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Everything posted by Sundown

  1. Directing and screenplay is pretty much the meat and guts of a movie. The less Lucas has a hand in it, the better. Funny how many times Lucas' name appears on the credits is directly proportional to how crappy the movie is. -Al
  2. Sounds pretty darn corny. The only thing I like about the synopsis is the Weyland character. The concept sounds pretty good. Everything else wreaks of corn. In my opinion, Aliens Vs. Predator should take place in space, on some far off planet, mining colory, or space station. Not Earth. Not at first, anyway. -Al
  3. Not too bad, although it looks a tad disporportionate with rather skinny leg armor for a full armor setup... and makes it look a little topheavy with the wide set missle shoulder hatches. Passable, but I still gotta say the GBP and the armored VF-11 both still look a bunch better. Really like the backpack/thruster detail though. -Al
  4. Woot! TV Roy! Although I don't know if Yamato would release a variant that on initial inspection, would have little difference from the DYRL Roy. Sure, we appreciate the differences (different cockpit, different hands, VF stickers, a TV pilot)... but I don't know if they'd go for that idea. At least all the molds are done with the VF-1J though. Maybe a super duper special edition. -Al
  5. Yes yes yes!! I don't understand why my precious TV Max-1A has been disowned by model makers and toy makers largely at this point. So sad. -Al
  6. Sundown


    While I voted for the first one, primarily because it's got a better hairstyle, I really like the pose of the second one much better. It's a lot more dynamic and has a lot of personality. I also like how the 2nd one's eyes were filled in and darker. -Al
  7. I think that's actually Bane, you know, the one that Agent Smith apparently possesses and controls in the "Real World". -Al
  8. Yes... yes... very cool. And maybe little manipulator arms for Roy's 1S too, that clips somehow onto its forearm. I've always wondered if the detachable cockpit was a feature exclusive to the 1D, or if it was common with all the VF-1's. -Al
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