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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. I think it's because Isamu's helmet is a lot bigger than the VF-1 pilot's helmet.
  2. I did! Great work, mind if I put a link to the site in my sig?
  3. Some time ago, while browsing the net looking for Macross stuff, I came upon some pics of the Hasegawa Reactive Armor (RA) kit and thought how great it would be if Yamato would make it for the 1/60 VF-0 line. Just look at the pic below. Wouldn't it be great to have one of those in your display cabinet! So here's a couple of questions for y'all. Do you think Yamato will ever make the 1/60 RA for the VF-0S? The RA doesn't get a whole lot of screen time in Mac Zero (They didn't even bother to make a CG model for it, they used traditional animation for the RA and went back to CG the moment Roy Lost the RA) How much do you think Yamato will charge for a Reactive Armor. (Don't post how much you're willing to pay for it, we don't want to give Yamato any ideas do we?) Is it possible that you're the father of Anna Nicole's baby? Would you buy an extra VF-0 just for the Reactive Armor? Did Yamato prepare the 1/60 VF-0 for the RA? (I have two VF-0's, but I'm too lazy to check for any possible attachment points for the RA) Important note! This is a thread about us fans wanting Yamato to make a Reactive Armor to go along with our VF-0S, NOT a thread about possible ways for Yamato to screw up on another product, so LET'S KEEP IT POSITIVE!!! Please don't post ANY smartass comments about how Yamato will probably make it a poor rendition littered with QC problems that costs waaaay too much. The Yamato rant thread was specially made for those kind of comments, so keep them there. Let the Wishful thinking begin!
  4. I just saw the your thread and that's some nice Photoshop work there. I wish a real Yamato VF-0 could do that kind of posing.
  5. I was just kidding around, hence the and .
  6. If I were Graham I'd ban all you haters and be done with it! That's one of the benefits of a forumocracy, the owner gets to kick whoever gets on his nerves.
  7. Wow Kicker, you have a very impressive DVD collection! Could you move those Valks out of the way so we can see better? j/k Looks like a dreamcollection for the 1/48 to me. @Mog Great job on those poses, can't wait to get my Flexi Stands now.
  8. I gotta agree with you there. VLC Player is a down to earth, easy to use Media Player that plays it ALL without the fancy pancy, skin choice, vizualisation, add ons, whatever. I use a Belkin. It never failed me and it was very easy to set up.
  9. I don't think Yamato will include the missiles into the FB set but release it separately instead. Quote from Graham's report of the meeting.
  10. When the Stealth was released they already had the FAST packs ready to go along with it, so they gave us opportunity to choose the set we wanted. The YF-19 was already on the market when they decided to develop and release the fold booster. It's only logical for Yamato to release the FB set sepperatly AND combined with the 19 cause that's what they did with the Stealth, they're giving us a choice to buy the set we want.
  11. You wanna know what I think? I think Macross World needs a big ol' group hug! So, where do we meet?
  12. So, what total station do you use? Reason I'm interested is, I used to be a surveyor. Whaaat? a Total Station has a computer in it too you know, so it's a legit quesion for this thread right?
  13. I agree. If there was something big on the horizon like a movie or series, there would be more of a buzz. Games use voice actors, maybe it's (just) a game. Although in that case, why would there be a whole new website on its way?
  14. I have an AMD Turion 64X2 laptop, with an Nvidia 6150 card and 2 Gigs of memory, it should run Vista without any problems. I'm getting the copy of Vista for free because I bought the computer late last year. I'd be a fool to pass up on a 200 euro piece of software that I can get for free. XP media edition runs very smoothly on the system so, at the moment, there is no real reason for me to install Vista, but I'm such a sucker for new technology, software and gadgets! Of course there is absolutely no mention on the Nvidia site of troubles with running Vista using my graphics card, they even say it was developed with Vista in mind.
  15. My copy of Vista is on it's way, anyone know if it's any good? I've read the magazines and stuff, but I know there's some REAL professionals around here so I'd rather get your opinions.
  16. He was too drunk to remember any meeting so he won't post any responses. Actually, he stated that there isn't that much to report on, cause the Yamato rep. was kinda tired from the journey and they just ate and drank a lot.
  17. I had a GIF wallpaper once, but my computer became so frakking slow that it would take 2 minutes to update a view If Vista supports MPEG wallpapers, GIF's should be no problem at all and I'll sure as hell make some more GIF's. Besides, I've got a brand new laptop that's a whole lot faster than my old one.
  18. I'll refrain from voting, cause I don't own one yet. The results thus far really surprise me, with all the b!tching that has been going on lately I expected a lot more people to vote POS. Looks like the YF-19 isn't such a bad toy after all.
  19. WOW! Those are great Zinjo! I especially like the last one with the Max & Millia Valks.
  20. Dante74


    My ignore list is getting so big it's ridiculous.
  21. I agree, Graham shouldn't do the drinking. This quote is from the YF-19 thread. Maybe Yamato gave Graham permission to disclose all he knows about upcoming releases, but he just drank so much that he forgot all about it. BTW. shouldn't this be in the Conventions and Local gatherings thread?
  22. Found this while cruizin' the net and thought I'd share it. Mods, if this has been posted before, please delete. (image by Jose Manuel Liébana Santamarta) I found it on www.3dtotal.com in the gallery section which has lots of very nice 3d images, including a spectacular EVA image.
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