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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. LOL! When I was a kid and Macross toys weren't around here in the Netherlands and the internet didn't exist yet (yes kids, there was a time when people had to get through an entire evening without surfing the net! ), I made a lego version of a VF-1. It should still be intact somewhere in my parents attic. I should look it up and put it in my display case with the Yamato's. If the HFH can play with Lego, I sure as hell can too!
  2. I seriously hope you're right. Roy's VF-0S in Reactive armor would look great in my display case next to Ivanov's black SV-51! I need to get me a couple of Flexistands to pose them as if they were on the carrier deck duking it out.
  3. Tried to find the pics last night but couldn't find them. I'll start up my old laptop tonight, hopefully they're still on there or on an old backup dvd. EDIT* Well, I looked everywhere but can't find them. Sorry
  4. Why would you swear off Yamato after two bad experiences? Women cost even more than Yamato's, but you didn't swear off girls after your first two break-ups did you? j/k
  5. Dante74

    VF-0A 1/60

    Oh, and welcome to Macross World!
  6. T.V., Are you in the aircracft industry or are you just plane crazy like David Hingten? (by plane crazy I mean crazy about planes )
  7. I wonder if they'll keep the (very obvious) hints at the orgasms, which they experience during the 'union', in the english dub.
  8. I forgot about that, sorry. Am I the only one here that thinks the FAST packs in their ugliest form are the ones on the VF-11? (images borowed from http://www.steelfalcon.com/Macross/Images/index.html) In fighter mode they look okay, but in battroid mode it's like two shoeboxes are sitting on the VF-11's back. The design of the VF-11's battroid is quite elegant, it almost looks feminine, however, the FAST packs on it are very boxy which doesn't fit at all with the design of the VF-11. (I know there is no air friction in space so it wouldn't matter anyway) IMO the only VF to get away with FAST packs, from a purely visual perspective, is the VF-1. Actually, it doesn't just get away with them, they really give it a more powerfull menacing profile, especially with the beam cannon. Something about this silhouet says 'speeding train that'll stop for no one'. It's probably because it looks like it's leaning forward. Just my two cents. (Eurocents that is )
  9. I'm with Fort Max. Looks very close to the Hasegawa. The length of the nose is the biggest difference as far as I can tell.
  10. I agree that Yamato should take a good look at what type of plastic they choose for specific parts of the mechanism, but the backpack hinge on the 1/48 is not the same sort of plastic used as on the shoulders of the VF-0.
  11. That would mean that the Nora-with-boosters variant will have all the fixes which is fine by me. Can anyone that can read the text get a release date? It says 2007 but does it say which month? This really looks like a toy thats supposed to sit in a display cabinet and not one to be played with.
  12. If I'm not mistaken, the box in the lower right corner is for the Urban Camo GBP
  13. Looks like it has a broken back in fighter mode. Color looks spot on. Weren't the first pics, in the form of CAD images, to be released in march? EDIT* LOL!! Garwalk mode! HAHAHA. Gerwalk looks very nice though.
  14. Dante74

    VF-1S Hikaru

    Aaahhh stop it you, I'm getting all misty. Have fun with your 1/48, I'm sure it won't be your last.
  15. I was reading the YF-19 thread the other day and started wondering about the nessecity of FAST packs on VF's other than the VF-1. Why would the developers of suchs advanced transforming aircraft as the YF-19 and 21 need to put extra parts on it for it to fly in space or to hold missiles? It makes the FAST packs seem a bit like an afterthought to me. I can imagine that the VF-1 would need them because during that period the technology wasn't needed. (Or so they thought) The VF-1 was developed as a traditional aircraft. Space War 1 made it necessary for them to fly in space so they added the FAST packs. After that they knew that every VF made would need to be able to fly in space. Why wouldn't they incorperate the extra missiles and rockets into the VF? My theory is that Kawamori found out that the VF-1 looked damn hot with FAST packs and wanted to capture that look with later VF designs. He even put something simular on the VF-0 in the form of extra fuel tanks on the legs. IMO the only VF-1 that deserves FAST packs is the VF-1. They add a certain power to the design. Any thoughts?
  16. Dante74

    What scale Destroids?

    Also voted 1/60. The Monster is on the top of my Destroid-list, but I'd rather see some 1/60 enemy mecha like the Regult. Looks pretty easy and cheap for Yamato to develop. I know they won't sell well enough to justify even the low developmentcosts of a non-transforming mech. The Queadluun-Rau proved that point, but a man can dream can't he?
  17. Ah, finally someone posted pics of the problem area's on the 19. It's pretty hard to imagine where these are when you don't actualy own the toy. (yet) Thanks Macross73!
  18. Looks really promising Jason! Am I reading this right? Is the VF-1 piloted by capt. J.L. Man Muffin? I disagree. If it was a Roy, Hikaru, Max or Kakizaki VF it would have been white anyway. As this is a CF it should be piloted by a CF pilot. BTW: I do hope Jason will take the time to create hero versions of a couple of renders somewhere down the line.
  19. Thanks! Might I ask where you got these from?
  20. Great site, but too bad the hi-rez versions of the pics are gone and the links to the video's are dead.
  21. Be carefull, you don't wanna jinx it do you?
  22. They're making a YF-21? I don't think so. EDIT* BTW Isn't it great how this thread got to be 10 pages long and we haven't even seen ANY pics or CAD drawings of the actual product?
  23. I think we have another Kensei/Godzilla in the making here...
  24. Sorry for dragging up this old thread, didn't know where else to post this. For those of you that still don't have a 1/48 GBP or need some more, HLJ is offering the regular blue/red/white version with a 20% discount. Check it here.
  25. LOL!!! Or eleven dutch songs.
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