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Everything posted by Raikkonen

  1. So... I tried the first 2 episodes. This live action take is rather bland and boring, the directing is very TV average while the acting is out of cheap commercials. I won't proceed further...
  2. This is Epic!!! Who made it? Aha, it's the Alter one.
  3. I was able to erase that horror... now the burns return... Criminal is too kind of word.
  4. Surely it can't be worse than the live action adaption of Zom 100??? Or of Full Metal???
  5. LOL - That bad? I missed it as I stepped back from collecting during that time.
  6. Season 1 all out now. I thought they would have released this one weekly.
  7. So this Calibre wings release is not a HG licensed one?
  8. When opening that link, the material quality of the Toynami ones still looks identical to their early 2000s attempts. That cheap semi shiny gummy plastic.
  9. I'm still trying to figure out the whole DBZ phenomena, I have friends in the 40s, parents, and they still mortar themselves on behalf of Goku.
  10. I'm surprised how Bandai released figures in time with this series, there's a lot of faith there. Well, they you wrote it, you made the whole concept seem exciting... but after a few attempts of my own not too long ago, I couldn't get into the anime. But, I too will have the popcorn ready tomorrow as live action titanics are easier to digest.
  11. Explains a lot. I guess all that's left for them now is HG packaging.
  12. Does the anime have this much "follow you dreams" and "Believe" beaten to death cliches?
  13. Majority of anime fans apparently disagree with you... but I, agree with you!
  14. This is epic work. Well done!!! Any chance of willing to share the digital file please?
  15. Then they 3D scanned a Yamato model and designed their molds around that.
  16. When I asked Calibre wings recently about additional Macross Zero, they were straight to the point that there won't be anymore plans involving Zero. Pity, I was so hoping for the VF-0 range in diecast...
  17. Yup, doesn't look like him.
  18. Even the pilot here looks better sized than the kid in 3Z versions...
  19. Where you get these from? And are they exactly at HMR vague scale of 1/100 - 1/88?
  20. Been meaning to ask this for a while... Did Kawamori come up with Ragna and it's whole culture? And how did the humanoid species come to be there?
  21. Does "Hyper joint with no mobility" means it's not posable?
  22. Raikkonen

    Hi-Metal R

    Lol... reminds me of what black Friday has evolved into. Price a month before BF, $100.00. Price a week before BF, $130.00. On BF, $130.00, $100.00 after discount. Price after BF, $100.00. 🤣
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