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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. To those that already have this kit.
  2. I thought I'd make a thread to put all pics of the upcoming Yamato Ghost in. Here are the ones I found so far in the YF-19 and VF-0A threads. Although it doesn't transform or do anything but sit on the back of the VF-0, for some reason I love it. I hope Yamato doesn't screw up on the colors. It could ruin the realistic look of the VF-0A if they get it wrong.
  3. In the picture of the new type EVA there's a small pic with the new EVA next to a black EVA unit. Looks like the newer SOC EVA's will be a different scale. WHICH SUCKS!!
  4. A thread like this about SOC in general is long overdue. btw. The link to the ToyboxDX forum for Walker Gallier doesn't work.
  5. Something is a millimeter off?! Where...where?!?!
  6. Must...resist.....temp..tation..to buy...now... Must.....wait..for..second release... Anyone else notice that beautiful Ghost on the back of the VF-0A? ME WANT!!
  7. Anyone know how to make good shots with a Sony T1 camera? Please keep in mind that a tripod can NOT be attached to this particular model.
  8. From HLJ to Australia would cost 112 Australian Dollars. I'll post some pics once I get mine.
  9. Mine shipped today! Can't wait for it to arrive.
  10. Gundam kits don't need any glue, so I guess not.
  11. What he said. Either that or the VF-0A.
  12. Any new magazines out? I'm dying to see some new pics. Even the boxart will do.
  13. I'd buy two in a heartbeat.
  14. Are you guys serious? You don't know Danny Choo?
  15. I'm starting to think the VF-0A is the best representation of a VF Yamato did up to now.
  16. If the photo's are digital I could probably make a repeating gif file for you. PM me if you're interested and I'll send you my email adress to send the pics too. If I make it small enough you might be able to use it as your animated avatar.
  17. Vlenhoff- I think you have eyesonme78 confused with sci70716.
  18. Oops, must have missed your second post. It worked perfectly! Thanks for the advice.
  19. Also check out the last pics he made in that series. Lots of Valk goodies.
  20. I'd love to see that! great pics.
  21. I like the detail and overall look but it's just a bit to small. I'll wait for Yamato to their version...if they ever do one.
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