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Everything posted by Raikkonen

  1. That was already good looking piece of machinery, especially for it's time, albeit very much inspired by the X-wing.
  2. I'm always in for more Tron. Was gutted when Disney canned uprising. Loved Legacy. Also came across this. - Evan Peters joined the cast. - Was meant to start shooting in August, now halted due to strike. Rumoured: - Set in real world as a evil program breaks out of the grid that attempts to take over ours.
  3. Of course it will. There's going to be lots of frantic chase scenes and chaotic shooting sprees. Oh... I retract my "kid" comments. He really looks like a 13 year old!!! Cheers for the correction. But there's still going to be lots of chasing and shooting.
  4. Myself too never got into OP, and thankfully as I don't have the memory bank to fully digest so many episodes. That aside, I suspect this might hit strong with younger audiences, or get cancelled as some Anime's no matter how talented the crew and big the budget, just cannot translate into live action.
  5. I recall thinking that show had potential and then sucked for me. Different flavours for different tastebuds.
  6. With a kid in the lead that's more than enough indication of where this is heading...
  7. "Hey, it's broken?" "Perfect. Now we can sell it as something else." 😗
  8. 😳 For all the flaws of the Mig-29, it remains an absolutely gorgeous fighter... something the Legioss well far from IMO.
  9. Will it be bigger than the Thundercat lair? If another company made that, I can't see why the wouldn't make the Beta probably as kickstarter/haslab campagin.
  10. I don't think this is ever possible if priority is the batroid lineart .
  11. I gather you mean the YF-19, which wouldn't make sense as it was still a prototype?
  12. Cyberpunk 😍😃
  13. It's a traditional kit, requires paint and quite a bit of seam cleaning. Great build when it was released 20 years ago, but as others said, all white plastic bar obviously the canopy, the rubber caps, the red for the chest and other small transparent clear details. This is what you can expect inside (This is the 1A version)
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