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Everything posted by Raikkonen

  1. This smaller scale has my interest.
  2. Cheers for this. So technically, while this is all licensed, it's still not part of the canon storyline? Alternative universe then?
  3. Wow!!! Those look incredible in Metallic. Bandai, look here please.
  4. Thanks for the feedback and great video. Great work. But I avoid collecting and working with any resin. Sorry.
  5. New official pics under the banner of Unix Square (Kids logic x Sentinel)
  6. It's like Monopoly. Keep landing on the Bandai blocks and keep paying them to roll again.
  7. What is the final material and level of attachment to the HMR (Example: Swooshable)?
  8. Aha... Thanks. My hopes sunk briefly... It's the only Blu-Ray on my waiting list I care about 😅
  9. Does this mean we won't get a international release of this as Disney will stream it?
  10. Totally missed this. Anyone have the timestamp or screenshot of this?
  11. Guessing this is like winning 11 times in a row in blackjack at the casino... Do we need C3PO to give us the odds? But as it's Disney pushed, even it's the licensers that will dub it, I expect some already Disney appeared stars to feature in some of the voices, at least as cameos. That asides, I'm glad dub is coming... I don't understand Japanese, and don't plan to learn to it, so finally I can sit back and switch off on the coach without reading and disengaging from the visuals.
  12. Yeah... I'm sticking to the official story of 80s line art.
  13. Love how Bandai brands it's partsforming on the box as "Shortcut change" 🤣
  14. It is interesting the diverse take in detail and proportions. But one's smaller and more closer to a transformable toy, the other larger and for more skilled builders.
  15. Hasegawa the closest with their Gerwalk of it.
  16. Then why even contemplate these? These are with the intent of replicating the drawn art with all it's liberties. There's plenty of other lines with the functional design.
  17. Thanks. Yeah, I know the 1/20, but well out of my space and time availability.
  18. Never a fan of this Macross hotrod Transformer, but I'm really curious to see all the side by side comparisons with all the different takes of it out this year.
  19. Can someone please enlighten me of Max Watanabe ties/relevance to the Macross brand? In model kits, I'm not all that clued on the names in the background.
  20. As I lived in South Africa... all I see is a common anthill...
  21. Surprisingly nothing by Wave as well...
  22. Considering how this battroid version however true to it's source, is completely out of proportion for it to ever accurately transform into a plane. So we can sleep soundly that those blocks would also magically shrink when transforming. Logically articulation that parallels the show's magic bothers you due to not being possible in a transformable version, yet the Mickey Mouse gloves don't bother you?
  23. "crunch" that's the word that kept fleeing my mind yesterday 😅
  24. Here you go, and where it starts... (But no knee bends, just the shoulder and chest/back.
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