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About Roycommi

  • Birthday 10/17/1972

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    Austin, TX

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. I was curious if you had been able to grab this image any better or if you had found any other sketches of this iteration of the VF-4? I am a huge fan of the ELS game and really like the 2036 and ELS designs. Those games were so full of great design work and its unfortunate its not more "out there".
  2. Hi, In 2036 the Daedalus 2 actually does a "Daedalus" attack against the Octy flagship :-P Whats cool is in the sequal of sorts, Eternal Love Song" which takes place in 2037, one of the unuits you get control of is the Prometheus 2, same ship type. Its kinda cool on some of the later levels to go into combat surrounded by Valkyries, Space Destroyers, and you with your ship and fighters (And yes the VF-4 Strike Siren kicks total ass). Here are a couple screen grabs i had from years ago: Daedalus2.bmp
  3. doh just looked above :-P
  4. I really enjoyed Macross F, probably the best right after the tv show. I had a bunch of questions and hadnt seen them answered anywhere. i plowed thru the discussion threads but there is so much i may have missed, feel free to direct me to a faq or similar if needed. Anywho: 1. What is Grace O'Connor? Some sort of robot i got, but who were all the other people that seemingly lived inside her? 2. It seems as if shes bound and determined to destroy the Vajra all the way up till the last ep, then she wants to control them and either wipe out humanity or embed us with the crystals and control us, i'm not sure. 3. Whats goin on with Macross Galaxy? It seems as if the entire Macross Galaxy fleet was on board with Grace and her bid to control the Vajra. Is that true? I mean you see all the dulfim ships and others fighting against our heroes in ep 25 and it seems pretty conveniant the whole fleet would go along with that. 4. Where is the main "island" for Macross Galaxy and all the surrounding "islands"? 5. In all seriousness, whats up with Alto? He has these two women who throw themselves at him and he almost seems completely detached. I get the feeling its playing to the vastly male audience to identify with a male protagonist who has woman throwing themselves at him, but, again in all seriousness, Alto seems like hes gay, at least in terms of the way he seems so totally uninterested in Sharyl and Ranka. 6. How did Grace fly in and then insert herself into the queens head so effortlessly? Where did that come from? was there some backstory about how she had figured out how to "jack in" to a vajra? It seemed as if they didnt even have the location of the homeworld until ep 24 and then she just flies thru all the planetary guards and right up to the queen then into their queen then into a little bubble and plugs in? in every other episode the vajra attack on sight. 7. The feeling i get is that the macross Galaxy fleet started attacking the Vajra then lead the vajra to Frontier to keep on attacking, is that true? 8. the Zentraedi naval detachment seemed to have found a earth type planet, why did Frontier not want that planet? What were they looking for instead of that type of world? 9. What was that rocky ring like structure surrounding the vajra homeworld? 10. So grace and Leon were in league, to do what? Kill the Vajra? 11. How does that Guy Bilrer figure into their plot? was he in on it all or some of it? 12. Berera worked against the macross Galaxy team for a umber of episodes, why wasnt he arrested or detained or whatever? Its not like he kept a low profile. or did they just never figure out he was the red valk guy? They quarantined the "Dulfim" crews when they rescued them early on so... 13. and so was the "rescue" of the ships from the Galaxy fleet in episode 7 or so just a ruse? Maybe its the translations i saw didnt convey this stuff properly, i saw the GG versions. Again loved the show just couldn't connect some dots.
  5. I would like to help if I may. I cant draw like boxer or lestat, and have too short an attention for codeing.
  6. I really do not get these statements. Did I not post two pages ago why it was more macross along macross's real meaning than say macross plus? Do people not read? Your oponion, No I dont read that.
  7. I thought it was a good Anime. Had nothing to do with Macross but a good anime series...
  8. Does anyopne have a better scan of the original? The jpeg artifacs are way too bad
  9. "Plasma Spear" (Bandai Entertainment Bible #51 Page 103) That plasma spear blew up a flagship????
  10. Thats sort of a mismash of stuff I read over a period of time. An old copy of either Protoculture Addicts or Mecha Press had done a series of articles on the Macross II mecha. IIRC, the VF-XX was either a set of schematics from a captured Zentran Factory or it was built using new technology gleaned from this factory. I think I remember this being connected with the Neld Space Fleet Crisis. It was mecha press. I've long lost the magazine but they had a huge thing on it, which immediately came to mind when I read your post. I have the mecha press and i think it is a translation of materials in Bclub 79, and als the Entertainment bible 51. Macross 2036 has the VF-1R series most prominalty. Macross ELS which takes place in the year 2037 has all the characters plus a few more from 2036. It also has a bunch of new mecha. Valkyrie wise it has the VF-4 Siren, The Super Siren and Strike Siren. About as official as any other game mecha I suppose, but very cool none the less.
  11. Uh oh, I think Nanashi took his site down. I cant get to any of the old links anymore. Are you still there WJ?
  12. Most of the grabs are from Macross Eternal Love Song
  13. http://www.roycommi.com/flash/Flash%20Anim-03.swf
  14. I prefer the original "Zstjenthoutlouaudhtei". Its so easy to spell and phonetically just rolls off the tongue.
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