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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. No it doesn't. You need to convert it to MPEG4 to be able to play it on your PSP. There are special freeware programs available which are very user unfriendly.
  2. Looks like they're trying to match the colors of the VF-0A and doing a bad job at it. But why? Lets get some facts straight. - VF-0A is announced. Great news! - Kawamori states that Shin never flew a VF-0A with his own color scheme but instead flew a normal CF like all the other grunts. Thats not what I saw in the anime, but Kawamori knows best I guess. - According to the HFH the CF color is grey instead of light brown. Again, thats not what we all saw in the anime, but Kawamori knows best I guess. - The VF-0A is released and we all love it and forget about the fact that its non cannon. - The Ghost gets announced. KEWL!!! - Pics from a hobbyshow show the Ghost as being very light grey instead of dark grey like in the anime. And on top of that there's a Ghost in some weird colorscheme that matches that of a new non cannon 1/48 GBP. - The Ghost at the hobbyshow is sitting on the back of a grey CF VF-0A with the white stripes we all know to be Shin's, but again, the colors are off. Conclusion: Everything about the VF-0A turned out to be non cannon because none of the toys that are released by Yamato are ever shown in the anime. One more question; WHY!!!!11
  3. To each his own. One person gets his satisfaction out of the fact that he/she owns all items in a certain toyline. The other gets his kicks from looking at his/her displaycase and seeing a well balanced collection containing the items he/she likes.
  4. WOW! Great work. Everyting is just right about this. The modelling, the fact that you used Ferrari, the fotography, even the base looks great. Beautiful!
  5. I'm kind of hoping Yamato won't do the Supernova scheme's cause I wouldn't be able to choose which one to get which means I'd have to get both. I bet they'd get released around the same time as the potential YF-21. I need to get a second job.
  6. Is my webcam on again? Ooh you're talking about the SDF....nevermind.
  7. I have the same problem every time I change my avatar. I solved the problem by uploading an avatar to an imaga server like imageshack, then linking to that url.
  8. Dante74

    1/48 GBP

    That fanmade custom looks a LOT better than the Yamato.
  9. The plastic used for the FAST packs looks very cheap and low quality. And IMO the booster still looks like a lightup dildo. The YF-19, however, looks beter every time new pics appear. God that thing is so beautiful!
  10. Thanks for the link ikhii. I'll just insert the pics in here. credit goes to whoever made them. Sorry, can't read Japanese. For areaseven's sake, please don't quote the images.
  11. Thanks for the new pics. Maybe you should post them in Wave 1/5000 kit thread and the 1/60 YF-19 thread.
  12. Found this in the new GBP thread. Though I should add it here. That's a Ghost there on the right. Looks like there's already an alternate colorscheme in the works.
  13. Dante74

    1/48 GBP

    This GBP does deserve its own VF in matching colors. Preferably a VF-1S.
  14. Dante74

    1/48 GBP

    See the Ghost on the right? So this is what was blurred out on the pics in the YF-19 and Ghost threads. Looking very nice. If they release it around juli of next year I'll get it. Don't have the cash right now. EDIT* And the Ghost has the same color scheme as the GBP. It hasn't been released yet and already there's more than one colorscheme.
  15. It's a Ghost, like the one on the back of the VF-0A.
  16. The color of the fueltanks and missilepods look fine. The Ghost on the other hand, looks way too light. Nani is right, it should be a metallic dark gray. Graham, any info on a releasedate/week/month/year/? Is the Ghost ONLY going to be released with a VF-0A Shin or will these be released separately?
  17. So, anyone looking to buy a VF-0A CF? j/k I guess this way I can pose all three of them in a different mode. I always loved the VF-0S in Gerwalk mode. I kind of expected Yamato to release a Shin type eventually. Just didn't think it would appear so soon.
  18. Same here (although with a different smily)
  19. Patched look or not, it looks absolutely great. What's the next project gonna be? I bet you could even get a Regult to fly.
  20. So what's the reason there's still no pics of the con except of some of the customs? Is it because ya'll got nekkid and nasty and made a blood vow to never let the outside world know what really happened?
  21. I can't wait to see it in my own two hands~ Great Photoshopping on that pic Nani?!
  22. No need to design new VF's?!?! BLASPHEMY!! A new series/movie/whatever is just the right reason to design new VF's. That way Yamato won't run out of toys to release in a couple of years.
  23. The marketing machine would be at full steam by now if anything was planned for release. Maybe we'll get something for the 30th anniversary.
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