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Everything posted by Raikkonen

  1. I'm curious for those that have these KOs, do they smell bad like other KO themes, and hows the durability and transformation?
  2. Raikkonen

    Hi-Metal R

    That's painful to read. I feel for you!!! I've only owned the 1/60 v1 from early 2000, which I sold, the VF-1's 1/48, and also sold those, and basically kept a few of the1/60 VF-1 V2 last run before rebranded as Arcadia.
  3. I think the license goes to anyone willing to fill shelves for how ever long they can. Isn't this all that HG has left to survive with? I recall Anymoon also mentioning something like this in one of his recent videos.
  4. It does look good. Thought about getting one and painting the white to black or a light bluish grey.
  5. Raikkonen

    Hi-Metal R

    This. And it's quite a thin line to trip over and never come back. 😅
  6. 3Z have a fantastic reputation, and never to experiment with materials beyond plastic for accuracy or quality. But here the design doesn't convince me. The inaccurate head with the large chest and smaller than usual legs are quite a step backwards from DX, HMR and Yamato.
  7. Buying something that says 'Robotech' and 'HG' on it makes me feel dirty. 😅
  8. Raikkonen

    Hi-Metal R

    But I have a real wife. Why do I need another? 🤣 I didn't give up collecting. I just disconnected from obsessing with it. I was collecting too much of it from Hot Toys to Lego, every week more boxes. It wasn't a hobby anymore, it was purely a fix. Now that I'm beyond that, I feel liberated and I fully enjoy the few pieces I get once in while. The VF-0D was my first in almost 2 years. And don't get me started on how much easier it is to move homes and the cardboard space now available. 😂
  9. The singing happens through out the Macross universe before or when a battle begins. It is it's DNA. Yes, it's execution counts a lot, but Ranka singing to a surfing fortress... yeah... And no, doesn't mean cause the captain is a avid surfer, that it makes sense to show a giant battle fortress surfing into battle later-on. Roy Focker was a alcoholic, so then it would have made sense and been acceptable by showing his VF-1 trying to jag down barrels of fuel? 🤣
  10. I love the look of the Mig-23. Even built a Hasegawa kit and also had the mechanical file of it... but... I'm not surprised it keeps having issues. It was one of those jets quickly designed with little testing to make numbers during the cold war. Apparently was a great interceptor, but dreadful dog fighter and pilots were uneased flying it due to it's landing gear flaw and weak frame.
  11. That's way less than what I paid for a my Yammy pair with shipping. lol
  12. I had the Revoltech one. Sold it as the gummy body with ratchet joints was quite cheap.
  13. They look cool for the scale, but too many teeny parts for me.
  14. Raikkonen

    Hi-Metal R

    Never had an issue with Yamato (Albeit, I never got any of the Macross Zero due to the alarms that went off daily). A friend of mine had the 1/48 low vis Yammy, and he transformed that thing endlessly daily, and after so many year, that thing still stands without issues.
  15. hahahaha, you right... Battle Fortress surfing into battle. 😅
  16. Raikkonen

    Hi-Metal R

    I was down that Rabbit once in general collecting, but felt way better the moment I pulled myself out from it, flogged of my collection and liberated a lot of my mind from being owned of collecting so much.
  17. Why does this have to be a exclusive limited to 3 people... Tamashi Bandai is bringing to Europe all it's Frontier and Delta as well the YF-19 DXs, but is leaving out the most important one... this one...
  18. Yeah, the chunky legs in plane mode has aerodynamicists laughing on the floor. But this is the thing, for the builder having to do such mods, means the purpose of parts forming failed.
  19. Hmmm... now did they strip a Yamato valk and 3D scanned one to make their own molds, or did they obtain a copy of the original mold? Seams seem pretty good for KOs. I still can't venture down this road, mainly that when I watch reviews of KOs, there's always complaints about the plastic's smell.
  20. Nopelandia. The scene is a massive tone killer. Things got so wonderfully laid out with engrossing tension from where Ranka+Alto get separated from Sheryl + Ozma, to Grace's last stand, and then suddenly goes stupid with a giant robot surfing while the captain gets off it.
  21. So I looked into this kit as the scale and posebility got my attention... But what I don't get is that with all the parts forming, plane mode has that ugly exposed block where the stand connects.
  22. Raikkonen

    Hi-Metal R

    I have paino hands and it was a frustrating for me going from gerwalk to plane. Aligning the arms then getting all the tabs to click in followed by gently squeezing various points to seam out any gabs was a bit much. Good to read.
  23. Thanks. The max one tempts me of the YF-29, but I won't put built it with that pair of extra pods on the wings and tone the paint scheme to be more subtle.
  24. Hmmm... Max's light blue version is extremely tempting, as is the standard grey VF-22...
  25. Frontier had good aspects to it albeit some cringy moments, but please, no more bugs as the cannon antagonist, scale down the over the top finales, and no more SDF's types surfing into battle (like in the second movie version).
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