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Everything posted by Raikkonen

  1. Merch sales is already kicking them in the nut with action figures, as most of the staff since the 90s was horded by 80s kids that now are starting to focus on other priorities in life all while the kids of the following generations grew up into digital media.
  2. I agree. Hence I kept mentioning "these" and "hero films" as my argument is about superhero fatigue that's it accumulated by a saturated market of a poor quality content of late. I'm not disagreeing that other franchises can't succeed. I remain to the opinion that for the next lot of Superhero films to get audiences really excited, then there shouldn't be one for a long time.
  3. People will always show up. But gone are the days these type of films will make the numbers they once did. We're now past the end of the first Marvel story arc followed by years of disappointing hero films and shows, saturated market with same formula, and all competing against streaming where it's more convenient for most.
  4. It is quite... unrecognizable and generic. I really don't like the gorilla arms.
  5. I agree that good writing plays a huge part in word of mouth, but lets also look at somethings: - When Disney+Marvel started with Ironman 1, they turned it into a yearly event that built anticipation during that wait. Then it became 2 films a year, 3 films a year, to eventualy 4-5 films a year along with 3-4 shows. And all with the same formula, protagonists overcome whatever challenges to level up so to stop galaxy ending event. - While that happened, DC was trying to play catch up with it's own versions, albeit same formula. And then along the way, we had others, mainly shows trying to jump on the same ban wagon all pretty much from comics/graphic novels. Me personally, I use to consume all of it, then after Endgame, I felt exhausted that I stopped caring like I did because suddenly it kicked in that it's the same repetitive staff that will soon be rebooted so we can consume more of it. And a lot of people in my circle feel the same with the usual "Oh, another Batman." "Oh, again Spiderman." And this is happening because there's too much, asides of bad quality too lately, and we're not given a breather, a chance to digest the last as another one is already pumping teaser trailers. As for guardians 3, it still didn't deliver expectations of when they set out making it (So reliable youtubers say?), and it made it's numbers for several separate reasons, 2 being that girls want to see Chris Pratt, and it filled growing void of late in cinema, that of high end action space Sci-fi. As for the Boys, that show solely relies in selling vulgar and violet shock, remove those 2 gimmicks, and it wouldn't have gone beyond season 1 regardless how memorable of a villian Homelander is. Invicible? No one outside of the US cares for it, and took so long for the producers to decide on a season 2. Superhero Fatigue is real. Numbers speak for themselves. And it's only a matter of time, that good shows and films will flop due to exhaustion of constantly the same thing. Look at Merch and comics, those too are no longer Juggernauts they were once...
  6. Gun really needs to pull out every trick from his hat as superhero fatigue is spreading and lasting longer than any plague.
  7. I'm happy to read this. No happy Cameron is mentioning this considering he works on a calendar based on Jupiter.
  8. Due to space and other priorities, I'm still undecided to pull the trigger on this one, or wait for the VF-25G Michael Blanc Revival, or hold out longer for the eventual Ozma Revival...
  9. Thanks for insight. But this has me more curious to why then Macross Zero Merch (the tamashi HMR) is now allowed globally, yet an international release/Dub of the series remains taboo. Which has me thinking that maybe the Sunrise project might end being a redo of Zero?
  10. I will during the week.
  11. So HG has a say on DYRL? But lets say Sunrise does a remake of the original with slightly altered designs, and maybe the story has some deviations along the same path, and it will be a Japan release? Can HG intervene?
  12. There's a whole more behind that film from it's initial shelving to it's 'timely' release, as well to the mass media attacks it's receiving for content no where in the film itself, which is raising eyebrows.
  13. Whatever was planned with her, it has failed. Bringing in only 27 mil on second weekend is a disaster of which every aspect involved, even the good, will likely be scrapped in any future projects. (So logic says, BTW) She was too insufferable and arrogant for me. Cruel and selfish too. I like characters that I can relate to from my life experiences, that may have flaws, but also have arcs of becoming better people or overcoming challenges while doing so. Also, I'm with the percentage that wants to watch physically beautiful or at least charismatic characters, of which, she is neither. Undoubtedly, if she at least looked like a Scarlet J with the same charm, many would have closed an eye to her poorly written character. This. Disney and many others want to please a tiny minority that is extremely loud on keyboards while waving their barbaric hummer of "cancel culture".
  14. Not only the legs are short, the thruster feet look considerably smaller in certain shots. The nosecone does have quite a open seam, which might indicate to it being removable. I find interesting the elbow joints. Overall I like so far asides some proportions, and ThreeZero does pride itself in quality, so might be a winner.
  15. Did some research in Anymoon's blog, and thanks to him, there's confirmation there that this version has the new hip system and fixed hinges. Guy is epic!!!
  16. Might be cause he's not in the right circle, or perhaps prefers streaming money, as lately it seems to be his forte. The moment the one-liner jokes wear out, it might dip towards cancellation. Seems to rely too much on the "shoot from the hips" quirky humour.
  17. It's a possibility. While Sunrise/Bandai has a preferred and tested formula, at times they've surprise it's fans. I'm leaning towards a retelling of the original with perhaps slightly re-designed valks to fit marketing and toy engineering needs. If not, then definitely a sequel to Delta with a fresh clean slate for the sake of new merch to collect.
  18. It was a revolution for most kids back then in the West. Majority of daytime shows then were very safe and daily life lessons driven. Suddenly here's this show with a terrifying alien threat bringing mass slaughter, and the heroes take the fight in fighter jets that transform into robots. It was a pure adrenaline rush for a child's mind. And this was just through the "Robotech" branding. And that sensation reignited when the internet arrived and searches for 20 bit images of Robotech, lead to the Macross universe, and this happened all while there was a explosion of Manga and Anime imports on VHS in the West.
  19. Utterly agree. Frontier held onto it's military foundation, while Delta completely shift towards teenage social themes.
  20. Did they fix the tab holding the cockpit/nosecone in fighter mode?
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