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TG Remix

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Everything posted by TG Remix

  1. Right; the only other variants we'd see would be from the class from Fusou Katsumi's doujin regarding NUN and Zentradi ships. Kinda interesting that the creative liberties for the ship named after Britai had bigger legs and a much greener hull, yet in Macross 30 itself it looked more or less the same as the others. Reading that makes me wonder how much money someone could make finding and selling ship parts on Earth. Though since I've mentioned the Short Range Emigrant Fleets, I wonder if there was any elaboration on them, aside from how they typically don't go beyond a radius of 100 ly, and their colony ships from old Zentradi hulls. Would their escort fleets be nearly as big as the Long Range ones, any ones we know of other than the ones that found Eden, etc.
  2. It's a nice detail I always kinda appreciated with the vessels we see, makes the world of Macross connected with ours in a funny way. Though I wonder a bit if one of the SDFN ships can look like the original SDF-2, if that could even transform to begin with. On a somewhat related note it said there was around 20,000 Zentradi ships that crashed onto Earth on the final battle of SWI, so I assume they came from there. Wonder what else happened to them, IIRC some of them were recycled for Short Ranged Emigrant ships, if not used by dissidents like Kamujin. The Queadol-Magdomilla Class Okeanos from the 33rd Marine Batallion also seems like it was modified with stealth capabilities, or at least with a more NUNS like look. It's a bit more apparent with Miyatake's concept art of the Gallia 4 base. It'd definitely push the idea that they really had no kind of culture until first contact with humanity.
  3. That makes sense, especially even though they're the same class of ships we see in Plus/7, they also do have their visual differences, mainly how the Northampton has turrets that pop out of their hull instead of the internal beam cannons. Of course that can be chalked up to different manufacturers, when they were built, variants/etc. Though I am reminded of the CV-565 Saratoga from VF-X2, and I'm wondering if that came from a alternate construction line of the Uraga class, or if it's a specific type of ship dedicated for Special Forces use. Wait really? I thought it was the third one this entire time! ๐Ÿ˜†I'd assume so because of the Navy terminology and how close they are to the like. However it is a bit different since unlike the world's current naval forces battleships of varying sizes are still being used, and destroyers aren't the universal standard but instead cruisers and carriers. That and the few Zentradi ships in active service in other branches where they still serve giant crews of sorts. Wandering thought if Zentradi ships under the NUN Forces were equipped with stealth capabilities and functions like the common vessels as well. And I thought Max and Miria had it rough in that time period. ๐Ÿ˜… The SDF-02 Megaroad-01 did start life as a second Macross class vessel funny enough, it's just that after humanity was rendered near extinct plans and priorities changed and the half-built ship was heavily overhauled as the colony ship we know with the same designation.
  4. That is true by Plus/7, however, looking this up a bit more, it seems by Frontier there's a slight mixup. Instead of both carriers sharing CV, the Guantรกnamo sports the CVR and the Uraga Class CVS designations. I'm not savvy enough to know why there'd be a difference except the Uraga is rarer, bigger, and more adaptable compared to the former (so much so that iirc they can act as naval vessels on planets themselves), so maybe it's an indicator on that? Edit: Realized that CVS was the hull designation for the Prometheus, which was classified as a "super-large-scale semi-submersible attack aircraft carrier," so maybe I'm close to the mark regarding the Urage? On the topic of Frontier, the actual Marines only board ships from the Navy for amphibious operations correct? Which is why it's a bit noticeable both times we see the Zentradi Marines in there have their own Queadol-Magdomilla (The Oceanos/Okeanos), and in Delta the garrison there has Thuverl-Salan. I'm assuming it's because there need to be accommodations for an all-giant Zentradi unit, dedicated ships are required for them where the smaller, common ones won't cut it?
  5. Also apparently from Sky Angels and the Master File, when Britai's Nupetiet-Vergnitzs became the NUN Spacy's first battleship, it was also reclassified as SDF-3. I'm not sure how much it conflicts with the SDF-2 Megaroad and the rest of that ship's class, but it does make me wonder about the hull designations of the NUN forces fleet. CV (aircraft carrier) and FF (frigate) are used consistently for the Guantanamo, Uraga, and Northampton classes respectively, and there are unique ones like the NMCV for the New Macross carriers, but considering how a good chunk of NUNS Zentradi ships we see, and a good chunk of the Varauta fleet appropriated by the Protodevlin, are battleships, would they fall into their own designations, or BB (for battleships) would make a comeback as opposed to reality where relatively smaller crafts have effectively replaced battleships? Interesting, considering the game takes place 7 years before the Var Syndrome becomes an actual thing. Would this also relate to the game's story? Or somehow Ouroboros's weird biology and nomenclature have something to do with it?
  6. Isn't that the Windemerean gunship? I know they share a similar shape but they always looked different to me. I'm assuming there's no model of the Windemeran aircraft cruiser (the one with the gun and flight deck on each side) as well? Either way, wonderful commitment you have!
  7. iirc Miyatake also worked on Southern Cross, right? There's a surprising lack of immediately available info on the series. Oh wow I was kidding! Would make sense in the post-SWI days, would be no shock at all to learn there were millions of those left after the war, and then some when the improvement models came. The Sky Angels book was written by Chiba (Not the Fire Bomber fan ๐Ÿ˜›) before being officially apart of the series, right? Even better; replace the plasma cannon with a crane and boom! A best seller in the industrial scene! They also appear as a part of Black Rainbow's personnel in Stage 2 of Macross VF-X2, escorting the flight of SB-10/10 Starwings alongside the VA-3Ms. Though on the topic of Macross 30, considering the plot of the game involves time travel, are the enemies there just plucked out of their respective timeframes, or are the Zentradi mechs there are part of another pirate/terrorist group?
  8. I'm just imagining the New UN Spacy/Air Force/Navy squadrons of battlepods being exponentially larger than most units of variable fighters. ๐Ÿ˜† UN Regult pilot: "Sir, the miclones have only up to 26 Valkyries in their squadrons, do we really need triple the amount?" UN Captain: "You've been piloting one for 10 years now, how many times you almost didn't come back when you went with only a flight of eight?" Battle/powered suit Workoids....I actually really like that idea. ๐Ÿ˜„Certainly makes sense with how effective giant Zentradi was with industrial work. It says a lot when in Delta's first episode the Regults and Glaugs came back, some with Queadluun Rhea parts even, while the Nousjadeul was an absolute no show. If it helps its case, the only Zentradi mech that has even less of a legacy is the Gnerl...Kawamori apparently spent an entire sketchbook trying to get the thing right, and not only does it barely appear in SDF itself, but it's forgotten in the movie and never reappears in animation again! Honestly it wouldn't be an issue if Kawamori drew where they'd come from, and/or if Macross The Ride elaborated on its details some more. My only guess for the Bifors BML-02S to come out from would either be the arms (the same as where they come from the VF-4), or the plates near the engine nacelles (closer to where missiles from where the Glaug came from,) but even then it doesn't have the openings the YF-21/VF-22 or VF-171 has.
  9. Sorry for that. I will try to say this in a more diplomatic way: The male suit parts are so inconsistent. The penguin flat feet and the helmet doesn't match with the overall streamlined body. Honestly, it's my least favorite design myself, but mostly because it doesn't feel consistent with the design pathos of the battle pods and Queadluun-Rau; looking more industrial instead of sleek and without the "eye-sensor" the other mechs have. It's a bit telling that with its redesign by Yutaka Izubuchi in the movie it takes the aesthetics from the latter to fit in. Though from my previous question, I wonder how many units the Nousjadeul-Ger were left over from the end of the war. The NUNS acquired some themselves with their own garish blue, white, and red coloring, and they lasted long enough to be used as target practice by the time in Plus. Seems like it's in a weird gray area of not too cheap and everywhere like the Regult, but not as high performing and popular as the Rau. Never a favorite design of mine frustrates me with how much we know but how oh so little we know about it as well. Another thing that mystifies me is that its armaments include four Bifors BML-02S micro-missile launchers, the same kind the YF-21/VF-22 has. But because even though the Neo Glaug has missiles in its boss fight in Macross Plus: Game Edition, and the Variable Glaug in its M3 boss fights, officially there's no word on where they'd launch from the machine. Adding to the confusion is that the UN type doesn't have any missile capacity when it's a playable unit in M3.
  10. The thing about that is that the Rhea model in particular was made for both female and male Zentradi to pilot, which is why we got both Klan Klan and Kamujin-clone Temujin to pilot them, much less the few dozen (?) units the all-male 33rd Marine Battalion had. If anything I'd kinda wish we got a contemporary grunt Nousjadeul-type battlesuit to contrast with the elite, hard-to-mass-produce Queadluun-Rhea, like the VF-171 to the VF-25. But I suppose the anti-ship cannon is pretty much the only visual sign that both models have been combined together.
  11. Well, there is a (somewhat of a gag) blink-and-you-'ll-miss-it cameo of a UN Spacy Queadluun-Rau in coincidentally(?) light purple color as the same as the DYRL units, where Zentradi letters written on the left leg reads out "Okama no Hiro-kun," which more or less translates to "Young Hiro The Gay." I guess it'd imply that male Zentradi, biological limitations and all, can use the Queadluun-Rau, even with this being a "comical" piece of evidence we have. ๐Ÿ˜… Honestly, even though the Queadluun-Nona was made years after the movie and so happened to be the only thing from the DYRL Saturn/PS1 game Macross Chronicle made officially a part of the timeline, in-universe it'd be essentially the best compromise for giant Zentradi to use in combat, Main Fleet and NUNS-allied otherwise. I'm still trying to get a complete feel for how many of them were a part of Bodolzaa's Main Fleet/SW1 as a whole; both TV series and DYRL suggest there were a decent amount, and there was apparently enough for the NUN to take until the 2030's had them struggle with the lack of operational units and spare parts. iirc the VF-14 was made with a large enough airframe to be modified and customizable for future improvements and modifications. That line of logic would also be better for a modular-type design.
  12. Are you referring to NUN-allied Zentradi, rogue Zentradi, or the thousands of Main Fleets kicking around? Because there's an answer for each of them. The Main Fleets still at large in the galaxy will most likely use the mechs they were given, no advancement there due to how the Zentradi were programmed. The Plus Battle Suit ping pong from being made by dissidents or another design from the Stellar Republic, so we have no idea what group Isamu and his squad were fighting at the beginning of the OVA. NUN-allied Zentradi usually uses what Valkyries were built for miclones, although there are some that are preferred for Zentran pilots (the VF-14), and others specifically for them (VA-14, the VAB-2D, and the Neo Glaug lineage.) Not particularly sure how widespread they are, but Zentradi colony fleets and planets are said to exist so there's that. There are not a lot of options for giants, the Queadluun Rhea is the obvious outlier, but it's said that their numbers are noticeably smaller than those of conventional aerial craft. Delta introduces the UN-designed ZBP-104 and ZBP-106 Regults, and the Super Glaug. The latter two include Rhea parts (the Regult Type 106 particularly with the arms and missile pods), which imply they have somewhat better performance than the Stellar Republic era models. Although it's hard to say with Delta's lack of mechanical description, and the Brisgnir Alliance's tendency to go cheap with the military equipment. Rogue Zentradi, moreso ones who struggled with culture and regular civilian life and oppose Earth/humans typically are all over the place. From older Zentran mecha, to Destroids, and valkyries, what they get is what they use. The Variable Glaug and Feios Valkyrie are particular examples of variable fighters built by dissident Zentradi, and they say perform better than the generation of fighters they come from, although not easy to handle; especially the latter since it's described to be harder to master than the VF-19 and VF-22! In a lesser example there's the Stealth Regults, Glaug Kai, Stealth Fighter Pod, and Stealth Quel-Quallie from Digital Mission VF-X, where the Feios Valkyrie debuted. Not a lot of detail is known about them except they were built with active stealth technology like the 4th generation Valkyries and were used by the terrorist group that kidnapped the Milky Dolls. Their factory was destroyed in the events of the game, but who knows, maybe they're used out there somewhere if anyone cares to use them. Surprisingly the only battlesuit that's confirmed(?) to be made by Zentradi dissidents was the Queadluun-Alma from Macross the Ride, which is supposedly an amalgamation of the Rhea type and Feios Valkyrie, and is somehow considered transformable... Although it seems like it's a one-of-a-kind model from Fasces, where it alongside its pilot, Angers 672, went missing after the end of the conflict.
  13. Hey, I'll take anything to make them relevant in the franchise again ๐Ÿ’š
  14. In complete fairness, Yoko Kanno's soundtrack for Plus tackled many genres compared to pretty much every other track in the franchise, it kinda makes its own identity in being "inconsistent" compared to everyone else. Of course, Sharon Apple's is constantly trance music (except for INFORMATION HIGH when it's suddenly fast-paced pop,) so you do have a point. I'd listen to it. ๐Ÿ˜› We got J-pop twice in a row and from the aforementioned Sharon, Fire Bomber's rock, and Sara's traditional kind, I think we're set due for a different genre shake-up from the main idols at least.
  15. No kidding, even Frontier gave us info on why the 50+ year-old Cheyennes we see have their niche in their colony fleet, we only can guesstimate why battle pods pop up after being out of animated series sight since SDF. Think it's more apparent because I couldn't even find dedicated renders of the Windemerean ships. A shame too, they're some of my favorite post-7 ship designs we see in the franchise. I keep forgetting that General Galaxy iirc was also the main builder of the New Macross class ships when their fleets were being shipped out as well. It makes all things considered, though it raises another question, how is shipbuilding dealt with in the Macross universe? Is it all done in Factory Satellites or factory ships like the one from the Macross 7 fleet, or do shipyards with manual labor even exist by the time of Plus/7. Personally, I do like the idea that they're older export models, since not only the likes of the Guantanamo and Uraga class ships are going strong for 30+ years, but the Elysion is also implied to be an older model of ship too, along the Valkyries and mechs from previous series finding footing in the Brisingr Alliance. Say what you will about Delta's management of budget, but at least it continues the Macross tradition of having older designs still hanging around.
  16. On the topic of elusive ships, I'm assuming we don't have anything to go with for the Windermere combat ships? I was wondering if General Galaxy SV made them as a local design specifically for the Windermerean Kingdom, or because they're still a frontier civilization they're older secondhand models that they got their hands on. They even share some similarities to the Macross Galaxy ships too.
  17. Honestly I didn't know how much Macross 7 hid so much Fire Bomber tracks until I watched the P*L*U*S shorts the other day, and I got surprised when I heard two songs that never appeared in the show proper! Honestly it's not even the lack of Fire Bomber variety that bothers me the most, it's the lack of a proper soundtrack! Kentarล Haneda's music for SDF is legendary, which Yoko Kanno carried the torch with Plus and Frontier, and what 7 mostly does is borrow from the latter. Granted they were contemporaries, but did Fire Bomber really take so much of the budget? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Honestly the more I think about it, it's Plus and Zero that are the weird ones for being more "gritty" and toned down, even compared to the first series. Yeah that has humanity almost going extinct but I also wasn't expected to laugh as much as I did with its comedic and wacky moments as well.
  18. That's a fair suspicion, I just assumed there'd be more customers since the descriptions for the VA-14 and Neo Nupetiet-Vergnitzs bis would imply there'd be more usage then that fleet alone. Part of me is a tad disappointed that the Macross 5 fleet was used more or less as a plot device for the FBZ-99G, Az-130A, and Gelpinitch's plan without bringing more details about them or the mechs and ships they use unlike the vast amount of details we can gather about the Macross Galaxy and how influential they are in the world of Macross. (As a side note I hope my hyperfixation on anything regarding Zentradi isn't too unbearable, they're easily my favorite things that came from the franchise, characters, mecha, ships, you name it. As much as I love both it seems every series and side stories after SDF kinda seems to undermine them in the many opportunities they appear afterwards, and that's honestly my biggest criticism of the franchise overall.) Does make me wonder how widespread adoption of it was in the UN proper. Enough for the Neo Glaug to exist of course, but it seems more niche compared to the likes of the VA-3. and how that got a marine variation and can be seen as far up until 2051. (Additionally from what I got from @sketchley translations it's energy system is delicate and not easy to handle either for both, so that may be a point against it...) Although speaking on that, it's funny to me that the in-game stats of the UNS reproduction in M3 has no missile capacity, but not only it has missiles when you fight against them (Moaramia and her sisters iirc) and when you play/fight the Neo Glaug in Macross Plus: Game Edition, but the Neo Glaug bis in The Ride states it has the same Bifors BML-02S micro-missile launchers as the VF-22 has! The only place I can see those being stored is where the original Glaug shot missiles from, and even there that's stretching it. The more I look into the lineage the more frustrated I get with the lack of definitive details it has, especially compared to most other designs Kawamori has drawn. The VA-14 was a joint project between General Galaxy and Mikoyan, so I'll give you that, though from the Compendium website it describes it as having higher combat maneuverability within the atmosphere, if it means anything here. Though the VAB-2 was a joint project between the Northrom & Grumman and Mikoyan, though I'm not sure they'd make the D type specifically for the Macross 5.
  19. Honestly it's really just her eyes that remind me more like bug eyes (Q-Bee anyone?) then any other race/species we've seen prior that made me think otherwise, and less so anything that'd indicate her Indian heritage. Reading the manga itself, it also tries to give context to....that scene from 7 Dynamite, with Mylene and the woman who's unironically named Sazabi. It contradicts what we saw in the animation by a ton, but at this point I expect it from this franchise, lol. Also because I'm forever obsessed and hyper-fixated, I noticed a lot of Zentradi-favored variable vehicles built by the UN are usually attackers (VA-14, the VBP-1/VA-110 Variable Glaug lineage, the VAB-2 D type was apparently specifically for Zentradi, etc.) One makes me think if not only the UN codes Zentradi pilots for attacker craft duties, and/or if there's any variable fighters Zentradi gravitates towards to. IIRC the Macross Chronicle (from Sketchley's translations) said the regular VF-14 was favored by them.
  20. So I remembered how when the Protoculture was first making what become the Protodevlin, they were in the form of the Evil-Series of Zentradi. I think what we know of the prototypes is that before the ones we see in 7 proper got the ability to harness extra-dimension energy in their bodies, they either burn themselves out or self-destructed. Do we have any elaboration on them in general? Such as how different/similar they looked from the show's Protodevlin, if the ones who survived became the actual Protodevlin or sealed up somewhere different from the ice planet, and so on. It became a topic of interest for a bit because there was a theory that was around when Delta was being aired that Mikumo was a "Evil-series Zentradi" that was discovered before her actual backstory was revealed.
  21. Frontier apparently took that to heart the most, as we not only see every type of Zentradi from previous series (miclone and giant, human looking, technicolored, and DYRL bald and/or lumpy), but also did their own things with Zentradi like Ranka's moveable hair (Which is outlandishly hilarious to me), and iirc some with flat out orc tusks! Always loved the variety the series gave, and it's personally one of my favorite things about the series as much as it's nowhere as much in the limelight. According to Macross Outside Story, when the Protoculture made the Zentradi, they even modified the placement and number of internal organs! Which I'm not sure if that carries to when they're micloned, it's sorta vague even when it describes the miclone bodies is the same as a earth-persons. What kinda gets me the most is that in Zettai LIVE!!! We're introduced to Iam Cronwell, who's a quarter-Zentradi like Ranka, but is an astonishing 330 cm (10'8 feet) tall! That seems way too tall for a human but miniscule for a Zentradi. Ignoring what the 7th NUNS Fleet really was (One of the first new NUNS fleets from either 2010 or 2051?) and and what the Battle Astraea even is (Apparently a old New Macross ship with Battle 21 remains retrofitted), that's pretty much the most elusive part about Cromwell to be honest! ๐Ÿ˜† I like how the MF presents how the YF-21 was General Galaxy's absolute magnum opus that was probably way too good for wide deployment across the NUNS. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that they lost the Super Nova Project considering we'd have a repeat of the VF-19 issue about being uncontrollable and killing pilots but somehow significantly worse, and how amazing it is as the VF-22. Considering how there was 718 total units built of the VF-17, the small amount of VF-22s built makes a lot of sense, especially considering not only how even without the BDI it's insanely high performing, and how convoluted and messy 4th generation Valkyrie development was in general. It even outlasted the VF-19 if we take Delta into consideration. It also seems to track with what we see as at most the Macross 7 seems like they only had three VF-22S, and those were more or less independently operated and not as a special forces fleet like the Diamond and Emerald forces. I'm not sure if this if its from somewhere else or from the MF, but there was apparently a attacker/bomber version of the VF-22 as well? The VF/B-22A I think, but I'm not sure if its official or not.
  22. Thinking about it more, in isolation Guld's gene/psychological issues work well enough in Plus. But further down the line we get Mylene, Ranka, Micheal, and Reina who are all partial Zentradi but not nearly have the same uncontrollable issues that he had. At least in my perspective, it was presented in Plus that all human/Zentradi hybrids are more likely to have that same "little problem." It is something I noticed in Plus and 7 where despite SDF humans and micloned-Zentradi are indistinguishable they always try to make them different or incompatible, like the instinctual fear Exsedol and the Macross 5 had for the Protodevlin.
  23. I feel like the closest thing we got to that is Sonia Dosel, a granddaughter of Loli, and the Neo-Zentran movement and the characters it's relating to in Macross: The Musicalture, where iirc it's Zentran who lived in human society who wants to build the Macross 29's military not out of primal instinct but to help the colony fleet's struggling economy. No clue to why a good lot of them (at least Zegand's followers) could be stunned by music like the SDF-era Zentradi (According to gububa's summary,) but I digress; I too would like to see then being expanded on that's not just in side roles as well. EDIT: How could I forget about Macross: The Ride? The main protagonist Chelsea is a full blooded Zentradi who finds herself struggling to fit in society and goes through many other dynamics of how humans and Zentran are not that different, as people migrating and living in space. I also believe Exsedol's reaction is also said to be from a Zentradi's instinctual fear of the Protodevlin, which was why there was that riot of Zentradi in one episode and why the Macross 5 fleet had even less then a fighting chance then the Macross 7's and pretty much got picked off like carnival shooting game to be used as Protodevlin food.
  24. Well jokes on them, I'm a certified Gundam X and Turn A enjoyer!๐Ÿ˜ค That has to count for something out of this entire discussion of Gundam being pessimistic. I feel like even with the latter's Dark History in mind there's always a silver lining to it all, a friend put it best to say that Gundam is pessimistic on the systematic level, but optimistic on the personal level; even disregarding this forums opinion on G-Witch its ending was pretty optimistic as well. Really I'm more convinced it's just Universal Century's overarching grasp (And honestly, Zeta's infectious effects on the franchise as a whole) that makes people think that there can't be happy endings in Gundam even though there's many to the contrary, no matter how small or big. Hell no, this is Macross... when a series ends, it should end as stylishly as possible. And the Macross Quarter surfing a fragment of Island-1's armored shell down into the Vajra planet's atmosphere was ****ing awesome, how dare you. ๐Ÿ˜› Ditto, Macross has and always will be over the top in the best of ways, and seeing the Quarter play surf is yet another top contender for that! I think the only exceptions to that are really the video games (And in a lesser extent Zero, which even then those like Nora has understandable reasons for being apart of the Anti-UN), since unless we're focusing on the fascisms of certain powers of the UN government and how it got to that point they're more or less Zentradi dissidents who really only exist to be the guys to shoot at unless you're a lucky Moaramia (I mean heck, the enemy commander and rivals' names from Digital Mission VF-X are quite literally Commander and Rival, I know the game really wanted to focus on the female cast but jeez.) Honestly the only thing I'd have on a wishlist for the new series (Other then personal design aesthetics including more that isn't a derivative of the skinny VF-25, since honestly the franchise peaked with mechanical designs with Plus and 7) is more focus on the already established worldbuilding details (Like the consequences of human overcloning and seeing more planet life in general) and more insight into the different aspects of Zentradi life after becoming apart of the UN. It was my favorite part of the last several episodes of SDF and it's a shame it played second fiddle with a repeat of the love triangle in the short time it had.
  25. After being very sidetracked, I touched up the line art I made and colored it properly to finalize the design in a way. I gave it more features from the M7 P*L*U*S VF-14 to make it more obvious where the VA-14 came from. Not entirely sure if I want to make an entire character sheet for it but I wouldn't be opposed to one. I didn't know what colors to formally give it, but I feel like its appropriate I give it the Reguld colors to still give it that UN feel to it. Any feedback is welcomed!
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