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Everything posted by SILVERDRAGON

  1. Here is a couple of pics from the 1/15 scale. i been trying to finish this for weeks but don't have the chance to. I need to do more details and other more stuff.
  2. Hi everyone, I found this website and if everyone here would sign there names and vote for them to make the Beta it could help. Just wanted everyone to know about this site. http://www.petitiononline.com/Linkup/petition.html SD
  3. Here we have some of my collection.
  4. No, they didn't It's a painted Blue Legioss. 425419[/snapback] The shadow fighter was made from a blue alpha. I repainted it and made a new head.
  5. Here are some of my collection. Here are some of my 1/55 valks with 1/48's and gakken mecha
  6. Here are some of my gakken collection in my display case. All of these gakken are in great condition. Enjoy SD
  7. Thank you everyone for your words. I hope i can make this work right so we can all enjoy a 1/48 elintseeker. If it gets hard i will let people know how its going. I hope for the best. SD
  8. Thanks bro for your pic Now i can start on this project.
  9. How many people here would buy a 1/48 elintseeker kit. I would like to know if there are people here willing to buy a 1/48 elintseeker kit if one is made. Just need some information on how many would like a kit. SD
  10. I did but couldn't find a thing.
  11. Hi everyone, I need everyone's help in finding a print of the hasegawa elintseeker. I been looking around the net and only found this size. I need to know if anyone here got a bigger pic. I'm planning something for the 1/48's but need to find this picture in a bigger scale to make my plan work. Please PM me if some got this picture. Thank you SD
  12. Hi, ask nightmareb4macross he has some heads made. SD
  13. Thank you hope you enjoy it Here is a pic of a stealth ostrick kit that as of yet i haven't cleaned. For the people that are still pending their kit will be done soon. I hope people like this color for a custom.
  14. 30 yrs old married and baby on the way hehehehehehe
  15. Thank you hope to have more to come hehehehehehe .
  16. I would start making but don't know how many people would like to buy them
  17. I agree - those kits look sweet on the 1/55 .... nice work SilverDragon!!! 418622[/snapback] Thanks Just trying to finish the rest of the kits so i can ship out the last of them. I been busy at home and at work that i only have the weekends to work on them. Sorry to the rest of you for your kits i haven't yet shipped. I will try to get them done soon. SD
  18. No glue was required. They attach just like the orginals. Coming soon...as in tomorrow. Just a few more test for the correct color. 416879[/snapback] Hey bro when are you going to have these great looking side covers? Let me know so i can sign up. These look great keep updating us on these covers. SD
  19. yea, i probably won't put the head on for a while. I'm going to eventually pick up a couple cheap 1/55 Hikki 1As and chuck the armor on them...that's a ways off though. I'm sure someone else will do something more impressive with them in the meantime. 417637[/snapback] Let me know if you will need anything else.
  20. im retarded when it comes to painting, so i need color matched kits (i spent the last 2 days trying to paint a custom jumbo, and so far it looks like ass ) 417548[/snapback] Talk to nightmare and ask him if he does color match. I know for sure he can do it to. Post up a pic of the ostrich kit with the head so everyone can see it. Let me know how it comes out.
  21. If i had i would put the elintseekers to hehehehehe. Talk to my bro nightmareb4macross he has some great kits on the elintseeker.
  22. Damn that looks great. I suprised on how it looks on your valks. Thank you for the post.
  23. Nice collection mate - thanks for sharing! SDF-1 has a bit of yellowing, a shame. 415959[/snapback] Ya i know but i got a better one in a box all white hehehehe thank you SD
  24. You will see it and want more . I will PM you when its done and shipped. SD
  25. Wow, those are really nice. Excellent job, bro!! 415733[/snapback] Thanks bro its was hard to make sure all the parts come out the same color. I will keep working on more this friday. SD 415736[/snapback] Hi, For those people that missed the change to order a kit i will be making 4 more extra kits in case anyone is interested in ordering one. Pm me know if you would like to order one. Thank you SD
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