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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Don't you mean 'You always dissagree, so you don't duke!' As in Duke Togo vs Count Togo?... get it? Anybody?...
  2. Wow! Thanks Mechmaster! If you don't mind I'll download the models too. I'm just getting into 3d modeling with 3DS and these would be great study objects. Do you know any way to convert them from c4d files to 3ds files?
  3. Good question! Now I want to know too. For me, it's a draw between the VF-1 and the VF-11. The VF-1 because it's the mother of all variable fighters, and the VF-11 because it's, IMHO, the perfect mix of all that's sexy on the YF-21 and the YF-19. (in fighter mode anyway)
  4. Hey Mechmaster, could you render a couple more images and post them in the VF-1a Photoshop Madness thread? Thanks!
  5. Either that or Graham knew too much. Has anybody heard anything from Graham since the meeting?...
  6. What if it's some kind of side story? That would, most likely, mean they'll use existing VF designs, which would be kind of dumb from a marketing point of view. (As in no new toys/ model kits etc. to release upon the masses.) Wow, I just answered my own question didn't I?...
  7. If they're doing auditions now, does that mean the animation is already done or do they do it the other way around? Maybe Kawamori dressed his Space-Time Wars part of the "Genius Party"-project up in Macross clothes? Let's hope not!
  8. There you go. That's all the proof I need Yamato commited to making the Low Vis 1 a 'limited edition' release. If they were to release a Valk with the exact same color scheme and just a different head they would loose a lot of credibility. I know; 'how could they loose any more credibility after the VF-0A CF/Shin debacle?(ShinGate, brought to light by Graham, our very own Deepthroat )' Remember it supposedly was Kawamori who said that Shin never had a custom VF-0A but instead flew a standard CF, not Yamato. Yamato owns the rights to the Mac Zero license so they can make any color scheme they like. So what if Kawamori calls the Shin VF-0A non cannon, Yamato doesn't care cause the fans will buy it anyway. Punishable by complete Valk depravation.
  9. 1) Vf-1S Low Vis or Enigma (i rather the low vis gray scheme, but either way would be nice) a rerelease of the Low Vis is not gonna happen, the Low Vis colorscheme was a limited release. 2) Thunder Hammer. Can anyone seriously resist this??? U might say you can, but in the end, you would buy it, and you know it!!! Again, not gonna happen. IIRC the Thunder Hummer is a kitbash, so it's not cannon. I don't think Yamato will make molds for a non-cannon item. BUT, if they were to make it, I too wouldn't be able to resist buying it.
  10. EDIT: Never mind. EDIT2: That's it, I'm checking Macross.co,jp on a daily basis!
  11. How brave,...posing next to the executioners tool. Ambitious project, I wish you good luck.
  12. Down boy down! I'm getting excited! Who's 'Victor'? and what's 'Moonphase'?
  13. Is that one frame of an animation or one render?!?
  14. The surface looks a too shiny, maybe you could give it a more mat finish. Excellent work though!
  15. Graham, Very smart of you to start this thread only a couple of hours before the actual meeting on Superbowl night. Keeps most of those pesky Americans busy so we get a chance to ask the really important questions..
  16. I have a couple of questions too! Damn, I'm late to the party. Why isnt the Ghost the proper color? It should be dark grey. Will the gunpod fix be ready in time fore the 19/booster combo release? When will the 19/booster be released? Will there be a Reactive Armor for the VF-0S?
  17. Yup, it's the Soul of Chogokin GX-22 EVA-04 Yes, it's the Hot Toys ED209 and it's waaaaaaay bigger than the 1/48's more comparison pics here Sure, here you go The PG Strike Rouge is slightly taller than the 1/48 VF-1 when standing straight.
  18. You might want to order something extra or else the shipping's gonna cost you more than the item. And just to get this thread back on topic I'll post some pics of my little collection. a close up of the Yammies
  19. WTF!? How did I miss this thread!? That looks amazing! When are you gonna paint it?
  20. OMFG! It looks amazingly stable. Can't wait to see the finished model. Good luck with the move and your studies.
  21. Forget about fast delivery and read this thread. Opinions on HLJ
  22. Thanks David. Soooo, anyone know where the 51's gunpod goes in fightermode?
  23. I was only kiddin ya Ruskii. I too learned about Maccros through watching Robotech on a saterday morning show. I think it was on the Super Channel, one of the first cabel networkstations on in the Netherlands. before that we only had two Dutch channels and three German channels. Hanging around on the couch zapping through the channels to see what was on tv didn't take very long back then. Now, could someone enlighten me and explain what joshin is? Even Google can't find anything on it. Ahw damn, now I forgot what the thread was about!
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