is the same instructions).
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