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Everything posted by vigoro

  1. Wow, thanks guys for the quick and detailed response. I have the GFFMC Zaku II and think it is awesome as well and have just been thinking about potentially picking up one of the Justice versions (MB or MRS), this helps!
  2. Does anyone know what the differences are between the Metal Build / GFFMC / Metal Robot Spirits lines are? I actually have a couple but I can't really figure out what the differences between the lines are. The gundam.fandom.com wiki says the Metal Build is more 1/100 scale versus Metal Robot Spirits being closer to 1/144 scale (not sure what GFFMC scale is), but other than maybe a potential size difference, are there any other differences between them that I should consider when choosing a model in one line versus the other? All I know is regardless they are all very expensive!
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