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Everything posted by Raikkonen

  1. Why surprised? Blue Bettle? Pengiun series with no batman? Black Adam? Madam Web but isn't Madam Web? That Agatha Harkness show due 2 years ago? People watched Deadpool 3 because of it's established R-rating content, and Hugh still attracts the ladies. All my male friends watched it for the stupid violence and humour. While the females in my circle watched it mostly for Hugh and the humour. Disney knew this, and for this, they bent the knee to Ryan's requests.
  2. It does have some stunning space visuals and the lead actress has a promising career... but everything else... 😶 Nothing we haven't seen before...
  3. I use to be religious with IGN reviews 10 years ago. Then suddenly I got hit with 3 blatant strike outs, and that was me out.
  4. This. I follow x2 YT with similar tastes, and then wait for my film-addict friend to watch it on opening night as he's views align with mine. Still, it's odd the lack of heavy reviews 10 days before opening. Especially for said franchise. Risky going off by audiences, too many bot armies or agenda driven consumers. I know a guy that feels guilty saying a film was bad as it might offend someone else. People are too conditioned these days.
  5. It is quite odd this. It's a once off film for me. I get it that the theatres have been barren with engrossing content, but DP3 is going to age fast. Look at the last Spiderman... 3 months of shine, and then slipped into the "Oh yeah, that film" category.
  6. It's the one pic I was waiting for while scrolling down... but nadda...
  7. Raikkonen

    Hi-Metal R

    I look the small size and compact boxes. So much easier for storing the boxes and when moving.
  8. You right. The HG nailed it as close as possible But the HG is apparently 1/100, yet is even shorter than the new HMR... Then again Kawamori's math back then is based on pencil drawings of magic transformation.
  9. Nope, it can be with the existing one. It's only the underneath plate piece that needs to change to accommodate interchangeable landing gear, canards and a hole for the stand.
  10. I like his work. Has the style from Tamiya's boxes (Minus the white backgrounds) Always going to be a obvious move. Add the smallest cheapest possible extra to guarantee the sales. It's definitely being planned with the Ghost for 0S...
  11. Me too! It's very possible as the assembly of the present one only needs the bottom part to change to have landing gears and a hole for the stand.
  12. Basara is the ultimate anti-Anime protagonist for my tastes, while the fire valk belongs in Transformers. But... I will admit that is one gorgeous looking box. Hope it sells well to bring us more HMR.
  13. Why posing toys now requires a university degree. I'm so glad they didn't pull this stunt with 0A's ghost...
  14. Sorry, does the whole world revolve around just you?
  15. Me too. I discovered it only a year ago when looking for films for my little one.
  16. IMO, I believe what was shown in S2 could have been condensed in 6 episodes, and left the remaining 2 for the finale, and then S3 to wrap up the story.
  17. Aha, cheers both for the correction. Well if it's Bruce Timm, I dunno why I keep hearing that it's 'Meh' so far. Waiting for all the episodes to air before watching it myself.
  18. House of Dragons will end with a fourth Season now. Either they figured how to milk in lot more episodes, or need to split the last intended season into 2 due to scheduling / costs?
  19. Isn't this the series that Abrams was involved with? Is so... then that says it all...
  20. The "official" reason it was done to start season 3 with a bang. But I remain convinced it was due to WB need to spread costs between the seasons while still recovering from the strike.
  21. I agree. Our small actual theatres here in Greece have almost perished within a year. Only in the Malls they've survived, and also the open summer theatres.
  22. Could very well be right. Their way to convert the PuP market to start buying the bigger and more profitable one.
  23. Relied less on Deadpool and more on the character's around him, especially the cameos that hid behind the curtains numerous plot-holes. They clearly said "Whatever they did on the last Spiderman, quadruplet it, then write a story around it." But it worked bringing in the numbers at the dying theatre market, which now relies on a handful of decent films a year.
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