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Everything posted by SILVERDRAGON

  1. Hi everyone, Price is pending on finished product. I will keep all of you posted with more pics and update on the armor.
  2. Hi All, Anyone want these? I am only gauging interest, at this time, of how many people want this type of armor. I don't have all the parts done as of yet, it's on the way of being finished. Pm me if your interested. I have 3 types of cannon in these pictures. One of these are the orginal cannon and the other 2 are recasts. You can see that the white one has the hole in the center and the other one doesn't. I am making it with the hole in the center not like the onces we always get with the hole covered. Thank you all
  3. Here is a finish gun put together with color.
  4. red bull gives you wings. 358340[/snapback] yes it does
  5. More pics of finish goods and they are not clean. I will be taking orders or offers for these recasts. 357883[/snapback] pricing w/shippping pilot- $6 Gun - $13 wings with holes- $5 each no holes- $3 358068[/snapback] 358246[/snapback] Hi, Let me know which wings you will need.
  6. More pics of finish goods and they are not clean. I will be taking orders or offers for these recasts. 357883[/snapback] pricing without shippping pilot- $6 Gun - $13 wings with holes- $5 each no holes- $3
  7. More pics of finish goods and they are not clean. I will be taking orders or offers for these recasts.
  8. Hi everyone, Happy new year to all on macross world. I been alway on vacation and now i'm back. I been working on molds for the alpha wings,little pilot and gun. I am sorry to everyone whom left me mesages that i didn't return their emails. I had some trouble with some of the molds and i will be having to make some again. These are the molds that i saved. I will be posting up all the finish parts soon and if your interested let me know what you are looking for. I had to use different resin to see which holds up better so you will see some of the parts with brown color. These are not clean parts but not much to clean as you can see. Well happy new year to all.
  9. Hi I am making all the 6 wings that go with the alpha,little pilot and the gun. I am going to also try casting a whole strike armor. I maybe going to make parts that are missing for alphas if any requests are made. As of right know i am fixing a sdf-1 that is missing his arms and guns that i will cast from resin. I will keep posting pics of my work when its done.
  10. I should have more pics for everyone soon. I will be taken any request for these items when they are done and seen by all.
  11. Hi everyone, Here is a of the picture i promise i would put up. I have almost all the gun done and the little man with the 6 alphas wings. I will keep you posted and if i don't relpy its becuase i am still having problems with my computer.
  12. By 1/35 I assume you mean the old Gakken versions... I am very interested in a gun and a guy to go with an old green one that I have assembled from parts of several broken ones. I can't seem to find a gun anywhere, and believe me i have been looking. 352571[/snapback] I know what you mean about can find any. I gave up of looking and start to recast again so i can have parts for all my alphas. I am wondering if i should make an alpha all from resin but its just a thought. I am making the old gakken parts but i will post update when finished.
  13. Right now i am doing the 1/35 scale.
  14. I will post up some pics next week but for now we will wait for the finish products.
  15. Hi guys, I was just gauging to see how many people are looking for alpha gun's and the little man with all 6 wings. I am in the process on finishing these parts. Just wanting to know if anyone is looking for these items made from resin. The gun has 5 parts that are put together and the little man is coming along. The wings are going to be made next week and i will post update on all these parts. If you want to see the molds just pm me. Price is still pending on quality of finish product will post some pics soon.
  16. Well the way I see it is that it’s going to be a long process and it takes time to do it the right way. I have seen and done some mold and it’s not really easy like some would say. If you want a great product it will cost you. Price is determined by the time you spend on just putting the part on the clay and making sure that you don't miss any important thing, plus you also have to see how much its going to cost for material. I as a buyer I would rather pay a little more for a great item then pay a hell of money for junk. Just my opinion on this matter
  17. I am looking to buy one but how much and when will they be ready?
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