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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. 1/48 two-seaters? Not gonna happen. read this post from Graham.
  2. Just to get everybody excited over what is probably nothing here's an old link to some interesting old news.
  3. It was about friggin' time! They still had the 20th anniversary logo on there.
  4. Every time I look at the videos I'm amazed at the enginuity of the transformation process Yamato designed to get around the problems Kawamori created with all that anime magic. After watching the vids and seeing how complicated the transformation is I wonder if people, in Japan or elsewhere where the toy is available in shops, buy this for their kids not realizing how complicated it is.
  5. Just watched them all twice. Great video's Graham. The quality of the vids is fine and I love the T-shirt.(did that sound like a girly thing to say? ) To those members ready to complain about it not being in widescreen, Hi Definition, THX, Dolby Digital 9.1 Surround Sound,...P*ss off. You handle the toy quite roughly IMO. In a way I'm glad to see that, because it proves that it is a sturdy designed piece of art.
  6. Downloading Mecha Porn now... Thanks for the effort Graham. It's much appreciated.
  7. Don't count on any 1/48 two-seaters. read this post from Graham...
  8. Maxi, You might not want to put your e-mail adress online like that. Rather PM it.
  9. By red stripes you mean the Wolf Squadron colors? Those are just a bonus that Yamato added to the stickersheet for the VF-0A and are non-cannon. Shins VF-0A had white stripes.
  10. Damn.. I guess I'll have to go for some 1/60 two-seaters then.
  11. So you're gonna watch Mac Zero after coming back from Japan? You might want to buy some VF-0's while your there 'cause after watching the OVA you'll sure as hell want some VF-0 goodness to display/play with. Graham, Thanks for putting up the first partial video. I never would have thought it to be so big. And you handle it so well... No wait...I didn't mean it like that... Can't wait to see more.
  12. Yes please! But first get the colors right.
  13. Looks like its sold out at HLJ. It'll be restocked in december...which probably means late december or early january.
  14. The only thing I can make of it is maybe a tunnel boring machine or a deep sea research robot vessel?...
  15. Graham's review clearly shows the first release YF-19 to be much more solid than the VF-0S. Like with the VF-0 line, I think Yamato will probably release a different color variant before going back to this M+ YF-19 meaning a rerelease could be a long way off. As this is my favorite version of the 19 I'm not prepared to wait that long so I'll order one as soon as I have the necessary funds. I'll try to wait for the Ghost release before ordering the YF-19 to cut the cost of shipping. (If I can hold out that long ) Looking at the pics in the transformation guide a video would work best IMHO. So you have lots of pics of previously unreleased Yamato products on your harddrive? Would you be so kind as to give me your IP please?... j/k I sure hope Eugimon is the prophet...
  16. I'm sure you mean YF-19 instead of YF-21. Right?...
  17. Viagra? Thanks for the review Graham. Can't wait to get home tonight and have a good long hard read.
  18. I noticed the same thing. They look like Detolf but better.
  19. ??? The only thing I can think of is that you had sex with Hurin to get his Admin password. *EDIT*No Fair!! You can edit your posts without it showing!
  20. Mods have acces to the main site? The figures look great, especially the dirty looks Roy gives the viewer.
  21. The rear landing gear looks kind of weird. Does it use the same system the VF-0 does?
  22. I was hoping that seeing pics of peoples YF-19 would keep me from wanting it for myself untill a second production run, but it did just the opposite. I WANT ONE!!!!111
  23. Damn... that's harsh...althought he did ask for it. I'm sure that'll keep members from posting a 'Who do I have to blow to get a custom title around here!'reply.
  24. Macross World Forums We're so geeky we include temporal anomalies in our discussions about Japanes toys Eat your heart out Trekkies!!
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