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Everything posted by Raikkonen

  1. I agree. Is this Medieval Spawn only available through the kickstarter, or will it become retail? 2023 and Neo, one of the most articulated movie characters, will still be reproduced as a statue. And, a Neo from the first film with no guns, because you know, guns on a statue for an adult collector is extremely worrisome.
  2. Anyone know where I get images of the box art clean of any text and logos?
  3. I never knew it had eyes till this post pointed it out. I always assumed the big white square dome was it's optical sensor.
  4. They're trying to lure Michael Bay money 🤣
  5. I avoid resins as it's a health danger if maximum safety isn't apply when working with it, especially sanding it. But apparently Urethane resin is a very durable compound with an elastic element that absorbs tension within reason. So it works in this case.
  6. Without a doubt the blame is shared here. Still doesn't change all the writers involved showed zero skill when dumbing down everyone else to pedestal the lead.
  7. I just love that 1S on the shelf with it's fist raised. 🤣
  8. You are right here. Never saw it like this, but how long can these few thousand desperate fans keep them going? My word, desperation has no limits.
  9. Possibly. The discarded prototype due to having a moralist chip. It's simply uncreative writers that instead of building a strong protagonist through challenges and interactions, they create a lone survivor that stands out by dumbing down everyone else.
  10. Cringe.
  11. Hard to tell if top-coat will fix this. From my modelling experience, once the surface is even slightly rough, the light will always reflect this regardless the type of or amount of clear coats on it.
  12. Yeah, which means if they invade us, then the the real world is also digital and thus we will have another Matrix paradox.
  13. Valid point. But there's a lot of that in the SW universe... why any walkers when they have speeders that float? Why slaves and labourers that cost more to acquire and maintain than droids that don't need food, sleep and are stronger? Why pilots when fighters can be fighter drones? Why are the almost impenetrable shields on destroyer droids not equipped by organic troopers? What's the point of the stormtrooper armours? Sure, somewhere along the endless encyclopedias there's some fan driven justifying explanation to the above, but will always look clueless when facing logic. This is part of SW.
  14. Well, that's fail on me. Keep seeing his past interviews in new videos that don't mention his passing. My point. What has come out of their attempts? If they want to protect their merchandising, then they need to improve the delivered product to build a client base. No point wanting to be the sole producer of a particular design, of the which the end product leaves a soar taste to most buyers. Even now with a reputable brand like Threezero, HG is letting past imperfections well ironed out by other manufacturers on the same design. Whatever Toynami and etc has produced, every detail was approved by HG before sent to production.
  15. I'll never be convinced of any Robotech future show to ever happen. Since the internet's early days HG has been promising something in the works from a show to a live action film, but zero has happened in almost 30 years. So I don't understand why HG keep feeling threatened to how Macross continues? Only thing that is keeping Robotech alive in HG's boardroom is Macek, but once he's in a retirement home, Robotech will only live on Youtube documentaries.
  16. It's from a toy line for young girls... obviously the market was always going to be for daughters along with their parents, and the generations of women that grew with Barbie, that by the trailers twinkled a humour saying it's ok to bring the husbands, fathers and boyfriends to be enjoyed together. Yes, it has it's funny moments, but towards the end it's all about telling how girls don't need relationships. I don't know how the joke could be on you or anyone in this case?
  17. This type of character generally only works well with animation exaggerations. This is why it will likely get cancelled and then the general media who never read the Manga, will blame the Manga story for being poor.
  18. They took a toy brand aimed at young girls, and promoted the film to bring the whole family to the theatre. But, delivered a film with endless adult context layered on a existential crises where the bottom line is to hate men and hate being in relationships. I don't think it's a joke. That's aside the uncomfortable lines that responsible parents don't want to explain to their kids. My biggest surprise is how did Mattel ever sign on this?
  19. I'm still battling to finish the first Delta film, so I can get started on this one to see Max's return.
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