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Everything posted by Firefox21

  1. Nice! I love Macross II mecha design more than any other Macross mecha (other than VF-1). Unfortunately, there are many willing to pick up the tab of making more Across II models or toys. Sorry Mr Kawamori.
  2. With the 48,000 yen price tag for DX YF-21, I wonder what would be the price for this. I won't be surprised if it is more than 50,000 yen. It'll still sell like hot cake though.
  3. With the YF-21 DX pushes the price to 48,000yen, I wonder what the price will it be as Arcadia always has a much higher price tag.
  4. Has the DX VF-1A ever comes out with the brown one? The last I see is the Angel Bird scheme.
  5. Just got this one from Mandarake too. The price is good. My impression is that the overall quality is a drop compared to the VF-31. I'm not sure how it fair compared to other VF-31AX as this is the only one I have. The grey upper intake is molded in grey and the quality of the plastic looks cheap. Overall, many areas are a tad loose and some areas are overly tight. But the tabs in the wings fit properly to the legs in fighter mode though.
  6. It's a very nice figure and surprise that no one attempted Omnibots until now. I've got mine but it has some QC issue, one of the feet is very loose.
  7. It's a mixed from Hasegawa 1/72 VF-11B Super Thunderbolt and VF-11D. Instead of using the official colour scheme (beige and orange), I decided to use the colour scheme (white and orange) from Yuji Kaida box art, which decidedly gives a more striking look. The original Yuji Kaida's box art
  8. Thanks all. I left out a few transparent pieces in the first few pics. I didn't even realize it until I placed it on the shelf 😄. Now it's more complete.
  9. I decided to do a more 'realistic' VF-11D than the fancy colour one. The weapons are a mix from my stash.
  10. A modified F/A-18F canopy
  11. Hasegawa has never and probably will never make a two seater for YF/VF-19 as it's not official. Two seater VF-19 only exists in VF Master File. Obviously it needs some work on the canopy area. The good thing for Hasegawa 1/72 VF-19 kit is that it comes as a full size two seater, and it comes with second seat and pilots. that alone saves me a lot of work. I used a 1/72 F/A-18F canopy for this mod. The canopy was rather long. I ended up extending the rear pilot tub a fair bit. Despite sanding off some of the base of the canopy, it's still too wide for the VF-19 body. I have to add 1mm strip on both side of the body and some putty for the aft section. I suspect a 1/72 SU-27UB canopy would be a better fit. It will also gives a more prominent raised body style. Anyway, I've got to make do with what I have and it turns out not too bad.
  12. Wow! This is the worst part-forming I've seen. Even the old Bandai 1/100 VF-19 doesn't have that many parts to remove/replace.
  13. I won't be surprised it'll take that long.
  14. I'll hope for a MG
  15. Nice, the tilt rotor looks a lot more bad-ass than the co-axial design. But this decision is not final, it can be challenged and who knows.
  16. As much as I'd like another supersonic bomber, think XB-70, B-58 and the unborn FB-12, it is the turtle that win the bomber race, the B-52 and Tu-95. I guess we are not going to see any supersonic bomber anytime soon if at all. The latest and probably the last is Tu-160, unless the Chinese comes up with some surprise.
  17. I'll wait for the MG, if there's ever one 😄
  18. Replacement parts needed for each mode. Pass.
  19. Still the same question, why aren't there already KO VF-31A? Will it ever going to happen?
  20. Firefox21


    Here’s my take of VF-31D, using Hasegawa 1/72 VF-31A as a base. It’s a pretty quick straightforward build, nothing fancy. I go with the conventional Macross scheme. To me, without the kite logo and the red arrow/triangle at the intake, it’s not Macross 😄.
  21. They should do a 1/48 VF-1D
  22. Thanks for the instructions. You confirmed my suspect. I guess the most important pieces that prevent two builds in one set is the two LL928 6X1 brick and the 4X2 space logo tile. Not sure what other missing pieces are there. But I'll start building these two when the my set come
  23. There's a downloadable digital instruction for 10497 to build the other two smaller versions, similar to 924 and 918. I'm just not sure if one set of 10497 can be built into two smaller version or either one of them only. It would be great if one set can be used to build the two smaller versions.
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