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  • Birthday 01/29/1976

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  1. Hi Capt, We are sure going to miss all your great kits for now. Hope all goes well in your new projects and thank you again for providing these great kits. Also thank you for giving me the Go on the option parts and parts that will make the Beast transform without unscrewing the kit. Will keep you posted on these things and more but for now keep safe and keep visiting us here in MW. SD
  2. Hi everyone, Well here is something i been working on and got Capt's blessing. So hope you guys like SD
  3. i would definitely be interested, in four set just let us know when ready SD
  4. Ya bro thank you for the mod's. i'm working on another SDF-1 to make it the same hehehe. I will keep posting more when i'm almost done. SD
  5. Great job bro can't wait to see the rest of it when it's all done. Here is my custom TV version as well hope you like it still needs work but almost going to finish this then weather it after all is done. Still need to finish the shoulder cannons,main cannon plus the details and the brigde also the arms enjoy it. SD
  6. I love the three sdf-1 bro i will be finish with mine soon and post it up with your hehehe
  7. Great news can't wait for kit SD
  8. Hi, Put me down for one of these puppys. I'm a big mospeada lover and would mind getting this baby. The payment plan is cool gives me time to save. SD
  9. Since I been recovering I had some time to do some custom 1s head with detail lens and removable visor. Also adjustable arms and new hands maybe for production soon still cleaning up some rough edges but here it goes. Sorry pics taken from my phone enjoy. SD
  10. I'm planning on making this kit with everything you see but still making change to it We will see When I get well from surgery I'll plan on it. Glad you thought it was a great armor it's thunder hammer chest pieces but add neck piece and some other 2 pieces but the chest piece will be changing So we will see. SD
  11. Here a little something I'm working on while I'm recovering from surgery on my broken leg Enjoy nightmare said you guys may like this. SD
  12. If you like 1/48 parts just hit me up and i will reply ASAP

  13. Ya, front chest,shoulders and new Tv head.
  14. I got your back enjoy SD
  15. Here are some more pics of the Betafighter with a 1/35 gakken . SD
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