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Everything posted by Raikkonen

  1. Quality and all the detail, the extra tampo too, all looks gorgeous. But by that large area behind the head and that gap... it's unacceptable considering it's Bandai, their experience in making them, and the tools they have to make these toys in 2024. I'm glad I'm not a diehard fan of this Valk, cause it would hurt being on the wall about it...
  2. Actually, just a bit more grounded version. F knows what they we're thinking in season 1 with this.
  3. On the Genius blue version, are all the white areas painted? Or some molded in white plastic? If so, which parts?
  4. Waiting patiently for her in the SAC season 2 outfit for both of the above lines.
  5. What are the chances of Hasegawa doing the Fodder version? More interested in that.
  6. What are we on about here ???. It looked great. None of those glitter swirls smacking the screen to the sound of washing machines banging one another like most recent western films.
  7. And everyone was panicking it was a Japan exclusive only. 😆 Still $350... too heavy for a what... 12 year old e-release? Still is gorgeous in this mode, one of the best plane modes... But one of the ugliest battroids... I'll continue to wait for the now ever unlikely super packs version...
  8. Check that ebay covers "correct item shipped" and "item arrives on time" for this store. If it has those then you're fine, and if anything, it's safer that usual websites.
  9. What? Did you watch it on drugs? 🤣
  10. Finished rewatching one punch man for a third time... where are you season 3??? And doing the weekly Kaija 8, I like it a lot, bar at times certain over the top over powered characters.
  11. I remember trying hard to preach the good of Epi 1 and Epi 2 during their releases. But, looking back, undoubtedly my love for the OT embossed into my childhood was dictating my opinion then. The turning point was Force Awakens, at the moment of the "a bigger death star" that just sucks energy out of a star, then shoots a beam that precisely splits into different directions to pinpoint a variety of planets, and it's all visible from the ground of another planet. Right there, at the cinema, I leaned forward and quietly said "What ******* am I watching?" Since then, I'm relieved I'm no longer under it's spell, and saved myself a lot money and space. 😁
  12. Horizon: Lego Horizon Adventures
  13. Star Wars brand entered religious status quite some time ago. Either don't believe in it anymore or you feel obligated to somehow defend it.
  14. LOL. Looks like it's already yellowing in that pic! Jokes aside, it looks solid. But to convince me to click buy on one of these, it would need to be a Stealth or Low Vis repaint.
  15. What what what what??? They do. (Link below for EU) Latam is supplied by the US distribution. However it takes sometimes a month for an item to be listed after it's announced in Japan. And it's released quite well after it hits the shelves in Asia. https://tamashiinations.fr/fr/recherche?s=macross&page=3
  16. Thanks to both. Bandai's notorious bright white yellowing curse is my deal breaker.
  17. We always do 😅
  18. Can anyone tell me or show if the it's white or light grey? Numerous videos looks bright white, yet some pictures looks grey.
  19. Most of that film is erased in my mind, but yeah, I recall it now, those however were electrified whips. Lightsabers are no longer special as almost everyone has one like everyone had a Nokia in the late 90s, and even after getting stabbed right through vital organs, it's barely a scratch the next day.
  20. I agree. I'm in Europe and on it's page I get this. It lists the Euro online stores it will be available.
  21. Only 2 characters shown so far. Leto and Bridges.
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